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Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
  • Thread Starter ben303


    ok, all tests were

    first time:

    version 2.0
    regex: yes
    case insensitive: yes
    search: https:\/\/jooble\.org\/desc\/(.*?)\?.*
    target: post meta value

    version 1.4

    the same except search is surrounded by “@”, so

    *to note – the speed difference is MAJOR.

    on version 1.4, it is lightening fast
    on version 2.0.. like a snail

    I then tested again, the same results…then a 3rd time without regex and with on the post title – and same difference in speed

    third time:

    version 2.0

    regex: no
    case insensitive: yes
    search: `& amp ;’
    replace: &
    target: post title

    (in the ‘search’ I have put a spaces just here – there is a bug in this comment area where the html ampersand, even if enclosed with the ‘code’ option, does not come out)

    version 1.4

    same as above but with search surrounded with “@”

    I noticed in version 2.0 you mention PHP regex. Does this mean version 2.0 uses PHP to process and version 1.4 uses regex native to mySQL?

    that could explain massive speed difference.

    in all tests – I backed up database with mysqldump beforehand, and imported again before next test. using mySQL 8

    I could also make a video showing the drastic difference in speed if you like, just didnt get around to it yet

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by ben303.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by ben303.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by ben303.
    Thread Starter ben303


    just tested it again….the progress bar also giving me results of 456 % – very slowly

    going back to old version

    Thread Starter ben303


    AWS server, Bitnami ubuntu stack w NGINX, MySQL 8

    2.0 is very, very, very slow compared to 1.4. In fact its not really usable at all.

    I have over 20 000 posts.

    Thread Starter ben303


    *update – I have narrowed it down. The redirect error happens on any page with the WP loop: search results, category and archive.

    On a single page or single post there is no error.

    Thread Starter ben303


    I am using PHP 7.2, WordPress 5.1.1

    Thread Starter ben303


    *UPDATE- I just DISABLED ALL PLUGINS except Theme Switcha…and it still redirects to a single post.

    to clarify – I am using the admin bar part of theme switcha from the front end.

    I tried different permalink settings in the WP admin and no change.

    Definitely a bug.

    to replicate it:
    Start from front end.
    Start at home page, or a category page – NOT a single blog page.
    Use the theme switcha admin bar at the top

    (my default setting for home page is “settings->reading->Your home page displays ->Your latest posts)


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by ben303.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by ben303.
    Thread Starter ben303


    1) Hi Jeff, well your plugin is not very compatible. I tried many other similar theme selectors plugins, yours is the only one with this error of redirecting to a post.

    2) Another old theme selector plugin – written 7 years ago – still works with the latest wordpress, and it is compatible with the WP Theme Customizer aslo. Perhaps you should look at the code for this one?
    Reason this is important is that I wanted to check many themes quickly (why else would I need this kind of plugin?) and I also want to see what options are available to the theme. The WP Theme Customizer must be compatible..

    one from 7 years ago:

    another one that does not redirect to a post:

    Thread Starter ben303


    UPDATE – its was not plugin but a bad theme.

    Thread Starter ben303


    I will have the link up for 24 hours…..test it with this theme!mggSjCpR!Y6gxzIxn64Vwk6hyJTGh_IueQ66Odfz7VePoG6rXl9Q

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by ben303.
    Thread Starter ben303


    if you get the time, try to test it on Thesis….I did tests with your orginal version with other themes and it worked, but not on Thesis…no idea why

    Thread Starter ben303


    It basically adds ’32’ to any value in ‘sa_topspace’ if the user is logged in as admin.
    32 is the height of the WordPress Admin bar.



    Thread Starter ben303


    I fixed it for you….. if you want to see my edits….just search for ‘benedict_edit’.

    I basically added an alternate option, that works with Thesis Theme. I suspect it will work on other problematic themes also. Only one file edited: ‘sticky-menu-or-anything.php’

