Becky Davis
Forum Replies Created
Yea, update hit many times and cache cleared. This site is hosted on a funky private host, I’m sure it’s something in his settings, but I’ll live with the CSS override for now. Thanks for your help.
It is working in my local dev site, so my guess is it’s a server setting. Again, if you can point me in a direction, I’ll take it up with my host. Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t disable the crop of the featured imgIn the dashboard, under Settings>Media, there’s a checkbox for the crop. You can uncheck that. This should work for anything new that you upload, but it may not for things that are already in the library. To re-set all images, you’ll need a plugin to regenerate the thumbnails.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Tags & PluginI have not used this and would highly recommend testing on a staging or dev copy of your site first, but this plugin looks promising… Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sub Tags Like Sub Catgories or Parent TagTags work on a flat structure, so the simple answer is no. This article has a pretty good in depth look at how categories and tags work. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SVG Arrows on slider how to changeThis page has got a nice list of code symbols. Looks like the arrows section probably has what you want.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Keep oEmbed link from showing on Blog Roll/Archive Page?A lot of this depends on how your particular theme has set up the blog page, but the easiest thing to try is adding a custom excerpt for the posts and controlling what’s seen. If Excerpt isn’t showing up as an option on your Posts, go to screen options at the very top and check off Excerpt. Then whatever you put in that field will be what shows up on the archive view.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Corrupt root url for all media filesI don’t know anything about that function or what you were trying to do, but you should be able to fix all the broken urls with the Velvet Blues plugin. It’s an oldie but a goodie.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Attempting to create a landing page for PortfolioYour example site isn’t WP, but all it really is, is a big background image with links on top. This is way more about finding the right theme, or creating one, than it is finding a plugin.
Background images will require some CSS work, but you could create a new home page with the 3 links (as h2 tags or columns or boxes) and you’ll have a start to what you’re looking for. Once the page is created, you can designate it as the home page, instead of About.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multi language installI can’t answer the part about espresso only using one currency, but WPML basically creates sub-directories for each language. So yes, you create a duplicate page in Swedish, translate it and then the url changes from site/page-link to site/sw/page-link-translated-title. The 2 pages are linked and then the user can change languages on that page if you have the language switcher menu enabled.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replicating category/location page heirarchy4 custom post types is the cleanest way to go. Yes, you should get over adding menu items. All of the other options except just keeping the current page structure will require redirects. Custom post types give you the further advantage of changing the template layout as well if that’s wanted.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts within a page by categoryYou can add a category to your menu. Then you only see that category in a list.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: no gallery optionThe gallery option you saw was from the plugins, that’s why it’s gone. This is not native in the WP dashboard. And you’re right, you can’t edit a regular WP gallery easily. You can delete it and re-create it. The native gallery function is pretty limited.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Link excerpt to another pageNot directly. But you could add a link manually into the excerpt.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List all Taxonomies on Post editI have a site on 4.6.1 with a ton of custom taxonomies that show up as check-boxes on the post, so my guess is your problem is being caused by something else. Did you add the taxonomies manually in your functions file ( or with a plugin? If with a plugin, have you updated it and/or asked for help on that plugins forum?