Forum Replies Created

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  • bigacelloy


    It’s great to hear you are doing well with your CSS success.

    I probably have a different site requirement than yours. As I go along, I’m making changes on the style.css and I have a custom PHP functions file. Also, I edited other PHP files as well like header.php, footer.php to suit my liking and these two files exist in the parent theme, I copied them to my child before making the change.

    Just imagine, if your theme is updated to the recent version, any changes you made to these theme files will be overwritten. If you do not want your efforts gone to waste, the way to avoid that is to have a child theme.

    When you troubleshoot an error, isolation would be easier because in the child theme, you will have less files to look at where you made a mistake. Coding, especially PHP is unforgiving, a missing comma or bracket can wreak havoc on your site.

    Trust me, I was grateful I created a child theme before I made a mess to my own blog. Thanks to a WordPress moderator who reminded me to refrain from editing the parent theme’s files directly.

    This could be irrelevant to your question but I recommend that you do a regular backup of your site. Good luck!



    Here a bracket is missing, correcting it:

    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .front-page-content-area .with-featured-image {
    opacity: 0.90;



    Ah, yes that is the exact code except, there should be no space after a:

    It happened to me a lot before when I did copy-paste from example so I learned it is cleaner if I “copy-type” my own code ??

    .social-links ul a:before {
    background: #75c03f;

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by bigacelloy.


    Hi @artkilgour,

    You can adjust the opacity value until you reach your desired output:

    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .front-page-content-area .with-featured-image {
    opacity: 0.90;

    The default value is 0.95 for the Sela theme. If you notice, opacity will reflect on screen wider than 768px (desktops or iPads, for example)

    Note: WordPress highly recommends to create a child theme. It is necessary if you are doing heavy customization to your selected theme.

    I have my personal experience with child theme when I realized its importance and I wrote a post about it if you are interested:



    Hi @artkilgour,

    If you are using WordPress 4.7 or later, you can try to add the code below through WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Edit CSS, or much better, if you implemented a child theme to your website, add the code in your child theme’s style.css:

    .social-links ul a: before {
    background: #75c03f;

    WordPress highly recommends to create a child theme. It is necessary if you are doing heavy customization to your selected theme.

    @ashrafsello I’m not sure if you got your contact form attachment working but here is link from the plugin author that will guide you through –

    You are probably missing the tag name of your field in the MAIL tab > FILE ATTACHMENTS

    From your field:
    <label> You can attach up to 2MB jpg, doc, xls, pdf or zip file
    [file AttachFile limit:2mb filetypes:jpg|zip|rar|doc|pdf|xls|docx|xlsx] </label>

    The tag name is “AttachFile”. You have to add it:
    Go to your WP Dashboard > Contact > Contact Forms
    Click to Edit the form (which has the file attached option)
    Go to Mail tab. At the bottom is File Attachments text area, add this: [AttachFile] and hit save. Then, test it.

    Thread Starter bigacelloy


    I stand corrected on my note above “subscribers_only: true” was introduced in CF7 4.9. I am eyeing to temporary downgrade to CF 4.7 while stable fix for REST Auth is not available yet for 4.9.

    Thread Starter bigacelloy


    @takayukister It seems I do not have to send my plugins list to you. I repeatedly deactivated my plugins ONCE MORE one by one and found a plugin that is although not directly conflicting with CF7, disabling one of its features “for testing purposes” confirmed the real cause of the contact form not sending for non-logged users.

    This is the second time I deactivated the plugins and @kpapst [thank you for your good observation amigo!]) gave me an idea where to look. Well, I have two places where REST API authentication were enabled. I did it for security reasons.

    During my first try of deactivating all plugins, contact form message is still not sending for unauthenticated users. The culprit is the REST API authentication set to enabled on my function file. After reading the comment by @kpapst, I removed this function to test. CF Still not working.

    With that current setting, I then disable the plugins again and this time I isolated the issue was caused by another “Require authentication for access to the REST API” which was enabled on the Members plugin. When I unchecked this and sent a message on the contact form (while NOT LOGIN), the test was successful.

    The thing is REST authentication is necessary. REST API has introduced couple of security issues and using authentication is deeply useful against malicious attacks.