    Plugin Name: Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Pick any element on your page, and it will stick when it reaches the top of the page when you scroll down. Usually handy for navigation menus, but can be used for any (unique) element on your page.
    Author: Mark Senff
    Author URI:
    Version: 2.0.1 
    defined('ABSPATH') or die('INSERT COIN');
     * === FUNCTIONS ========================================================================================
     * --- TRIGGERED ON ACTIVATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anthing_default_options')) {
    	function sticky_anthing_default_options() {
    		$versionNum = '2.0.1';
    		if (get_option('sticky_anything_options') === false) {
    			$new_options['sa_version'] = $versionNum;
    			$new_options['sa_element'] = '';
    			$new_options['sa_topspace'] = '';
    			$new_options['sa_adminbar'] = true;
    			$new_options['sa_adminbarfix'] = true; //---------benedict_edit-------
    			$new_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] = '';			
    			$new_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] = '';			
    			$new_options['sa_zindex'] = '';
    			$new_options['sa_legacymode'] = false;
    			$new_options['sa_dynamicmode'] = false;		
    			$new_options['sa_debugmode'] = false;
    			$new_options['sa_pushup'] = '';
     * --- IF NOT, ADD THESE OPTIONS WITH DEFAULT VALUES ---------------------------------------------------
     * --- AND UPDATE VERSION NUMBER FOR SURE --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_update')) {
    	function sticky_anything_update() {
    		$versionNum = '2.0.1';
    		$existing_options = get_option('sticky_anything_options');
    		if(!isset($existing_options['sa_minscreenwidth'])) {
    			// Introduced in version 1.1
    			$existing_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] = '';
    			$existing_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] = '';
    		if(!isset($existing_options['sa_dynamicmode'])) {
    			// Introduced in version 1.2
    			$existing_options['sa_dynamicmode'] = false;
    		if(!isset($existing_options['sa_pushup'])) {
    			// Introduced in version 1.3
    			$existing_options['sa_pushup'] = '';
    			$existing_options['sa_adminbar'] = true;
    		if(!isset($existing_options['sa_legacymode'])) {
    			// Introduced in version 2.0
    			// Keep the old/legacy mode, since that mode obviously worked before the upgrade.
    			$existing_options['sa_legacymode'] = true;
    		$existing_options['sa_version'] = $versionNum;
    if (!function_exists('load_sticky_anything')) {
        function load_sticky_anything() {
    		$options = get_option('sticky_anything_options');
    		$versionNum = $options['sa_version'];
    		// Main jQuery plugin file 
    	    		wp_register_script('stickyAnythingLib', plugins_url('/assets/js/jq-sticky-anything.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery' ), $versionNum);
    	    	} else {
    	    		wp_register_script('stickyAnythingLib', plugins_url('/assets/js/jq-sticky-anything.min.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery' ), $versionNum);
    		// Set defaults for by-default-empty elements (because '' does not work with the JQ plugin) 
    		if (!$options['sa_topspace']) {
    			$options['sa_topspace'] = '0';
    		if (!$options['sa_minscreenwidth']) {
    			$options['sa_minscreenwidth'] = '0';
    		if (!$options['sa_maxscreenwidth']) {
    			$options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] = '999999';
    		// If empty, set to 1 - not to 0. Also, if set to "0", keep it at 0.
    		if (strlen($options['sa_zindex']) == "0") {		// LENGTH is 0 (not the actual value)
    			$options['sa_zindex'] = '1';
    		if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    			if ($options['sa_adminbarfix']){
    				$options['sa_topspace'] = $options['sa_topspace'] + 32;
    		$script_vars = array(
    		      'element' => $options['sa_element'],
    		      'topspace' => $options['sa_topspace'],
    		      'minscreenwidth' => $options['sa_minscreenwidth'],
    		      'maxscreenwidth' => $options['sa_maxscreenwidth'],
    		      'zindex' => $options['sa_zindex'],
    		      'legacymode' => $options['sa_legacymode'],
    		      'dynamicmode' => $options['sa_dynamicmode'],
    		      'debugmode' => $options['sa_debugmode'],
    		      'pushup' => $options['sa_pushup'],
    		      'adminbar' => $options['sa_adminbar']
    		wp_enqueue_script('stickThis', plugins_url('/assets/js/stickThis.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery' ), $versionNum, true);
    		wp_localize_script( 'stickThis', 'sticky_anything_engage', $script_vars );
     * --- ADD LINK TO SETTINGS PAGE TO SIDEBAR ------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_menu')) {
        function sticky_anything_menu() {
    		add_options_page( 'Sticky Menu (or Anything!) Configuration', 'Sticky Menu (or Anything!)', 'manage_options', 'stickyanythingmenu', 'sticky_anything_config_page' );
     * --- ADD LINK TO SETTINGS PAGE TO PLUGIN ------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_settings_link')) {
    function sticky_anything_settings_link($links) { 
      $settings_link = '<a href="options-general.php?page=stickyanythingmenu">Settings</a>'; 
      array_unshift($links, $settings_link); 
      return $links; 
     * --- THE WHOLE ADMIN SETTINGS PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_config_page')) {
    	function sticky_anything_config_page() {
    	// Retrieve plugin configuration options from database
    	$sticky_anything_options = get_option( 'sticky_anything_options' );
    	<div id="sticky-anything-settings-general" class="wrap">
    		<h2><?php _e('Sticky Menu (or Anything!) Settings','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></h2>
    		<p><?php _e('Pick any element on your page, and it will stick when it reaches the top of the page when you scroll down. Usually handy for navigation menus, but can be used for any (unique) element on your page.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></p>
