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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [vooPlayer v4] Doesn't workHi Bob – Not sure why you are getting that error, haven’t seen that bug at all. Please make sure you are using one of the supported video formats as that could be the issue.
It supports these formats on self-hosted videos:
.flv, .mp4, .m4v, .f4v, .mov, .webm, .ogv
And of course Youtube vids as well.
If for some reason you still have issues it would be great if you contacted us at so we could take a look. Thanks!
You see all the settings when you create a Page or Post. Once created you just scroll down under the editor and the plugin settings are all there.
This was fixed a long time ago, make sure you are using updated version. For quicker support visit
Iamhere – Honestly not sure about that one, never tried it! If you try it I’d like to know if it works.
Hey Mike – Yes we are around, sorry. We just don’t check this that often. Best way to get in touch with us is via our blog.
Here are the answers to your questions:
1) It references our site for license verification. All the files are there.
2) We would prefer if you didn’t as we obviously can’t guarantee it will still work. And we can no longer support it if you change the code. But if you want to do it you can.
3) We got the delay down as much as we could and felt that the delay was pretty negligible, so yes that is normal.Hi Heathie – In order to do that you will need to set the expired time and then publish your content at 11:59PM.
As an example – If you want your page to expire on Wed at 11:59PM, you could set up a page on Monday and set it to expire in 2 days and publish it at 11:59PM on Monday, hence it will expire at 11:59 on Wed.
We are considering adding a “set time to expire” feature to our next version, as this has been a request from a few people.
For more help please see
Hey there – Sorry I forgot to reply to this! Yes, this is possible. We have added it to the list for possible new features for the next version. However I’m not sure when it will be released at this point. Your best bet is to check our blog from time to time – we will release new update news on it there.
It means the page will expire for EVERYONE at the specified time. So if you set it to expire in 2 days, it will expire for everyone in 2 days whether they open it 5 mins after you publish it or 1 day after you publish it. Either way, it’ll expire in 2 days.
Not sure about the 365 to be honest, have to ask my developers if it will work with what you did.
Hi – thanks for your questions. I’ll do my best to answer them.
If you set by cookie, then if they use another machine or clear their cookies, then the expiration will not be tracked. It will start over.
If you set by IP, it tracks by IP. If they clear their cookies, it will still track. If they use a different machine, it will still track as long as it is in the same IP (same location, same external IP address).
If you set “fixed for all” – then everyone, regardless of what machine or where they are, will get expired at a certain time. If you set it to expire in 2 days, then it will expire for EVERYONE in 2 days.
Hope this helps. If you have any other questions let me know.
Hi again,
Sorry, we only have it up till 31 days currently. I will add that to the list of possible updates for our next version. Thanks for the suggestion ??
Yes, this plugin will do exactly that.
Hi Ron,
My name is Bill, I’m John’s partner. The issue has absolutely nothing to do with ‘server’ time or ‘local’ time. The plugin is much more complex than that. However after a few other people reported this same issue to us, one person did allow us access to their admin and our programmers have figured out the issue.
A new update to this plugin will be out next week, hopefully it will work for you if you decide to give it a try.
The reason we need access is because, if you have every developed and supported software before, it’s very difficult to pinpoint an issue with just the user’s explanation. We need our programmers to actually see the issue, the blog’s set-up, plugins, etc…
Also, that other plugin you mentioned is nothing compared to what Page Expiration Robot can do. Actually, they are quite different.
Good luck