Forum Replies Created
I have moved them to System location but it not solved the problem.
These strings are translated via Loco Translate to custom location. Maybe thats the cause of the issue :).
Hi, I have solved the issue with adding custom field with min for simple and variable product then adding custom sorting to the archive by meta_value_num
From which country are you trying to access the website? Maybe there is a country blocking at my service provider.
Szívesen :), a plugin frissítésével ugye ez a módosítás t?rl?dni fog, de szerintem Peti addig implementál valami megoldást ??
Ne innen masold ki, mert baj van a ” karakterekkel.
Igy van jol:
A hiba, amit kuldtel csak annyi, hogy rossz az XML ertek.
Nalunk ket honlapon is megy igy ??
A //Shipping //Extra Fees es //Discount reszen is van ez az ertek. Eleg oda betenni a ‘db’-t amit hasznalsz. //Order Items //Shipping resz persze mindig aktualis.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by beamkiller.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by beamkiller.
A probléma valoszinuleg egy Szamla Agent frissites miatt lep fel, ahol a
kotelezo mezo lett.
Egyelore gyors megoldas, ha a kovetkezo fajlban:
/wp-content/plugins/integration-for-szamlazzhu-woocommerce/index.phpAz //Order Items es //Shipping reszen hozzaadtok egy tetszes szerinti erteket, esetemben pl:
$tetel->addChild(‘mennyisegiEgyseg’,’db’);Es a szamlakeszites mukodni fog.
PetiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Email does not sendHi,
Check it with your hosting company. Are you sending HTML emails out from WooCommerce?
Try to use a Transactional Email Service, like SparkPost or SendGrid
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Auto adjust image size.Hi Vlad,
There are libraries for equal height via jQuery, but the easiest way is to upload the correct image size…
I use this one for this kind of purpose.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Move title above images on category pagesHi
It would be better to create a template override in your child theme.
Check the parent template that if there is a template override file to the category archive. If yes, copy and edit that file. If no, copy the corresponding template file, from /woocommerce/templates folder to your template-children/woocommerce folder.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Custom field on thank you pageHi,
It is not enough to add the field, you need to save it too.
There is a good guide on this page, which get you through the process of adding custom checkout fields :).
- This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by beamkiller.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Attribute deleted after plugin refreshSo I have solved it via custom function, which adds the attributes again.
Becasue it is saved in the database correctly, you can reach the data and add it to the product again via wp_add_object_terms.
See my code below Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Attribute deleted after plugin refreshPlease I need to solve this for my client, because now even when the attribute is manually restored if they change something on the product and click on Save the product, the attributes are lost again from the product because the attribute field is empty and variations are deleted too.
But the data is in the DB. Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Attribute deleted after plugin refreshAre the WooCommerce attributes stored somewhere else than the DB? I have tried a backup from 1.25 still no attribute in that backup.
Very interesting…
- This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by beamkiller.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Attribute deleted after plugin refreshI have also tried to create a new DB table from the DB backup and change the wp-config.php to new credentials. Attribute still missing.