    		<div class="main-content">
    				if ( isset( $_GET['tab'] )) { 
    					$activeTab = $_GET['tab'];
    				} else {
    					$activeTab = 'main';
    			<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">	
    				<a class="nav-tab <?php if ($activeTab == 'main') { echo 'nav-tab-active'; } ?>" href="#main"><?php _e('Basic settings','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></a>
    				<a class="nav-tab <?php if ($activeTab == 'advanced') { echo 'nav-tab-active'; } ?>" href="#advanced"><?php _e('Advanced settings','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></a>
    				<a class="nav-tab <?php if ($activeTab == 'faq') { echo ' nav-tab-active'; } ?>" href="#faq"><?php _e('FAQ/Troubleshooting','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></a>
    				$warnings = false;
    				if ( isset( $_GET['message'] )) { 
    					if ($_GET['message'] == '1') {
    						echo '<div id="message" class="fade updated"><p><strong>'.__('Settings Updated.','Sticky Anything plugin').'</strong></p></div>';
    				if ( isset( $_GET['message'] )) { 
    					if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_element'] == '') {
    						$warnings = true;  
    				if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_topspace'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_topspace'] != '')) {
    					// Top space is not empty and has bad value
    					$warnings = true;
    				if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] != '')) {
    					// Minimum width is not empty and has bad value
    					$warnings = true;
    				if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] != '')) {
    					// Maximum width is not empty and has bad value
    					$warnings = true;
    				if ( ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] != '') && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] != '') && ( ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth']) >= ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth']) ) ) {
    					// Minimum width is larger than the maximum width
    					$warnings = true;
    				if ((!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_zindex'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_zindex'] != '')) {
    					// Z-index is not empty and has bad value
    					$warnings = true;
    				if ( $warnings == true ) { 
    					echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>'.__('Please review the current settings:','Sticky Anything plugin').'</strong></p>';
    					echo '<ul style="list-style-type:disc; margin:0 0 20px 24px;">';
    					if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_element'] == '') {
    						echo '<li>'.__('ELEMENT is a required field. If you do not want anything sticky, consider disabling the plugin.','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_topspace'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_topspace'] != '')) {
    						echo '<li>'.__('TOP POSITION has to be a number (do not include "px" or "pixels", or any other characters).','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] != '')) {
    						echo '<li>'.__('MINIMUM SCREEN WIDTH has to be a number (do not include "px" or "pixels", or any other characters).','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					if ( (!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] != '')) {
    						echo '<li>'.__('MAXIMUM SCREEN WIDTH has to be a number (do not include "px" or "pixels", or any other characters).','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					if ( ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] != '') && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] != '') && ( ($sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth']) >= ($sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth']) ) ) {
    						echo '<li>'.__('MAXIMUM screen width has to have a larger value than the MINIMUM screen width.','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					if ((!is_numeric($sticky_anything_options['sa_zindex'])) && ($sticky_anything_options['sa_zindex'] != '')) {
    						echo '<li>'.__('Z-INDEX has to be a number (do not include any other characters).','Sticky Anything plugin').'</li>';
    					echo '</ul></div>';
    			<div class="tabs-content">
    				<form method="post" action="admin-post.php">
    					<div class="tab-content tab-sticky-main <?php if ($activeTab != 'main') {echo 'hide';} ?>">
    						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_sticky_anything_options" />
    						<!-- Adding security through hidden referrer field -->
    						<?php wp_nonce_field( 'sticky_anything' ); ?>
    						<table class="form-table">
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Sticky Element:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <span class="required">*</span> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('The element that needs to be sticky once you scroll. This can be your menu, or any other element like a sidebar, ad banner, etc. Make sure this is a unique identifier.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="text" id="sa_element" name="sa_element" value="<?php 
    										if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_element'] != '#NO-ELEMENT') {
    											echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_element'] ); 
    									?>"/> <em><?php _e('(choose ONE element, e.g. <strong>#main-navigation</strong>, OR <strong>.main-menu-1</strong>, OR <strong>header nav</strong>, etc.)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></em>
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Space between top of page and sticky element: (optional)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If you don\'t want the element to be sticky at the very top of the page, but a little lower, add the number of pixels that should be between your element and the \'ceiling\' of the page.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="number" id="sa_topspace" name="sa_topspace" value="<?php echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_topspace'] ); ?>" style="width:80px;" /> pixels
