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  • Wouldn’t you want $wpdb->insert() and not $wpdb->update() ? The latter updates existing records. Since you want to count multiple votes per user, you’ll need to store multiple records by inserting a new record for each vote.

    You might also want to check to make sure your “user id” column in your table isn’t a primary or unique index; otherwise, it would prevent multiple rows from being inserted for that key.

    Lastly, as a totally unrelated suggestion: If you’re building a common poling system like “Which candidate would you vote for? A, B, C, or D”, you might want to consider using AJAX to submit the data instead of a standard HTML form submit. The reason for this is because poles are usually secondary / optional items on a page and don’t warrant a complete reloading of the page. It’s far less frustrating for a user when you can vote and see the results without having to wait for the entire page to reload. Just a thought.

    Use a good ol’ fashioned for loop:

    if ( count( $href ) === count( $name ) ) {
    for ( $i = 0; i < count( $href ) ; i++ ) {
    echo "<a href='{$href[$i]}'>{$name{$i]}</a>";

    But why not just combine the two into one array in the first place?

    $href = array( '' => '1', '' => '2', '' => '3', '' => '4' );

    Or combine the arrays into one (like the above structure) using PHP’s array_combine():

    from PHP codex:

    array_combine — Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values

    array_combine ( array $keys , array $values )

    You shouldn’t pass parameters that way. The proper way to pass parameters to JavaScript in WordPress is to use localization. For an example of this, see the my last post in the following thread:

    In that example, I pass the current WordPress user ID to JavaScript:

    snippet from PHP file:

    function smp2_enqueue_script() {
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘smpayne2’, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ‘smpayne2.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘1.0’ );
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    wp_localize_script( ‘smpayne2’, ‘smp2Params’, array(
    ‘userID’ => $current_user->ID
    ) );

    } // smp2_enqueue_script
    add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘smp2_enqueue_script’ );

    snippet from JavaScript file (smpayne2.js):

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(‘a[href^=”mailto:”]’).each(function() {
    var href = $(this).attr(‘href’);
    href += ( -1 < href.indexOf(‘?’) ? ‘&’ : ‘?’ ) + ‘ul=’ + smp2Params.userID;
    $(this).attr(‘href’, href);

    You can create dynamic JavaScript files, but again it’s not the recommended way. You would enqueue them like this:
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘my-dynamic-script’, $path . ‘/myscript.js.php’ );
    and don’t include any querystrings in the filename.

    On second thought, what you’re trying to accomplish is trivial enough that there’s little point in spending this much time debugging the logic. Probably easier just to write it from scratch:

    1) go to your plugins folder and create a new folder called “smpayne2”
    2) inside that folder, create a file called “smpayne2.php” and paste the following code into it:

    Plugin Name: smpayne2
    Description: Appends current user ID to mailto: anchor tags.
    function smp2_enqueue_script() {
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'smpayne2', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'smpayne2.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0' );
    	$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    	wp_localize_script( 'smpayne2', 'smp2Params', array(
    		'userID' => $current_user->ID
    	) );
    } // smp2_enqueue_script
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'smp2_enqueue_script' );

    3) in the same folder, create a file called “smpayne2.js” and paste the following code into it:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	$('a[href^="mailto:"]').each(function() {
    		var href = $(this).attr('href');
    		href += ( -1 < href.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?' ) + 'ul=' + smp2Params.userID;
    		$(this).attr('href', href);

    4) activate the “smpayne2” plugin in WordPress

    This should accomplish what you wanted. There’s less code, and it’s cleaner.

    My suggestion was to delete that line of code entirely. There’s no reason to define a constant if you’re only going to use the value once, and the constant is computed. That’s just making messy code messier. But you’ll have to change the
    <?php echo EXT_LINK_PARAMS ?>
    section to say
    <?php echo $ext_link_param; ?>

    Otherwise, I’m not sure why it’s not working. I usually add echo or var_dump() statements throughout my code when I’m debugging to test if various parts are being executed. For example, right under

    function ext_link_params_wp_head() {
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    I’d probably do something like:
    echo 'And the current user ID is: '.$current_user->ID.'!';
    If nothing gets printed on the screen, then I know my function isn’t getting called. If “And the current user ID is: !” gets printed to the screen, then I know there’s something up with the wp_current_user() call. Actually, replacing the echo statement with
    would be a better test.

