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  • Thread Starter bdsr


    Thank you so much for your prompt response gidd.

    I had been trying out using images edited in wordpress as I am preparing the site for another person who will need to prepare his own images for uploading and probably won’t have image editing software. That is why
    I was trying out editing the images in wordpress.

    So is there no way that the wordpress editor can be made to work as it presumably should?

    And do you mind explaining exactly what you mean by “choose the original size when you show it on the web”?

    Thread Starter bdsr


    I originally put it in using the Source tab in CKEditor. I have just gone in and re-entered it using the HTML view, just in case, but it has made no difference.

    Thread Starter bdsr


    I just put it in the source code for this page:

    As you can see it isn’t doing what one would expect. I just put in [foobar]. Is that correct?

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Thanks vtxyzzy for getting back to me.

    I have never used shortcodes before, so please bear with me.

    Because I wasn’t sure about creating a shortcode or where to put the function I took an example from the wordpress codex and copied the following into my functions.php file as a trial:

    function foobar_func( $atts ){
    return “foo and bar”;
    add_shortcode( ‘foobar’, ‘foobar_func’ );

    function bartag_func( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘foo’ => ‘something’,
    ‘bar’ => ‘something else’,
    ), $atts ) );

    return “foo = {$foo}”;
    add_shortcode( ‘bartag’, ‘bartag_func’ );

    I expected that when I inserted [foobar] and [bartag] into my code that I would get back something other than [foobar] and [bartag] – but that is all that showed on the page!

    Is the functions.php file the place to put the code and, if so, what else should I have inserted for this to return something other than the name of the shortcode please?

    Thank you so much

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Hi Greg,

    I had worked this out, but thank you so much for your response. I find it very frustrating that so often when I post a question there is no response. Forums need more people like you!


    Thread Starter bdsr


    Wow, you have done a lot of work on this. From your description this is exactly what I want.

    While I can see the code in my email, when I go into pastebin I can’t find it.

    Re the code which I presume is showing up ok in my email: where do I put it in the twentyten theme please so that I can try it out?

    Thread Starter bdsr



    Can I please impose on you just once more in relation to this?

    I was thinking that once I had the code to do the rollover I would be able to use an image map so that I could have two separate rollovers on the image and therefore two separate dialog boxes. My assumption was that once I knew where to put the onmouseover code I would also know where to put the image map code.

    However your solution wasn’t along the lines of what I had anticipated. Is it possible to use an image map along with the solution you gave me?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Thank you SO much stvwlf!! I am so grateful! After all that searching to actually find out how to do it is so wonderful.

    You are very generous.

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Yes it is working now. Thank you SO much.

    One related question though that is puzzling me: even though I deleted and reinstalled my child theme it is now called twentyten child child theme. I can’t get rid of the second ‘child’. Does that matter?

    Thread Starter bdsr


    Hi alchymyth,
    I am so grateful for your help!

    When you say the full path is not needed, do you mean that I should have the following:
    @import url(“../twentyten/style.css”);
    That still doesn’t work so clearly there is another problem.

    My style.css is here
    I also have a comments.php file in my child theme which is blank.

    My parent theme is twentyten.
    Re the relative path, I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but the path to the twentyten theme is /public_html/counsel/wp-content/themes/twentyten
    and the path to the child theme is /public_html/counsel/wp-content/themes/twentyten child

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Widgets on pages question
    Thread Starter bdsr


    Hi Todd,

    I have done the rating.

    Yes I have javascript enabled some am baffled.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Widgets on pages question
    Thread Starter bdsr



    I have worked out what I was doing wrong and now have the image showing up. However I want to do a rollover on the image and have included the following in the widget code:

    <img src=”wp-content/themes/twentyten child/images/logosml.jpg” id=”btn1″

    onMouseOver=”document.getElementById(‘btn1′).src = “wp-content/themes/twentyten child/images/button_red.gif’;”
    onMouseOut=”document.getElementById(‘btn1′).src = “wp-content/themes/twentyten child/images/logosml.jpg’;” />

    But there is no action when I place my cursor on the original image. Should this sort of code work in a widget?

    Thanks once again.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Widgets on pages question
    Thread Starter bdsr



    I went looking for how to rate it but couldn’t find it. What do I do?

    Also, can I bother you with another widget question please? Once I have a text widget working I thought I could add code to create an effect that I want. I have tried adding the following to a text widget:

    <img src=””wp-content/themes/Brendas template/images/logosml.jpg”/>
    but absolutely nothing is showing up. The specified image is definitely in the images folder – I have checked.

    Any advice you could give would be much appreciated. Now I have discovered widgets I would like to use them extensively if I can control what they do and how they look!

    Thanks again.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Widgets on pages question
    Thread Starter bdsr


    Thanks Todd. I will go in and rate the widget as well.



    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Widgets on pages question
    Thread Starter bdsr


    Hi Todd,

    Yes, when I check the source code in the browser it shows ‘p’ tags. But how do I remove them please?

    Thank you


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