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Check for Admin Toolbar:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If the sticky element gets obscured by the Administrator Toolbar for logged in users (or vice versa), check this box.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="checkbox" id="sa_adminbar" name="sa_adminbar" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_adminbar']  ) echo ' checked="checked" ';?> />
    									<label for="sa_adminbar"><strong><?php _e('Move the sticky element down a little if there is an Administrator Toolbar at the top (for logged in users).','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></strong></label>
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Thesis Admin Toolbar Fix:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If Thesis Theme is installed','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="checkbox" id="sa_adminbarfix" name="sa_adminbarfix" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_adminbarfix']  ) echo ' checked="checked" ';?> />
    									<label for="sa_adminbarfix"><strong><?php _e('If Thesis Theme installed.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></strong></label>
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Do not stick element when screen smaller than: (optional)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Sometimes you do not want your element to be sticky when your screen is small (responsive menus, etc). If you enter a value here, your menu will not be sticky when your screen width is smaller than his value.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="number" id="sa_minscreenwidth" name="sa_minscreenwidth" value="<?php echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_minscreenwidth'] ); ?>" style="width:80px;" /> pixels
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Do not stick element when screen larger than: (optional)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Sometimes you do not want your element to be sticky when your screen is large (responsive menus, etc). If you enter a value here, your menu will not be sticky when your screen width is wider than this value.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="number" id="sa_maxscreenwidth" name="sa_maxscreenwidth" value="<?php echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_maxscreenwidth'] ); ?>" style="width:80px;" /> pixels
    					<div class="tab-content tab-sticky-advanced <?php if ($activeTab != 'advanced') {echo 'hide';}?>">
    						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_sticky_anything_options" />
    						<!-- Adding security through hidden referrer field -->
    						<?php wp_nonce_field( 'sticky_anything' ); ?>
    						<table class="form-table">
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Z-index: (optional)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If there are other elements on the page that obscure/overlap the sticky element, adding a Z-index might help. If you have no idea what that means, try entering 99999.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="number" id="sa_zindex" name="sa_zindex" value="<?php echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_zindex'] ); ?>" style="width:80px;" />
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Push-up element (optional):','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If you want your sticky element to be \'pushed up\' again by another element lower on the page, enter it here. Make sure this is a unique identifier.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="text" id="sa_pushup" name="sa_pushup" value="<?php 
    										if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_pushup'] != '#NO-ELEMENT') {
    											echo esc_html( $sticky_anything_options['sa_pushup'] ); 
    									?>"/> <em><?php _e('(choose ONE element, e.g. <strong>#footer</strong>, OR <strong>.widget-bottom</strong>, etc.)','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></em>
    								<th scope="row"><span class="new"><?php _e('NEW!','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></span> <?php _e('Legacy mode:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('If you upgraded from an earlier version and it always worked before, use legacy mode to keep using the old method.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="checkbox" id="sa_legacymode" name="sa_legacymode" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_legacymode'] == true ) echo ' checked="checked" ';?> />
    									<label for="sa_legacymode"><strong><?php _e('Legacy Mode (only recommended if you upgraded from earlier version).','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></strong></label>
    									<p class="description"><?php _e('In version 2.0, a new/better method for making elements sticky was introduced. However, if you upgraded this plugin from an earlier version, and the old method always worked for you, there is no need to use the new method and you should keep this option checked.<br>More information about this setting can be found in the <a href="#faq" class="faq">FAQ</a>.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></p>
    							<tr id="row-dynamic-mode" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_legacymode'] == false ) echo 'class="disabled-feature"';?>>
    								<th scope="row"><div class="showhide" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_legacymode'] == false ) echo 'style="display:none;"';?>><?php _e('Dynamic mode:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('When Dynamic Mode is OFF, a cloned element will be created upon page load. If this mode is ON, a cloned element will be created every time your scrolled position hits the \'sticky\' point (option available in Legacy Mode only).','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></div></th>
