Forum Replies Created
Hi i figured it out i had to change match time setting to use utc time and enter the utc equivalent to my time and this prevented users from making changes to prediction after the cut off time. Thank you very much for all your assistance
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by bevon11.
i identified the problem it’s the timezone i am using. I am using lapaz for the wordpress install which keeps the matches open when i use utc-4 the matches are not visible on the prediciton form even though the timezone script shows the match time is 11:30am and threshold is 11:29am. Which is strange because both Lapaz and UTC -4 the local time is the same but behave differently I am stomped with trying to figure out a solution
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] Users points not showing on on player prediction pageOk thanks hiding the close match is the behavior we want
yes you cAN
i tried setting the cut off time to make predictions an hr and 60 seconds and i can still change the score after kickoff.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] Users points not showing on on player prediction pageok i have a question because I am trying to understand fully how the plugin works. After a user makes a prediction and the cap off time to make predictions have passed will the match still be visible on the prediction form or will it only show matches that haven’t started?
the reason was if they change the global setting it will affect other clients websites they are hosting. The global setting is universal and not client specific
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] Users points not showing on on player prediction pagehow do you I close the match by entering the score?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] Users points not showing on on player prediction pagethe only only update i made was upgrade the plugin didn’t make any changes. I rolled back the plugin to the version before and lost the change you made that was preventing the points from being calculated on the user ranking page
the hosting provider said they can’t change the global setting.
Ok thanks for the feedback going to reach out to the hosting providing now and see if this helps.
I reviewed the setting the kick off for the match is 12:35pm my time users can enter predictions up to the 60 seconds before kick off. I ran the Timezone Debug Info script and it shows that match lock is true and match will be locked at 12:34pm.
Match: (79) Australia – Argentina
Match date (database, should be UTC): 2018-05-14 16:35:00
Match date (local): 2018-05-14 12:35
Match timestamp (database, should be UTC): 1526315700
Match is locked: true
Match was/will be locked at time (local): 2018-05-14 12:34
WordPress timezone offset: -4
WordPress timezone string: America/La_Paz
WordPress current date (local): 2018-05-14 12:59:52
WordPress current timestamp (local): 1526302792
WordPress current date (UTC): 2018-05-14 16:59:52
WordPress current timestamp (UTC): 1526317192
Plugin prediction stop method matches: 0
Plugin dynamic stop threshold (in seconds) for matches: 60
Plugin prediction stop date for matches:
Plugin prediction stop method questions: 0
Plugin match time display setting: 0
PHP current date and time (UTC): 2018-05-14 16:59
PHP current timestamp (UTC, time()): 1526317192
PHP current timestamp (UTC, date->format(“U”)): 1526317192
PHP default timezone setting: UTC
MySQL current date and time (UTC): 2018-05-14 16:59:52
MySQL current timestamp (UTC): 1526317192
MySQL current date and time (local): 2018-05-14 11:59:52
MySQL global timezone setting: SYSTEM
MySQL session timezone setting: SYSTEMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] User avatar shown on the ranking pageyes it stopped working when i updated the plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] User avatar shown on the ranking pageThe Only show ‘open’ matches on the form is no longer working on the prediction sheet. I updated the plugin and the only show open matches no longer works i tried deactivating and deleting the open matches plugin then re-installing it and same results
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Football Pool] User avatar shown on the ranking pageThanks very much.