10 years, 11 months ago
hi, your page does not load all html, have look at the page source.
Hi, did you had a look on the google docs to style the sql request? fusion tabel layer query..
hi, you have to edit code, look here…
hi, plugin-dir/js/gmap_v3_gpx_overlay.js line 32
hi debug expert, I’ll have a look in debug mode within the next release. Thanks
hi, should work! There are even some wp 3.7 installations out there.
you can try to add the layer to the request url like:
hi, .entry-content{ overflow:hidden; } that’s wp code!
the plugins setting page can do that for you!
Hi, the only way by now is to merge all tracks into one file.
But there is a track connector in the pipe where you can select single tracks to show.
It will be a Smartphone App too. Here you’ll find a preview!
Hi, you have copied some html too. Remove the strong tag and it should work.
Hi, that would be possible but is a lot of work and not every file is extended by elevation. So I decided to send the tracks to googles elevation service and let them do the work.
11 years, 2 months ago
Please tell me where (Link) I can help