Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your fast reply.
I went ahead and registered for the pro version but it’s not working on that either.
I think I have found the problem.
It seems to be clashing with WP Users Online (
But if I disable Users Online WP Support Plus doesn’t work at all?
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System] Where to change max width?File : /wp-content/plugins/wp-support-plus-responsive-ticket-system/includes/shortcodes.php
Find :
<div class="support_bs" style="max-width: 500px;">
And then just replace the 500px with whatever you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Doesn't work when Static front page is being usedOk after much messing around I found the solution.
Here it is in case you are having the same problem :
1) Got to : Plugin Organizer > Settings
2) Near the bottom, Click “Recreate Permalinks”
3) ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Doesn't work when Static front page is being usedFound several posts on here with people having the same problem, none of the solutions worked.
It seems that some users can just enter the address of their home page into the permalink field and it works, and others, like myself, are having no such luck.
I’ve been experimenting and have discovered 100% that this is a flaw in the plug-in or some kind of compatibility issue with my version of WordPress (3.9.1).
What ever page I designate as the landing page ignores the filters.
Surely somebody has a solution to this?
Kinda renders the whole plug in pretty pointless if I can’t clear out all the rubbish on the very first page that people see when they land on the site. If people have to wait for tons of scripts to load on the front page they are very unlikely to visit any of the others.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Doesn't work when Static front page is being usedI think I may have found the problem.
It looks like when you set a static page as your landing page WordPress creates the permalink : (Notice the trailing slash).
But when you try to add that permalink to a filter, the plug-in strips away the trailing slash when you save it, so it actually pointing to : and therefore not finding the actual home page.
It’s a global issue too, I just tried disabling all plug-ins site wide and it removes them from everywhere except the home / landing page.
Any workarounds for this?
How did you get rid of the bullet points?
I’m guessing that you deleted the li elements or ul tags from the widget.php file right?
The widget styles the text using : <li class=”on-air-dj”>
If you’ve removed that line or the < ul > tags it will just be inheriting the styling from somewhere else on your page.
You need to specify a class for it.
Reverting widget_djcomingup.php back to how it was before and then adding CSS styling to remove the bullet points is the easiest way to do what you want.
Drop this in your main page to overwrite the djonair.css styling :
<style>.on-air-list li, .widget .on-air-list li, .on-air-upcoming-list li, .widget .on-air-upcoming-list li { font-size: 2em; list-style-type: none; }</style>
But be aware, that will remove all bullets points from all widgets, but I’m guessing that is what you want to do anyway…
Yes this does work fine, my Firefox was playing up during that session before. It’s doing that more and more these days. But yes, you are right. It works just like you say it does ??
This is a great little bit of code Maria!
I’ve included a wrapped version below for anybody using recent versions of wordpress as the bundled jQuery is now set to compatibility mode by default and the code above won’t work as it is.
So if you tried Maria’s code and it didn’t work, the chances are that you are running in compatibility mode and will need to use this instead :
<script type="text/javascript">(function($) {function WidgetRefresh() {$("#djnow").load(location.href+" #djnow>*","");}setInterval(function() {WidgetRefresh();}, 30000);})( jQuery );</script>
Sorry Nikki, firefox is switching my saved login info between both accounts every time I visit and I can’t remember the password to either, but it’s Grant…
I tried the multi select but it would only let me select adjoining names. Basically selecting blocks. So as long as the DJ names were alphabetically next to each other it would have worked but that wasn’t the case.
If it is meant to work the way you say then maybe it’s a mac / mozilla issue? It certainly wouldn’t be the first ??
Ok if anybody else is having the same problem I have figured out a workaround.
The shortcode doesn’t work with WP 3.9.1 full stop, but the widget does!
Widgets only work in sidebars but I don’t use sidebars on my site, so below you will find a way that will allow you to put the widget anywhere on your site that you choose.
Basically you just have to register a new sidebar in your functions.php file, drop the widget in your new sidebar & configure it, create a new page template that loads the widget then create a new page.
Step by Step :
1) Open functions.php – find the following function – function twentytwelve_widgets_init() (this will be slightly different depending on which theme you are using – i’m using TwentyTwelve) and add the following code right before the closing curly bracket :
register_sidebar(array('name'=>'mysidebar', 'before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '<h4>', 'after_title' => '</h4>', ));
2) Go to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag and drop the Radio Station: Upcoming DJ On-Air widget into your new sidebar “mysidebar”. Configure it how you wish and save it.
3) Create a new page template file (if you don’t know how to do this click here) and then add the following code where you wish the widget to appear :
<div><?php dynamic_sidebar( 'mysidebar' ); ?></div>
4) Create a new Page and assign the new page template that you created in Step 3 to it from the dropdown menu on the right.
Obviously you can just drop that sidebar code wherever you want, it doesn’t have to be done on it’s own separate page, but I’ve just explained it like this to make it easy to understand.
Hope somebody finds it useful.
In fact, just messed around deleting shows and stuff and it turns out that it’s not just a Sunday/Monday transition problem.
Everything that the upcoming widget displays is showing the wrong day. It displays every show a day later than scheduled.
Sorry, meant to say that the theme was TwentyTwelve, not TwentyEleven ??
Thought I had fixed it but the problem still persists..
Should also add that I tried displaying the up coming widget on a clean page with nothing else and it still doesn’t work.
Must be an error somewhere preventing that function from working.