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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove over-long excerptWhat plugin are you using that is causing this issue?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken Images on websiteImages are broken on every page but your homepage which is interesting. Could be a lot of things.
First thing I’d try is disabling all plugins and seeing if the issue goes away. If it does, it’s one of your plugins. Re-enable them one by one until you find the culprit.
If it’s not a plugin I’d try resetting your permalinks. Just go to settings->permalinks and choose a different permalink structure, save, then set it back to the original permalink structure and save.
I’d start there and see if you have any luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Switching from yootheme to elementorThe term easy is relative. Difficult tasks become easy with lots of practice.
For a pro, it might be easy, but it would still take quite some time to setup the new theme, setup or create new templates, copy/paste new content and so on. It also depends if you’re looking to simply port the same design or if you want to refresh your website’s design.
For someone unfamiliar with WordPress and Elementor, there would be a pretty steep learning curve and the end result would likely be unsatisfactory.
Quizzes have been moved from WP Courses Premium to the WP Courses Free. Each quiz has navigation buttons like question 1, question 2, question 3, etc. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by your second question. Probably best to download WP Courses and test out quizzes to see if they meet your needs.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Plugin Search Rankings on Not Making SenseAppreciate the feedback. I can’t believe there’s a spelling error in the title. Will be correcting that immediately. Good point with redundancy as well.
I can see how the system could flag “course” being used too many times.
Your feedback in regards to the readme is especially helpful. Makes me think I should do a thorough review and see if I can get some additional user feedback on it. Could definitely be more helpful and clearer.
Again, much appreciated!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Plugin Search Rankings on Not Making SenseThanks for the title update. Definitely an improvement ??
IMO, the search algorithm isn’t great. A search for “course” produces a membership plugin as the second result. Yoast SEO ranks above many other well established course creation plugins. Yoast is great, but the result is irrelevant.
I’d argue that the algorithm isn’t placing enough importance on keywords and is thus delivering a subpar user experience. Seems popularity plays a big role.
I’m worried I’m doing something wrong that’s somehow penalizing WP Courses as it’s recently been hammered in the search results and ranks below other plugins with bad reviews and which are completely irrelevant to the search. I’m not looking to game the results.
Best way to handle this is to create a coupon code that’s good for that course only, is its exact value and is good for one time use.
Yes, Vimeo is the best and recommended option. Uploading videos to your own site can be done but there are some things you need to consider.
1. Your server is designed to host websites and not video. Your video will likely be delivered slowly.
2. Self-hosted videos can be accessed by anyone even if restricted in WP Courses because people can access the WordPress uploads directory and media pages.
So, if you did go the self-hosted route, you’d want to disable your attachment pages:
And you’d want to protect your uploads folder:
I haven’t used any of the suggested plugins but they should do the trick.
Thanks for posting the solution. I’ll look into making sure it’s also compatible with earlier PHP versions in the next update.
One option would be to use a translation plugin like Loco Translate and just “translate” the word teacher to whatever you’d like.
Other people have asked for this feature however and I’ll consider adding it in a future release.
Hi Dave,
There’s a bug which has been fixed in the upcoming release. It’s 1 to 2 weeks away.
You can create a page then insert the shortcode [wpc_courses] into that page. You can have any permalink you want that way. Heads up though that the course category links will link you to a different permalink structure.
I’ve just tested the latest release on several sites and can’t recreate that issue. I also did an install of Beaver Builder and used photos on a test site and couldn’t recreate the issue. I’d need to see what’s happening when WP Courses is active.
WP Courses doesn’t filter images in any way so this makes me suspect that maybe your theme requires JavaScript to render images and there’s a JavaScript conflict of some sort. This is just a guess though. Again, I’d need to see one of your pages with WP Courses active to tell.
Some things you can try:
I’d first try keeping WP Courses active and switching themes temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. That would at least help narrow down the issue.
I’d then try keeping WP Courses active again and deactivate each plugin one at a time to see if the issue resolves that way. If the issue resolves by deactivating another plugin, there’s a specific conflict between WP Courses and that plugin.
That’ll at least (hopefully) narrow down the issue.
Sorry I can’t be more specific but I will do my best to help resolve this issue for you.
Marking as resolved. Issue was resolved by deactivating and reactivating all site plugins.
I just embedded both the sharable link and iframe from YouTube and it saved and embedded fine. I don’t think it’s an extension conflict as I have all extensions enabled on my test site. It’s possible though, especially if you have an older version of one.
That being said, the update did include some minor changes to video embeds so there’s something going on.
Most likely it’s something unique with your setup. I haven’t had anyone else bring this up so it’s likely not a widespread issue.
I can probably best help if you send a message here:
A video screen capture of exactly what’s happening would be super helpful.