Forum Replies Created
I found the problem, your plugin just loads a copy of vc_row.php and therefore there isn’t any chance to overwrite the vc_row.php of js_composer…
There are many theme that have a vc_template/vc_row.php file to overwrite the structure… is there a possibility that you can fix that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Passster - Password Protect Pages and Content] the plugin breaks the themeI found the problem, your plugin just loads a copy of vc_row.php and therefore there isn’t any chance to overwrite the vc_row.php of js_composer…
There are many theme that have a vc_template/vc_row.php file to overwrite the structure… is there a possibility that you can fix that?
I have the same problem and additionally every row thets a fade left-to-right class… is there a fix?
- This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by bauralex.
the wfconfig entry was falseForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Email subject placeholder not workingThank you
Hey getyler3, I wrapped the code above in a function and called it in my footer and the 500 error ist most probably because there are to many products and the server gets a timeout… I have just 1100 products so I set post_per_page to 100 and incremented the offset from 0 to 1100 in a step of 100
1 call:
'posts_per_page' => 100, 'offset' => 0,
'posts_per_page' => 100, 'offset' => 100,
'posts_per_page' => 100, 'offset' => 200,
I know its not a perfect way to set the stock status and you have to manually increment the offset but I’ve done that once after I filled in all the stock and now I’m changing the stock through the core function of woocommerce
function abSetStockStatus($offset) { $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, // 'offset' => $offset, 'post_type' => 'product', 'suppress_filters' => false, ); $products = get_posts($args); foreach($products as $product) : $wcPost = wc_get_product($product->ID); if($wcPost->get_type() == 'simple') : if($wcPost->get_stock_quantity() != 0) : update_post_meta($wcPost->get_ID(), '_stock_status', 'instock'); endif; elseif($wcPost->get_type() == 'variable') : $variationsID = $wcPost->get_children(); foreach($variationsID as $variation) : $varProd = wc_get_product($variation); if($varProd->get_stock_quantity() != 0) : update_post_meta($varProd->get_ID(), '_stock_status', 'instock'); endif; endforeach; endif; endforeach; }
and in my footer I just call abSetStockStatus(0), abSetStockStatus(100) – inside the brackets to can enter the offset
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by bauralex.
Here you have a script, had the same problem and done it by myself… But I would be really glad if this bug could be fixed…
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, // 'offset' => 1100, 'post_type' => 'product', 'suppress_filters' => false, ); $products = get_posts($args); foreach($products as $product) : $wcPost = wc_get_product($product->ID); if($wcPost->get_type() == 'simple') : if($wcPost->get_stock_quantity() != 0) : update_post_meta($wcPost->get_ID(), '_stock_status', 'instock'); endif; elseif($wcPost->get_type() == 'variable') : $variationsID = $wcPost->get_children(); foreach($variationsID as $variation) : $varProd = wc_get_product($variation); if($varProd->get_stock_quantity() != 0) : update_post_meta($varProd->get_ID(), '_stock_status', 'instock'); endif; endforeach; endif; endforeach;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Manager for WooCommerce] Include EAN number?Just use Woocommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Plugin, there you can edit all your fields and even import custom meta fields
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Manager for WooCommerce] WPML SupportI’ve written a little script to sync the stock between the languages, maybe you could adapt something like that
simple products:
function abBulkStockSimpleProducts($id) { global $sitepress; $languageIDs = array(); $active_languages = apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages', false ); foreach($active_languages as $code => $data) : if($code != 'de') : $languageIDs[] = icl_object_id($id,'product',false,$code); endif; endforeach; $new_quantity = get_post_meta($id, '_stock', true); if (is_numeric($new_quantity)) : $new_stock_status = ($new_quantity > 0) ? "instock" : "outofstock"; wc_update_product_stock_status($id, $new_stock_status); if(count($languageIDs) > 0) : foreach($languageIDs as $langProd) : update_post_meta($langProd, '_stock', $new_quantity); wc_update_product_stock_status($langProd, $new_stock_status); endforeach; endif; endif; }
Variation Products:
function abBulkStockAfterProcessQtyActionVariables($id){ global $sitepress; if(ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE != 'de') : $germanID = get_post_meta($id, '_wcml_duplicate_of_variation', true); else : $germanID = $id; endif; $new_quantity = get_post_meta($germanID, '_stock', true); if (is_numeric($new_quantity)) : $new_stock_status = ($new_quantity > 0) ? "instock" : "outofstock"; wc_update_product_stock_status($germanID, $new_stock_status); /* Use the TRID to find the translated Product ids */ $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid($germanID, 'post_product'); if (is_numeric($trid)) : $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations($trid, 'post_product'); if (is_array($translations)) : /* Loop through each existing translation */ foreach($translations as $translation) : if (!isset($translation->element_id) || $translation->element_id == $germanID) : continue; endif; /* set the stock status and quantity in the translated by updating the post-meta info */ update_post_meta($translation->element_id, '_stock', $new_quantity); wc_update_product_stock_status($translation->element_id, $new_stock_status); endforeach; endif; endif; endif; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Manual Image Crop] CSS-Problem with Plugin since WordPress 4.7I’ve created a pull request on GitHub with the new CSS lines, hopefully they will merge it
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Manual Image Crop] CSS-Problem with Plugin since WordPress 4.7Add these lines inside your functions.php, so you won’t have to change the plugin files to keep them update safe
// FIX FOR MANUAL IMAGE CROP PLUGIN add_action('admin_head', 'azrPluginFix'); function azrPluginFix() { echo '<style> .mic-left-col { width:400px !important; } .mic-editor-wrapper .nav-tab-wrapper { margin-bottom:20px !important; } </style>'; }
It would be very great to leave the static url out of the database for your next update…
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] User Approved Hook & User Email ChangeHi I have again a question to this topic…
My default role is is pending, so everyone that does the registration process gets the status pending…
The site admin has to manually approve each User with the role pending and after this approval the role should be ‘subscriber’How can I do that?
I saw your answer from here and so I tried this snippet:
function set_role_on_activation( $user_id ) { $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); $user->set_role('subscriber'); unset( $user ); } add_action( 'user_registered', 'set_role_on_activation' );
but it doesn’t work either
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shipping Cost per Shipping ClassThank you for your answer… I tried to switch to storefront theme but that wasn’t the problem. As soon as I deactivated WPML it worked… Now I have to find another solution for the translation
But Thanks
I’ve checked the console but there is no error… I think it’s a propblem iwth our template that it breaks something… I’ve deactivated the conditional logic for this field and now it works perfectly, but still thanks for your answer