11 years, 10 months ago
that`s the one that (probably) caused it, yes. I upgraded from to and then back down again to after the tech support deactivated the latest version manually.
Kind regards B.
Yes, I reinstalled a previous version and all is well now again…
don`t really recall; it was a bit more at the very top than that, though…
14 years, 1 month ago
Installed version 3.1.9 again and everything is back to normal…
So, tried deactivating all other plugins – one at a time – still no success, the same post is the only “other relevant” one…
nope, no slider; but of course a handful of other plugins are running. I`ll try to deactivate them one at a time and see what happens…
Thanks a lot ben
Thanks, but I still have no idea what to change and where. I tried all the tweaks possible in “settings”, nothing seems to work…
“change setting for match” – may I ask what you mean by that ?
tia Ben