It took me a while to get the syntax, but once I found out there was a function to unserialize the variable it was much easier.
global $wpdb;
//Define the WordPress post meta table
$metatable = $wpdb->prefix."postmeta";
//Retrieve post_id of every business page
//Formulate the SQL query
//Using prepared statements is the correct method
//You should be using this for security reasons
//Use $wpdb->get_var for retrieving single result
$business_hours = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_value FROM $metatable where post_id=%d AND meta_key='_wppl_days_hours'",$post_id_business));
//Output the hours to your theme
//Simple echo the variable directly containing the result query
//echo $business_hours;
$a = unserialize($business_hours);
echo "<br>";
for ($row = 0; $row < 7; $row++)
echo $a[$row][days].": ".$a[$row][hours]."<br>";
So in a nutshell it works:
Sunday: 11am-10pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11am-12am
Wednseday: 11am-12am
Thursday: 11am-12am
Friday: 11am-2am
Saturday: 11am-2am