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Forum: Hacks
In reply to: What′s wrong with this shortcode function?edited
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: help! wp_enqueue_script is including my javascript.Yes, it sounds like you’re calling wp_enqueue_script() too late to be included in the header. An inline script would work because there’s no queue; it’s just direct output. I’d try ‘admin_init’ like jason_lane suggested or maybe set the flag to include your script in the footer instead of the header.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Need Help with Custom filer-PluginNo, that’s not what I was referring to. Rev. Voodoo was telling people NOT to edit the core. His suggested code should work for you:
function mytheme_init() { add_filter('comment_form_defaults','mytheme_comments_form_defaults'); } add_action('after_setup_theme','mytheme_init'); function mytheme_comments_form_defaults($default) { unset($default['comment_notes_after']); return $default; }
Did you try it? You can use it in your plugin file instead of the theme’s functions.php file.
BTW, it’s not considered hacking to filter the output via a plugin.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: custom filter action not being calledAccording to the WordPress codex for add_filter():
The function returns true whether the attempted function hook fails or not. There is no test that the function exists nor whether the $function_to_add is even a string. It is up to you to take care and this is done for optimization purposes, so everything is as quick as possible.Is it add_filter() returning true? In your pseudocode there’s no check for the return value, which normally isn’t necessary.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: custom filter action not being calledHmmmm everything looks right to me. You’ve tested to ensure the that has_filter() returns true? Unfortunately I’m not sure what else could be wrong without seeing more of the code.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: custom filter action not being calledDisclosure: I don’t use classes in my plugins, but isn’t the correct way to call add_filter with a class:
add_filter( $tag, array( & $this, $my_method_goes_here ) );
and you call it via
plural and notapply_filter()
singular. I believe you’re using the latter.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to hack "the meta" to "get_post_meta" ?Your question doesn’t make a lot of sense. What is it that you’re trying to accomplish? If you absolutely cannot change the template, and you don’t like the output, then you could create a plugin to filter out the portion that you don’t like before the page is displayed.
If you don’t like coding plugins in PHP, you always have the option to use jQuery to modify the HTML. Otherwise, you’re stuck with whatever your template does or doesn’t do until you change the source code.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Need Help with Custom filer-PluginI recommend you have a look at the following thread, as it should answer your question:
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Add Meta Boxes not saving or retrievingI tend to skim-read quickly. Upon closer inspection, it appears as if someone renamed all the “name” attributes of your input boxes. For example, the thumbnail input box says:
but this likely used to say:
Thus, if you simply change
if(preg_match('/^nivo/i', $key)) {
to say
if(preg_match('/^ahng/i', $key)) {
your code will work as expected.
This is always the problem with using someone else’s code.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Add Meta Boxes not saving or retrievingpreg_match() is a PHP function that searches strings for patterns called regular expressions. In this case, it is checking the $key variable to see if the string begins with “nivo”.
The breakdown is as follows:
/ / – is used to define the beginning and end of the regular expression (think of this as brackets)
^ – specifies that we want to look at the beginning of the string stored in $key.
nivo – is simply the pattern of characters we’re looking for
i – the “i” at the end simply says that we’re willing to accept “nivo” in any case, upper or lower or any combination of such. Thus, “nivo123” or “NIVOqwerty” or “NiVo” etc. will match.
$key – is the variable we want to search for patterns in.
I’m not sure what the string “nivo” refers to, but it seems to be a prefix of some sort.
Regular expressions are extremely powerful. For more information, you can read about the preg_match function here:
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Drag n' Drop text into WordPress Editor using jQueryIt appears I’ve been going about this all wrong and shouldn’t be trying to manipulate the iframe content directly, but rather the hidden content textarea.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Drag n' Drop text into WordPress Editor using jQueryUpdate:
I’ve narrowed the problem down to the loading time required for tinymce’s iframe. I also should have been selecting
instead of just$('.wp-editor')
, but I’m still having issues, nonetheless.The following test code should work, but it fails to set the background color because .ready() fires BEFORE tinymce is fully loaded:
$('#content_ifr').ready(function() { $('#content_ifr').contents().find('body').css("background-color", "#f33"); });
The following test code DOES work, but ONLY if I wait until the tinymce WordPress editor is completely finished loading before I click the title box to fire the
event.$('#title').click(function() { $('#content_ifr').contents().find('body').css("background-color", "#f33"); });
This is extremely frustrating. After doing an exhaustive search on Google, it seems iframes are notorious for being difficult to work with in JavaScript, yet here they are. Why not just use DIV tags? I’m also surprised that table layouts are frequently used throughout WordPress. <end rant>
Can anyone help me? This seems overly complicated!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Rounded corners in IETo answer your question, there is no “best way in wordpress”, as rounded corners have nothing to do with the CMS, itself.
As for IE, it has been a pain for web developers since day one. Unfortunately there’s still a sizable number of people out there using it, but that number is declining. I spent years playing “whack-a-mole” with the various browsers and finally realized how futile it was.
If you really need your website to look the same in every browser, then you might want to consider using the old CSS background image hack for displaying rounded corners (do a Google search and you’ll find endless tutorials on the subject).
However, the contemporary approach to web design is that it’s okay if a website doesn’t look exactly the same in every browser, as long as it doesn’t affect the overall user experience. Rounded corners isn’t a necessity, so I personally wouldn’t spend that much time on it.
It all comes down to ROI. Is it worth the extra time (i.e. money) to fuss around with the idiosyncrasies of the various browsers? In billable hours, how much time have you already spent on this? If your customer is so worried that not having the corners rounded in IE will make or break the deal, then he or she has probably lost focus on what’s important: the message, or content.
Believe me, visitors don’t care about minor differences in decorative features. They will quickly leave the most beautiful website in a heartbeat and never return if they don’t find what they’re looking (often within seconds).
It’s up to you, but as the owner of a web design company, I explicitly tell my customers up front to expect minor differences in appearance between browsers. While I’m more than willing to spend the extra time (if they’re willing to pay for it), astute customers realize it’s totally unnecessary because they expect to have more to offer visitors than pretty bevels and dazzling gradients.
I’m not saying this to be condescending. Hopefully it’ll help you focus on what’s important. I wish someone had said this to me a decade ago because I wasted a lot of time fumbling around with unnecessary tasks until I started thinking in terms of the business aspects and reading the advice of veterans in the industry.