    Is there any way the latest CF7 4.9 can be adjusted back to where it is compatible with REST authentication? Or an option in the CF7 plugin to turn on/off authentication, something like the “subscribers_only: false” on the Additional Settings instead of “subscribers_only: true” which were introduced in CF7 4.8?

    I’m just throwing thoughts here. You probably have a better idea and Thank you for creating an awesome plugin.

    Thread Starter bigacelloy


    Hello @takayukister ! I apologized for the delay. Is there a way to send you screenshots via private message? Thanks!

    BTW – The plugin Disable REST API is not a concern. I am not using this plugin.

    Thread Starter bigacelloy


    I noticed this showing on the log once I send a comment (unauthenticated) – wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/1130/feedback

    Thread Starter bigacelloy


    Hi Hector,

    Sorry for the delay. I went out for the day.

    Yes, the Log views is set to Everyone.

    Upon further review of my configuration, I found out I have a function code that interferes with WordPress Popular Posts functionality. I removed it temporarily to confirm my suspicion. The code is relevant to prevent non-editor’s write access in the backend.

    After removing the said function code, I am getting new traffic as expected. However, I find it weird because I believe the code was there for as long as I remember and I don’t recall having a problem with WPP before the update.

    Anyway, please consider the issue resolved. I will reflect on my end and figure out an alternative way to harden database access by other users.

    Thank you!

    Hi @pmatteudi,

    I also implemented bbPress to my site using community slug for my forum. My requirement is different, though. In your case, I see two probable solutions.

    Option 1:
    You mentioned about using the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to display forum listings on a WordPress page. Have you tried adding another WP page that has the short code [bbp-topic-index] for the topic listings?

    You can create individual page template to be used for each of the WP pages above.
    Below is a resource URL that explains Page Templates.

    Basically, you just need to add below lines above the template file and save the template file to any filename identifying your template inside your child theme’s folder. I have the habit of adding page suffix so I know at once it is a page template. Change the name Full Width Page relevant to your filename, for easy reference.

     * Template Name: Full Width Page
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
     * @since Twenty Twelve 
        //Insert code here

    Insert the custom code in the file (the body of the index-forum from your example should suffice for full width or if you want the other file with sidebar, then add the following before the get_footer.

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Once you have the page templates, and since you have the two WordPress pages, each for forums and topics, go to Edit Page for each page and pick your custom template under the Page Attributes.

    Option 2:
    Use bbpress archive templates.

    Navigate to:


    and copy archive-forum.php and archive-topic.php inside your child theme’s folder (themes/your-child-theme/copy here). These two files call the content-archive-forum.php and content-archive-topic.php, which are both located on the bbpress plugin folder.


    Insert your custom code on the archive-forum.php and archive-topic.php but typically what existed are enough, except when you need to use a different header, sidebar or footer.

    Note: It is strongly suggested to make the necessary customization using a child theme.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by bigacelloy.

    Hi Brad,

    Navigate for the file header.php on your themes folder. If you have a child theme, look from there first. If you found the file, look this time for <link rel=”dns-prefetch” href=”//”> which most likely is located above </head> tag. (The </head> is always on top of the header.php file.) Then update the href link to reflect the new website.

    Hi @withacause,

    I found a function online which appears similar to what you are looking for and tested it by creating two span classes instead of the single span from their example.

    Then I played around with CSS for the two classes. You can test it, too if you want.

    function replace_content($content) {
    $content = str_replace('acmeproduct', 
               '<span class="acme-style">acme</span>
                <span class="product-style">product</span>'
    return $content;
    span.acme-style {
       display: inline;
       font-style: italic;
       text-transform: lowercase;
    span.product-style {
       display: inline;
       font-style: normal;
       text-transform: capitalize;

    Hi @mykul0rr,

    Let me ask first, you said your site is hosted in DreamHost? That means you have a self-hosted, right?

    Can you try to access CPanel from your DreamHost account page?
    From CPanel, you can connect to CPanel>File Manager and try to deactivate the plugin that you installed before the recent error came up.

    You can find the plugins folder under public_html>wp_content (inside File Manager).

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