Hi Rachelle,
Yes, you need the business plan on wordpress in order to use plugins.
To find wp-folder you need to download filezilla for example, which is an FTP client.
in filezilla you need to click on (in the left corner) File>Site manager
It opens a window where you have to click on New site.
You have to fill out the Host, Port, User, and Password which you can find on wordpress if you click on Settings>Hosting configuration under the “SFTP credentials”
Make sure in filezilla you set Protocol to “SFTP” and Logon type:”normal”
then you click connect. But you can see the exact steps in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-MvV8QZo_A
However I still not figured out the whole migration-permission issue either,but I hope I could help.