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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [3CX Free Live Chat, Calls & WhatsApp] Custom colours don’t seem to workHello, the Custom Scheme doesn’t seem to work on my end too. I am having the same issue with Steeven (@steeven) who started this thread.
Below are my website details:Theme: Soprano
Plugin: WP-Live Chat by 3CX Version 8.1.8Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you,
Benz DumolHi @natewr,
I’m back again. I hope you’re online and see this message. As I mentioned earlier, I used CMB2 plugin to assign max capacity for each location. I’ve actually managed to create functions to get the max capacity for each location (which I assign using the custom field <using CMB2 plugin>), however if I don’t have any booking yet I am not getting any max capacity and if there is a booking, I get the max capacity if the latest booking.
I’ve added my code below and if you can check on it it’ll be very helpful to me.
/** Start plugin edits **/
// Get the Location (taxonomy) slug based on Booking ID -> Location
$terms = get_the_terms($bookings->post->ID, ‘rtb_location’);$terms_slugs = array();
foreach( $terms as $term ) {
$terms_slugs = $term->slug; //get slug (e.g. ‘members-lounge’)
}// Get the Location (custom post) ID based on Location (taxonomy) slug
$loc_posts = get_page_by_path($terms_slugs, OBJECT, ‘location’);if ($loc_posts) {
$loc_id = $loc_posts->ID;
}// Get the Maximum capacity based on Location (custom post) ID
$loc_cap_max = get_post_meta($loc_id, ‘waic_max_cap’, true);
$loc_cap = absint($loc_cap_max);// If Booking (date) does not have ‘Party’ yet
if ( !$bookings->have_posts() ) {
$max_cap = $this->max_capacity; //If Maximum capacity is empty, get default value = 50
$max_cap = $loc_cap; //Else get Maximum Capacity declared
return $max_cap;
$capacity = $this->max_capacity; //If Maximum capacity is empty, get default value = 50
$capacity = $loc_cap; //Else get Maximum Capacity declared
}while ( $bookings->have_posts() ) {
$bookings->the_post();$post_meta = get_post_meta( $bookings->post->ID, ‘rtb’, true );
if ( !empty( $post_meta[‘party’] ) ) {
$capacity -= $post_meta[‘party’];
/** End plugin edits **/Thank you again Nate,
BenessaHello @natewr,
I hope you’re online. I used CMB2 plugin to assign max capacity for each location.
I have added this code to retrieve all the location and capacity.
$i = 0;
$id = array();
$cap = array();
while ( $location->have_posts() ) {
$location->the_post();$post_meta = get_post_meta( $location->post->ID, ‘waic_max_cap’, true );
$cap[$i] = $post_meta;
$id[] = $location->post->post_title;
}Now, my problem is how can I validate the booking using the new capacity that I added.
I hope you can help me with this.Thank you,
BenessaHello @natewr,
Thank you for replying. This is very helpful however I’m not really sure where to add the capacity for each location.
Hi @mumbomedia,
Thank you for your response. I already used @natewr’s Allow Admin Override of Party Limits for Restaurant Reservations plugin so that the Admin user can book without party size limitation. However, I have another question and it’s about Max Capacity for for Every Location. I already started a thread here: It will be very helpful for me if you can check it and if you have an answer it will solve my problem.
Thank you so much Mumbomedia,
Benessa- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by benzdumol.
Hi @natewr,
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I’m not really that capable in writing PHP code since mostly I am only using plugins for website development. It will be very helpful if you can show me how to do it. Just an example would be great then I think I can replicate it.
Thank you again Nate,
BenessaHello NateWr & mumbomedia,
Glad I found this but I’m not really sure where to add it. Can you confirm if I need to add this on the AdminBookings.class file inside the public function validate_admin_fields( $booking ) {} function?
Hoping to hear from any of the two of you soon.
Thank you,
Benessa- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by benzdumol.