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  • Thread Starter beachman14


    First I made screen shots of all the setup I had done. Next I deactivated and then deleted the plugin. Surprisingly all my setup was still there, but my problem appears to be fixed. Thank you for the help. I will let you know if there is any more trouble.

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Here is the contents of the log, and I really appreciate the help.

    2024-05-06T14:48:57+00:00 Critical Declaration of FSVendor\WPDesk\FS\TableRate\Logger\ShippingMethodLogger::emergency(Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void must be compatible with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::emergency($message, array $context = [])
    Additional context
    "error": {
    "type": 64,
    "file": "\/home3\/marknewm\/public_html\/singletreeproducts\/wp-content\/plugins\/flexible-shipping\/vendor_prefixed\/wpdesk\/wp-wpdesk-fs-table-rate\/src\/Logger\/ShippingMethodLogger.php",
    "line": 23
    "backtrace": [
    "file": "\/home3\/marknewm\/public_html\/singletreeproducts\/wp-content\/plugins\/woocommerce\/includes\/class-woocommerce.php",
    "line": 378,
    "function": "critical",
    "class": "WC_Logger",
    "type": "->"
    "function": "log_errors",
    "class": "WooCommerce",
    "type": "->"
    Thread Starter beachman14


    That did it. Thanks very much for the help.

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Based on yor suggestions I was able to figure it out. I have four galleries set up to display Pictures, Documents, Audio, and Video. Rather than use mime types I decided to use the att. category feature of your plugin. Here is an example of why I do it this way. A pdf file may be some kind of a written document, or it may be a picture saved as a pdf file. My problem was that when I set up my four galleries, I used the post_mime_type=all parameter in all but the picture gallery. For the first time, a pdf file had been placed in the picture library.

    Thank you again for the outstanding support and for this great plugin.

    Thread Starter beachman14



    I must apologize for replying to you in an email instead of posting the results of your suggestions in the support forum. Thank you so much for the suggestions and the help. Here are the answers to your questions:

    1. “If you navigate to the Media/Att. Categories admin screen, what is the value in the “Attachments” column for the Pictures term?”
      A: 66
    2. You can try adding mla_debug=true to your gallery shortcode.”
      6369 mla_debug post_count = 48
      6370 mla_debug found_posts = 65

    The shortcodes I have attempted to alter according to your suggestions are now as follows. The mla_debug=true is still included for your reference.Again, thank you so much for the help. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    <form id=”mla-search-form” action=”” method=”post”>
    <input id=”mla-search-box” name=”search-string” type=”text” value=””>&nbsp;<input id=”submit” name=”submit” type=”submit” value=”Search”>

    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=48 mla_caption=”{+title+}” s=”{+request:search-string+}” mla_debug=true]

    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=48 mla_output=”previous_page,first” mla_link_text=’← Previous’ mla_rollover_text=”Previous or first page” s=”{+request:search-string+}” mla_link_href=”{+page_url+}?search-string={+request:search-string,url+}&amp;gallery_pictures={+new_page+}”]

    <div style=”float: right”>
    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=48 mla_output=”next_page,last” mla_link_text=’Next → ‘ mla_rollover_text=”Next or last page” s=”{+request:search-string+}” mla_link_href=”{+page_url+}?search-string={+request:search-string,url+}&amp;gallery_pictures={+new_page+}”]

    Thread Starter beachman14



    I apologize for my late response, I have been unable to get back to this until just now. Thank you for all of your work on this. I have the new version of the plugin installed and I will begin working with the example code you sent.

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Thank you again for your superior level of support.

    When I wrote “With the pagination shortcodes added, when I enter a value and click the Search button, the gallery does not change and the search form disappears,” what I meant to say is that the entire form, including the input box and the button disappears. I am using the Astra theme if that matters.

    On your other question, you are correct in that I was hoping to have four separate forms on the page, each linked to one set of gallery and pagination controls.

    At present, I have changed my site so as to place each of the four galleries on their own page, so I am ok for now. The issue is not pressing. Thanks again for a great plugin and superior support.

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Upon further testing, the issue does appear to be related to having multiple galleries on a single page. I used the exact same code on a page with a single gallery and it worked great: search and pagination together. I can separate my galleries onto separate pages if I need to, but I was hoping to have four galleries on the same page. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Thank you for that suggestion about action=”.” That absolutely fixed it. I also thank you for the suggestion about displaying an empty gallery, but in my case, I want to show everything in the gallery until the site visitor enters a value in the search form.

    I am now working on pagination. Thanks to your help I have gotten pagination to work and I have gotten the search form to work, but I cannot get them to work together. This is my code:

    <form id=”mla-search-form” action=”; method=”post”>
    <input id=”mla-search-box” name=”search-string” type=”text” value=””> <input id=”submit” name=”submit” type=”submit” value=”Search”>
    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=12 mla_caption=”{+title+}” s=”{+request:search-string+}”]
    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=12 mla_output=”previous_page,first” mla_link_text=’← Previous Gallery Page’ mla_rollover_text=”Previous or first page for this tag”]
    <div style=”float: right”>
    [mla_gallery mla_page_parameter=gallery_pictures post_parent=all attachment_category=Pictures posts_per_page=12 mla_output=”next_page,last” mla_link_text=’Next Gallery Page → ‘ mla_rollover_text=”Next or last page for this tag”]

    With the pagination shortcodes added, when I enter a value and click the Search button, the gallery does not change and the search form dissapears. My page has four mla galleries on it that are differentiated by different mla_page_parameter values. I don’t know if that makes a difference or not. I was hoping to have a search form for each mla gallery. Can that work? Again, I have attempted to solve the issue by researching the documentation before reaching out again. Sorry to be such a pest!


    Thread Starter beachman14


    Hi, Glen.

    First, I want to thank you again for helping me with my other issue. I waited until that one was resolved before pursuing this question. I would like the site visitor to be able to populate two fields on the Contact Form 7 that will be applied as Media Library Assistant file attributes when dropped into the Media Library:

    Att. Category

    I am hoping that since your plugin has access to both the data in the contact form and the file in the media library, this might be possible. I love your plugin and appreciate all your help.


    Thread Starter beachman14


    Glen, thanks for responding so quickly. I apologize in advance for the lengthy message. I am trying to create a site in which members of my extended family can share pictures, documents, and recordings with each other. The site will have three galleries, one for each of the categories I just mentioned. The site visitor will upload their files into the appropriate gallery. Filtering the contents of the media library by file extension is problematic because a “document” such as a birth certificate may be uploaded as a pdf or a jpg (for example) so I need a way to definitively categorize the file uploads. I was able to use a plugin called Media Library Assistant that creates a category attribute that you can filter a gallery, on and that was working great, but I needed a way for the site visitor to assign the files being uploaded to one of the category options. I have a dropdown field on the contact form 7 for the user to choose but I can’t seem to figure out how to get that value to populate to the category attribute in the media library. As an alternative I thought I might use folders in the wp-contents directory to separate the uploads by category and use a plugin that can create a gallery from a folder instead of the media library. Hence my question to you about the ability to upload to separate folders. BUt what I wish I could do would be to somehow use some sort of attribute field in the media library to categorize the uploads. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by beachman14.
    Thread Starter beachman14


    I ended up deleting and reinstalling contact form 7 and that seems to have fixed it.

    Thread Starter beachman14


    Thank you! I will give that a try.

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