First I made a dump of the database by using ccontrol panel of my hosting provider. Then I opened this file into a text editor and replaced all wp_ prefixes to ****_ (* only example character)
I then selected all the tables in MyPHP admin and used the DROP command. After that I imported the changed database file again into MYSQL.
I did however not stumbled upon this problem right away (did not check/found out) , so after this I also updated my WordPress install from 3.6.1 english to 3.6.1 nl_NL. I did this by FTP, overwriting all files/folders except the wp-content folder with the files of the downloaded 3.6.1 nl_NL package. Could something went wrong there?
I think the issue is in the database, as all the Original images are still in place which worked before. only somehow the tags are replaced from JPG to JPEG files…