Forum Replies Created
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
above </body>
You got this
<?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html>
at the very end of yout footer.php too?
Ok. Thanks so much.
Update 2.0.11 did it
No more encoding mess. -> working fine
—thickbox now OK
fancybox now OK
lightbox now OKall 3 worked after editing the URL that included mysteriously full server path in between.
– (Show Advanced Settings)
– Stylesheet URL and Javascript URL and deleted the “var/www/html/username” – part of all URLS.From:…into…And so it worked.
This issue can be closed.
(Concerning issues I got with upload and insert a gallery into post I am going to look for a correspondend thread).
This one is resolved.
Thanks for answer.
With 2.0 nothing worked at all. Only the MVC-Error on the site, no further posts or pages showed up. I had to deactivate NextGEN to see my blog at all. Without pictures though but it was to read again at least.
MVC Error was gone since update to 2.0.7 and the blog showed up again with NextGEN activated. Since then I got the encoding errors, missing lightbox, a white page when adding files in a new post using NextGen-Gallery etc.
Uploading only works with the normal WordPress Editor facilities.I tested all lightbox effects (lightbox, fancybox, thickbox). Nothing. works.
I do not have FTP access to the site so I can not rollback to any previous version (it’s a huge but non profit site, a project for children which I “admin” for free).
If I had FTP access data, my choice would be 1.9.13, which worked great.I will wait for anything to happen.
What means: a working update or any quick solution for the wrong endcoding I can edit with the plugin-editor.BUMP
Oh yes @photocrati. Please do it the surocharg-way and provide us with 1.9.13 automatically via admin update.
ok, found out another hint:
starting with the wrong encodet blogpost with images in thumbnail-view.
when you switch to slideshow-view (the link above the images) the encoding turns into correct UTF-8.
(But opens the single article-view if you do this from the mainpage.)Back to “thumbnail-view”: wrong encoding.
Perhaps this helps to find the solution.