    								<td><div class="showhide" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_legacymode'] == false ) echo 'style="display:none;"';?>>
    									<input type="checkbox" id="sa_dynamicmode" name="sa_dynamicmode" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_dynamicmode']  ) echo ' checked="checked" ';?> />
    									<label for="sa_dynamicmode"><strong><?php _e('If the plugin doesn\'t work in your theme (often the case with responsive themes), try it in Dynamic Mode.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></strong></label>
    									<p class="description"><?php _e('NOTE: this is not a \'Magic Checkbox\' that fixes all problems. It simply solves some issues that frequently appear with some responsive themes, but doesn\'t necessarily work in ALL situations.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></p>
    								<th scope="row"><?php _e('Debug mode:','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('When Debug Mode is on, error messages will be shown in your browser\'s console when the element you selected either doesn\'t exist, or when there are more elements on the page with your chosen selector.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="help">?</a></th>
    									<input type="checkbox" id="sa_debugmode" name="sa_debugmode" <?php if ($sticky_anything_options['sa_debugmode']  ) echo ' checked="checked" ';?> />
    									<label for="sa_debugmode"><strong><?php _e('Log plugin errors in browser console','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></strong></label>
    									<p class="description"><?php _e('This will help debugging the plugin in case of problems. Do NOT check this option in production environments.','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?></p>
    					<div class="tab-content tab-sticky-main tab-sticky-advanced <?php if (($activeTab != 'main') && ($activeTab != 'advanced')) {echo 'hide';} ?>">
    						<input type="hidden" name="sa_tab" value="<?php echo $activeTab ?>">
    						&nbsp;<br><input type="submit" value="<?php _e('SAVE SETTINGS','Sticky Anything plugin'); ?>" class="button-primary"/>
    				<div class="tab-content tab-sticky-faq <?php if ($activeTab != 'faq') {echo 'hide';} ?>">
    					<?php include 'assets/faq.php'; ?>
    		<div class="main-sidebar">	
    			<?php include 'assets/plugin-info.php'; ?>
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_admin_init')) {
    	function sticky_anything_admin_init() {
    		add_action( 'admin_post_save_sticky_anything_options', 'process_sticky_anything_options' );
     * --- PROCESS THE SETTINGS FORM AFTER SUBMITTING ------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('process_sticky_anything_options')) {
    	function process_sticky_anything_options() {
    		if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ))
    			wp_die( 'Not allowed');
    		$options = get_option('sticky_anything_options');
    		foreach ( array('sa_element') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_topspace') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_minscreenwidth') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_maxscreenwidth') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_zindex') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_pushup') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		foreach ( array('sa_adminbar') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = true;
    			} else {
    				$options[$option_name] = false;
    		foreach ( array('sa_adminbarfix') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = true;
    			} else {
    				$options[$option_name] = false;
    		foreach ( array('sa_legacymode') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = true;
    			} else {
    				$options[$option_name] = false;
    		foreach ( array('sa_dynamicmode') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = true;
    			} else {
    				$options[$option_name] = false;
    		foreach ( array('sa_debugmode') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = true;
    			} else {
    				$options[$option_name] = false;
    		foreach ( array('sa_tab') as $option_name ) {
    			if ( isset( $_POST[$option_name] ) ) {
    				$options[$option_name] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$option_name] );
    		$tabValue = $_POST['sa_tab'];
    		update_option( 'sticky_anything_options', $options );	
     		wp_redirect( add_query_arg(
     			array('page' => 'stickyanythingmenu', 'message' => '1', 'tab' => $tabValue),
     			admin_url( 'options-general.php' ) 
     * --- ADD THE .CSS AND .JS TO ADMIN MENU --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!function_exists('sticky_anything_styles')) {
    	function sticky_anything_styles($hook) {
    		if ($hook != 'settings_page_stickyanythingmenu') {
    		wp_register_script('stickyAnythingAdminScript', plugins_url('/assets/js/sticky-anything-admin.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery' ), '2.0.1');
    		wp_register_style('stickyAnythingAdminStyle', plugins_url('/assets/css/sticky-anything-admin.css', __FILE__) );
     * === HOOKS AND ACTIONS AND FILTERS AND SUCH ==========================================================
    $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); 
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'sticky_anthing_default_options' );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_sticky_anything');
    add_action('admin_menu', 'sticky_anything_menu');
    add_action('admin_init', 'sticky_anything_admin_init' );
    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'sticky_anything_styles' );
    add_filter("plugin_action_links_$plugin", 'sticky_anything_settings_link' );


    sneaky – not exactly an honest way to do business is it?

    +1 here too. would be very very useful

    filesize column is not sortable. why not?

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