16 years, 8 months ago
the code is just inside the theme main template .php file….after i delete it, the code just come back within few days…
can someone pls tell me in what way is the code being inserted into the theme files (even I disable writing into the file)?
if this has been discussed b4 can someone pls point me to the correct page or the keyword for searching? thanks.
19 years, 4 months ago
ooo thx i’ve moved the statcounter script after </title> and it looks better!
however the problem is still with flash….let me try the plugin
for the statcounter, i actually not sure how to put it…. i simply do a php echo in the index.php file…. so i duno how to control its position
thx for the quick reply
here’s my site
i find that the problem is esp serious if I use the object tag to put flash content in my entries…. for some of the themes, the problem disappear if i do not use the object tag, but for some the problems just remain there….
19 years, 6 months ago
is there one that i can add easily into my wordpress blog?