We have the same problem :
– Before we used the following configuration which worked,
To : [email protected]
From : [text-917] [your-name]<[your-email]>
Subject : [menu-807]
And today we have the following configuration errors,
To : [email protected]
From : [text-917] [your-name]<[your-email]>
This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site.
Subject : [menu-807]
This field can be empty depending on user input.
We have tried looking at the FAQ but have not been able to resolve this problem. (https://contactform7.com/configuration-errors/) Also we have tried using the same email address as the To : which saves without any errors but still doesn’t work when we send a message from the site. (www.acmfrance.fr/contact-demande-catalogue-devis/)