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They are very sloppy indeed with the change log. I contacted them but the answers demonstrated that they have no clue why a changelog is needed for each release…
I looked a bit at the actual changes in the SVN repository and it seems like they don’t bother updating the changelog when they only add/remove a new courier.
At least since 1.7.4 changes are only about the courier list.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] a woocommerce extension has caused a conflict with woocommerceYou have to contact the author of the plugin.
I guess it is this one: Plugins
In reply to: [ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress] Woocommerce CheckoutOk, cause the behavior you describe was showing in a different version.
Do you have another plugin installed that has also a reCaptcha functionality? I have noticed sometimes some weird interactions when more than one plugin can do reCaptcha.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress] Too many “slides” of recaptchaThe plugin is using Google’s recaptcha V2. As far as I know there is no possibility to customize it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress] Woocommerce CheckoutWhich version of the plugin do you have?
I opened a ticket a few days ago for the same question with their support.
After many discussions, they updated the change log up to 1.7.4 (missing some releases, but ok…)
When I asked what are the differences between 1.7.4 and 1.7.5 the answer was:
“It will be updated as soon as we get responses from users. You could check the latest version and let us know if you find any bugs in it. It will help us to create a better product for our users.”This completely puzzles me. If I am testing a new version, the first thing I want to know is what the changes are… Not afterwards…
Seems like they fixed it in 1.7.3 have the same issue and I believe it is caused by the same problem as this one
The support/dev teams don’t seem to come here so I opened a ticket about it from their site and last status is “will give the solution to the dev teams”
Let’s see…
If you are using Ninja forms and you get an error like “NinjaForms()->get_settings() is not a valid function”, this might be because you are still using pre Ninja v3.0 forms.
I managed to have everything working by doing the following:
– disable reCaptcha plugin
– go to forms/setting/advanced setting and chose to upgrade to Ninja 3.0
– perform the upgrade (in my case the upgrade did not work… form was lost during upgrade…)
– then install and activate the latest reCaptcha plugin.Note: if you are using reCaptcha only for Ninja forms, this is actually useless with the latest version as Ninja Forms 3.0 has its own reCaptcha. The latest reCaptcha plugin only gets or set eventually the settings of the reCaptcha key.
Same story for me.
That was because my forms were not converted to Ninja Forms 3 (option is in Forms / Settings / Advanced Settings) so the old class of Ninja Forms was used.
After conversion of the forms, it is working now, but some options like “don’t display for logged in users” don’t apply as the reCaptcha is the one from Ninja Forms (as far as I understand).Hi,
this was reported already in another thread with a potential fix see that the in the latest release the author took the pull request, so it should be fixed ??
I submitted a Pull request in the GitHub project like it is active again as a new version was just released ??
Maybe it would be good to submit a Pull Request in Git? I did no see any change for WooCommerce in the changelog.Because I had 2 WordPress instances with different WooCommerce version, I applied a classic WC version condition with your fix
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { global $woocommerce; if ( version_compare( $woocommerce->version, '3.0', ">=" ) ) { add_action('woocommerce_register_form' ,array($wp_recaptcha,'print_recaptcha_html'),10,0); } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Urls having additional ?v=1db208cbcff2Hello,
you probably have geolocation activated in the WC options.
RegardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Public-facing site blank after upgrading to Woocommerce 3.1.0Do you have any error in the logs?
Did you try to disable plugins one by one with Woocommerce activated?