Forum Replies Created
i can email you the pro plugin if you want to take a look
I tried it. It still makes my firebase login disappear and it makes my firebase data no longer show. I even tried disabling analytics and storage in the integrate firebase plugin. it still interferes. i really wish we could figure this out i do not know why it is impossible for me to impliment push notifications like every other website in the world.
does the app id need to be the same as the one used in integrate firebase pro or can it be different?
I enabled both those scripts and the plugin still makes my firebase ui web login disappear and my firebase data disappear
What if I tried adding the firebase messaging script to the integrate firebase plugin, then referenced that same firebase object from your plugin? I think what is happening is, integrate firebase pro has a feature where we can add custom scripts, and when we enque those scripts in functions, it enques a reference to firebase app. Somehow that must be it because the plugin still makes my firebaseui_web and firebase data disappear.
Awesome. I am going to download your app and message you there. I looked at your website and am very interested in engaging you guys.
I appreciate all the hard work. Unfortunately it is still interfering with the other firebase functions on my site. The firebaseui_web login disappears and the pages which display firebase data also disappears. I will try to narrow down the exact problem. It may be because I am also enqueing custom scripts using the firebase app object. I cleared my ls cache and my browser cache and it still interferes. This has been most difficult for me to solve. I do look forward to seeing what you come up with for the other firebase integrations as well. It would be really nice to use WordPress as a full cms for firebase data and sync all buddypress buddyboss data with firebase. A really fast and scalable mobile app for WordPress could be created like this, which would successfully make the app serve data from firebase and therefore not have to strain WordPress server while also distribute through Google global cdn. This would be a real innovation. I will stay in touch and look forward to figuring this out with you.
It is still trying to define firebase which is already defined. attached screenshot.
Because I use both firebase auth as well as database to display data from android app with firebase backend, the firebase-app is already defined via firebase cdn. So even if I were to disable the push scripts on certain pages to remove conflict with firebase, it still wants to log user out as they browse through the site, because it is interfering with the existing firebase init. I would really love to solve this problem, and have asked the creator of integrate firebase plugin for help, but he does not seem to be interested in making his plugin compatible with firebase push notifications. I do not know why this is. But if we can figure it out, I know there is a group of people who will be very interested, because the other solutions with one signal are not satisfactory, and always display a bell on the page.
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by bikerflyeradmin.
Wow thank you. I will test now and let you know. I really appreciate it and please so let me know how I can support you.
Also, for some reason after I think your plugin left some code on my site which interferes with the cache, because after I installed and then had to uninstall and delete it, my videos will no longer play when embedded into twitters feed, such as YouTube videos do. Could you tell me what tables I should look for in my database that I could manually delete until I figure out how to make your plugin compatible with my litespeed cache plugin?
Wow, thank you so very much! I will be glad to contribute to your plugin for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WunderAutomation] Use returned data in next stepHave you ever figured this out? I cannot find any info on it either, or get any support from the plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Material Design Google] How to place Logo in center of top barThank you. I will try it. While I have you on the line, can I ask if there is a hook to show user avatars in the comments like my last theme did? I am using buddyboss platform. Thank you so much??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Zapier for WordPress] Doesn’t worksame problem here. Cannot connect wordpress No matter what i do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Header and Footer Scripts] AdSense script not being foundHello, have you ever received a response? I am having the same problem. Have they abandoned this plugin?