Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: "My Blogs" for site?That’s a shame… I really like how Publicize bundles everything together in one…
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade to 3.1, lost all admin capabilityHmm, I deactivated all plugins using PHPMyAdmin and I still can’t get in… any other suggestions?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 3.1 Update, can't get into full dashboardFollowing this thread for a solution:
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade to 3.1, lost all admin capabilityScottlowe, I have exactly the same problem. What plugin was the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?Hey The5Sisters:
Here’s what my .htaccess file reads:
Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_Host} ^ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
How should I edit it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Pages & Categories in the same sidebarBump.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404 error when commentingAnyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Pages & Categories in the same sidebarAnyone?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Images within wordpress theme filesThank you very much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?@dig1618: Yeah, I used FTP. And yes, I have other installs on my site which work fine. Here’s one, here’s another.
@the5sisters: I’ll give it a whirl. I’ve got GoDaddy, they do pretty good tech support, so we’ll see.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Images within wordpress theme filesThink I got it. Image paths should look like this, right?
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/imagename.png" alt="" width="xxx" height="xxx" />
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?Bump
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?Anyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?Update:
Tried a fresh install; attaching the old database to the new files, and while I was installing, I got the following error:
Warning: parse_url(https:///jancewicz/bill/wp-admin/) [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/content/b/j/a/bjancewicz/html/jancewicz/bill/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 943
Nothing seems to have changed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank blog?Alrighty, I found two files on my server, a php.ini and a php5.ini file, but I didn’t see anything about safe mode in either of them.
I do run PHP5 on my server.
Here are what my error logs say: - - [03/Aug/2009:04:53:01 -0700] "GET HTTP/1.1" 301 332 "-" "Feedfetcher-Google; (+; 2 subscribers; feed-id=15476992799240764423)" - - [03/Aug/2009:04:53:02 -0700] "HEAD HTTP/1.0" 301 0 "-" "WordPress/2.7.1" - - [03/Aug/2009:04:53:03 -0700] "HEAD HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" "WordPress/2.7.1" - - [03/Aug/2009:04:53:03 -0700] "GET HTTP/1.1" 302 5 "-" "Feedfetcher-Google; (+; 2 subscribers; feed-id=15476992799240764423)"
Here’s what’s in my php.ini file:
register_globals = off allow_url_fopen = off expose_php = Off max_input_time = 60 variables_order = "EGPCS" extension_dir = ./ upload_tmp_dir = /tmp precision = 12 SMTP = url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=" [Zend] zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/ zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/4_3/
Here’s whats in my php5.ini file:
[PHP] engine = On zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off short_open_tag = On asp_tags = Off precision = 14 y2k_compliance = On output_buffering = 4096 ;output_handler = zlib.output_compression = Off ;zlib.output_handler = implicit_flush = Off unserialize_callback_func= serialize_precision = 100 allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off disable_functions = disable_classes = expose_php = Off max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds max_input_time = 120 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data memory_limit = 128M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB) error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR display_errors = Off display_startup_errors = Off log_errors = On log_errors_max_len = 1024 ignore_repeated_errors = Off ignore_repeated_source = Off report_memleaks = On track_errors = Off arg_separator.output = "&" variables_order = "GPCS" register_globals = Off register_long_arrays = Off register_argc_argv = Off post_max_size = 40M magic_quotes_gpc = Off magic_quotes_runtime = Off magic_quotes_sybase = Off auto_prepend_file = auto_append_file = default_mimetype = "text/html" default_charset = "UTF-8" include_path = ".:/usr/local/share/smarty:/usr/local/lib/php/pear" doc_root = user_dir = extension_dir = /usr/local/lib/php/20050922 enable_dl = Off cgi.force_redirect = 1 ; cgi.nph = 1 ; cgi.redirect_status_env = ; ; fastcgi.impersonate = 1; ;cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1 file_uploads = On upload_tmp_dir = /usr/local/www/php/tmp upload_max_filesize = 40M allow_url_fopen = On user_agent="PHP" default_socket_timeout = 60 [Syslog] define_syslog_variables = Off [mail function] ; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i"). ;sendmail_path = ;mail.force_extra_parameters = [MySQL] ; Allow or prevent persistent links. mysql.allow_persistent = On mysql.max_persistent = 20 mysql.max_links = -1 mysql.default_port = 3306 mysql.default_socket = mysql.default_host = localhost mysql.connect_timeout = 60 mysql.trace_mode = Off [MySQLI] mysqli.max_links = -1 mysqli.default_port = 3306 mysqli.default_socket = mysqli.default_host = localhost mysqli.reconnect = Off [PostgresSQL] pgsql.allow_persistent = On pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = Off pgsql.max_persistent = 20 pgsql.max_links = 40 pgsql.ignore_notice = 0 pgsql.log_notice = 0 [dbx] dbx.colnames_case = "lowercase" [bcmath] bcmath.scale = 0 [Session] session.save_handler = files session.save_path = "/tmp" session.use_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID session.auto_start = 0 session.cookie_lifetime = 0 session.cookie_path = / session.cookie_domain = session.serialize_handler = php session.gc_probability = 1 session.gc_divisor = 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 session.bug_compat_42 = 0 session.bug_compat_warn = 1 session.referer_check = session.entropy_length = 0 session.entropy_file = session.cache_limiter = nocache session.cache_expire = 180 session.use_trans_sid = 0 session.hash_function = 1 session.hash_bits_per_character = 5 url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry" [Sockets] sockets.use_system_read = On [com] ; path to a file containing GUIDs, IIDs or filenames of files with TypeLibs ;com.typelib_file = ; allow Distributed-COM calls ;com.allow_dcom = true ; autoregister constants of a components typlib on com_load() ;com.autoregister_typelib = true ; register constants casesensitive ;com.autoregister_casesensitive = false ; show warnings on duplicate constat registrations ;com.autoregister_verbose = true [mbstring] ;mbstring.language = Japanese ;mbstring.internal_encoding = EUC-JP ;mbstring.http_input = auto ;mbstring.http_output = SJIS ;mbstring.encoding_translation = Off ;mbstring.detect_order = auto ;mbstring.substitute_character = none; ;mbstring.func_overload = 0 [exif] ;exif.encode_unicode = ISO-8859-15 ;exif.decode_unicode_motorola = UCS-2BE ;exif.decode_unicode_intel = UCS-2LE ;exif.encode_jis = ;exif.decode_jis_motorola = JIS ;exif.decode_jis_intel = JIS [Tidy] ;tidy.default_config = /usr/local/lib/php/default.tcfg tidy.clean_output = Off [soap] soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=1 soap.wsdl_cache_dir="/tmp" soap.wsdl_cache_ttl=86400 ; Local Variables: ; tab-width: 4 ; End: [Zend] zend_extension_manager.optimizer=/usr/local/lib/php/20050922/Optimizer zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts=/usr/local/lib/php/20050922/Optimizer_TS zend_optimizer.version=3.0.0 zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/php/20050922/ zend_extension_ts=/usr/local/lib/php/20050922/
Does anything stick out to you?