    It also helps to use your browser’s built-in script debugging capabilities. If the JavaScript is crashing, you need to know about it, and on what line it’s erroring out on. In FireFox, you can use the wonderful FireBug plugin. In Chrome, you can click the wrench on the top-right, then Tools->Developer Tools. Even IE has pretty good script debugging capabilities, but you’ll have to turn them on in the menu.

    In fact, right before the last
    in your jQuery section, add this:
    alert('Hello World!');
    and then refresh the page. If you don’t see an alert box pop up with “Hello World”, then either your script isn’t getting called or you have an error somewhere in your JavaScript.

    Also try changing
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'ext_link_params_wp_head', 10 );
    back to
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'ext_link_params_wp_head', 10 );

    If you still can’t find the error, paste your entire plugin code here, and I’ll see if I can spot any obvious errors.

    This can easily be accomplished with jQuery:

    var caption = $(‘.current-menu-item a’).text();

    just make sure you first enqueue the jQuery script, which is already included in WordPress.

    You want the Settings API. Do a Google search for “wordpress settings api tutorial” and you should be able to find good step-by-step instructions on adding this to your theme. Here is one such source:

    As for using TinyMCE for your textareas, the answer is yes, you can do that. However, I’ve never needed to do such a thing for any of my projects. But maybe this will help:

    OK, try this: Start with a fresh copy of the script you got from the link. Then add the following code right under “function ext_link_params_wp_head() {” and before the “?>”, so you’d have:

    function ext_link_params_wp_head() {
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $ext_link_param = 'ul='.$current_user->ID;

    Then change the
    <?php echo EXT_LINK_PARAMS ?>
    snippet to say
    <?php echo $ext_link_param; ?>

    Now, change
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'ext_link_params_wp', 10 );
    to say
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'ext_link_params_wp' );
    and just to be on the safe side, change
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'ext_link_params_wp_head', 10 );
    ‘add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘ext_link_params_wp_head’, 10 );’

    For consistency, you can rename the ‘ext_link_params_wp_head’ function to ‘ext_link_params_wp_footer’ if you like, just be sure to change it in both the add_action and the function declaration.

    And that should work, although I don’t have a test environment set up right now to test it.

    It’s not a pretty solution, but unfortunately the vast number of WordPress plugins aren’t.

    I think there’s some code missing. I would contact the developer.

    Yes it is. But that looks like some interesting code… As far as I was taught, you’re not supposed to put anything before the /* */ plugin declaration, other than “<?php”. However, the problem may have something to do with this statement in the WordPress codex:

    <?php wp_get_current_user(); ?>
    Use the init or any subsequent action to call this function. Calling it outside of an action can lead to troubles. See #14024 for details.

    I would contact the plugin developer directly, and ask them what they intended the code to look like because that code doesn’t make any sense. I don’t think you’d want to call wp_get_current_user() without assigning the return value to a variable, like this:

    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    and you would want to call it inside of an action or filter hook.

    The only way to do it programmatically would be to create an array of pages in the order you want and then loop through the array to display the pages in the menu.

    However, that wouldn’t be advised because it makes administration a nightmare when pages are added or deleted. Your best bet is to either set the page order field when you’re adding or editing a page (you should see this on the right-hand side of admin page), or better yet, do as Big Bagel suggested and use the new Appearance->Menus to set up the menu structure.

    If you only have five pages, then trying to come up with programmatic solution would be overkill.

    It takes a while for people to get the hang of regular expressions. They’re a very powerful tool for searching and replacing string data, but it can take some mental gymnastics to get the correct syntax. For example, do a Google search for a regular expression to validate email addresses and you’ll find a countless number of suggestions and heated debates among seasoned programmers over the one “true” email address pattern.

    That said, you can use a simple regular expression pattern to determine if someone entered a number into a field that only accepts letters, or to determine if a string contains a valid telephone number or postal code.

    If you’re planning on working with code (whether PHP or Javascript), it would be a good idea to learn how they work. There are probably some great tutorials for beginners available online, and the pattern-matching syntax is usually the same across the various programming languages.

    WTH? Ok, since I can’t get it to paste correctly, just make sure all your assignments in the foreach loop use .= instead of =

    Grrr… that didn’t paste correctly.

    foreach($poll_sel_data as $poll_sel_item){
    $poll_sel_output = ”


    <— change this from = to .=

    and you should initialize your variable with $poll_sel_output = ”; before entering the foreach loop.

    Your problem should be here:

    $poll_sel_output = “


    change = to


    otherwise you’ll be overwriting your previous data with each loop.

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