If I might expand on same topic:
>Isn’t there a “html” button in the wysiwyg editor that opens a small popup window that shows the html code?
Yes, there is a button that pops up an HTML editing window. But sometimes I prefer to use the HTML interface, similar to the old WP interface.
Also, if I use the HTML window to enter something, I want it to be left alone. I don’t want my code changed.
For example, I’ve also found that entering an anchor tag pointing to “#bookmark” in either the WYSIWYG or HTML windows doesn’t work well, because the editor changes it to “https://myblog.tld/wp-admin/post.php#bookmark”. Consider that I have a bookmark that appears on all pages, and I don’t want to have to send someone to “/#bookmark” when I think I should be able to (used to be able to) send them to “#bookmark” on the current page.
Any suggestions?