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  • No underscore between each parameter, and use = between parameter and definition. Example displays 8 small images with the hashtag #yourtag and with each image linked to its Instagram feed:

    [si_feed limit=8 size=small link=true tag=yourtag]

    The author(s) have stated that this plugin currently does NOT work, in the very first paragraph on the plugin page.

    Sad to say that this renders useless for anyone who hasn’t kept a record of their INK361 “recovery code”, because without it there’s no way to restore the plugin and make it work since the upgrade of week 42/2013. I am not even sure if I ever _got_ such a code, since I usually keep anything related to registrations.

    Until the plugin creator chimes in: From what I’ve found, it seems as the plugin automatically adjusts the height of all “boxes” based on the tallest box on the page. One “hack”, then, would be to write all excerpts the same length and edit the featured images so that they have the same height.

    No help from me, sorry, just adding to the topic. I too am having this problem, except it’s a fresh install. Plugin activated, widget placed in sidebar, nothing on the website (other widgets in the sidebar showing just fine). Have tried removing the other widgets, changing from HTTPS to HTTP, clearing update locks (“nothing to clear”), still nothing.

    Thread Starter Birgit


    The flu got me, but I’ve finally been able to test this now. It seemed to work like a charm, but then I noticed that it’s returning the date of the latest posted entry only, for all listed entries. Tips, please?

    Thread Starter Birgit


    Thank you, I will have to test this over the weekend! Will post back. ??

    Bumping this; a widget/plugin similar to this one would be very helpful: I have looked at author widgets and the closest I’ve gotten so far is this one: which almost does what I need it to do except displaying the titles of the x latest posts for each author. A possibility to link each author to a site specific user photo and not the gravatar would be swell too (combining the .com widget with this: ). If the plugin already exists, please give a pointer to where it may be found. Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter Birgit


    Thanks again! ?? I got this to work, kind of:

    //The Query
    $args = array(
    	'posts_per_page' => 1,
    	'post__in'  => get_option('sticky_posts'),
    	'caller_get_posts' => 1
    //The Loop
    if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
    <h4><?php the_title() ?>:</h4><?php if(!empty($post->post_excerpt)) {
    //This post has an excerpt, so display it
    echo "<a href='<?php the_permalink() ?>'>read more</a>";
    } else {
    // This post have no excerpt
    echo "<a href='#'>archive</a>";
    } ?>
    <?php endwhile; else:endif;
    //Reset Query

    Except it displays the full entry and not the entry up to the “more” snippet (also displays the link to archive, which is good). I greatly appreciate any further help on this. ??

    Thread Starter Birgit


    Thank you for helping out! ?? I get a syntax error, “unexpected ‘<‘ ” – I believe it’s the starting < in the link tag right after the_excerpt which is the culprit.

    Here’s my full code:

    //The Query
    $args = array(
    	'posts_per_page' => 1,
    	'post__in'  => get_option('sticky_posts'),
    	'caller_get_posts' => 1
    //The Loop
    if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
    <h4><?php the_title() ?>:</h4><?php if(!empty($post->post_excerpt)) {
    //This post has an excerpt, so display it
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">read more</a>
    } else {
    // This post have no excerpt
    <a href="#">archive</a>
    } ?>
    <?php endwhile; else:endif;
    //Reset Query


    Brilliant! Thanks so much!



    Thank you, very helpful! ?? What if I actually do want to display the widget on archive/category pages and not only on the single post pages?

    Specific case: Site is a sports news site. Category is handball, sub categories are local handball teams. For each team, one text widget. For each single post about a team, the widget appears, like described. I would love to display the widget(s) on the archive page for “handball” as well. Plural form because there will be one widget for each team on that archive page.



    Is it possible to combine



    is_category('x') || in_category('x')

    ? I can’t seem to find a way to hide this widget from the front page/index.. Thanks in advance!

    You are not supposed to call the mt.php file directly. Go to your WP admin panel, then look under Manage for the Import sub menu.

    Just a small comment on this; when I wanted to import a Blogger blog to WP, I was experiencing the same error, and for what it’s worth, this seems to be a Blogger bug of temporary character.

    The Blogger I was working on was originally FTPed to a private account, and had to be published to BlogSpot in order to have the WP import feature to work. After I’d changed the settings at Blogger, there was a delay of several hours until the error messages went away and the Blogspot publishing started working. The exact same thing happened when the Blogger was put back to its original FTP status (the client wanted to continue blogging while we were working on the new site). The errors were “001 EOF while reading from control connection” and “004 Not logged in”. Googling revealed that others had experienced the same thing: the errors appearing, no explanation anywhere to what they might mean, and then all of a sudden the errors disappearing and everything working as normal.

    One solution which seemed to work for some, though, was simply logging out of Blogger and then log in again to re-publish.

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