Bas T
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorThank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorHi Simon
I’m sorry, but I’ve tried and I’ve tried, and I’ve put in many hours. And you tried to help me out. But I just can’t get it to work. I see you’ve used abandoned open source code, and modified it by putting “!important” rules after almost every CSS line. This might be why it’s so very difficult to get the code working, I don’t know, but I give up.
I found another plugin that I got up and running, and also was able to modify as I like it, within an hour, while I’ve spend more than a week on yours without any succes.I’m sorry, but I’d like my money back.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Bas T.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorThat’s not working. When set to “cover” most of the picture falls outside the frame.
And the CSS is not working either. article .entry-content .white is not the right selector.
If I replace the part you made, .entry-content .wp-audio-shortcode, .entry-content > :not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.wp-block-separator):not(.woocommerce), [class*=”inner-container”] > :not(.entry-content):not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.wp-block-separator):not(.woocommerce), .default-max-width {
max-width: 100%;it’s just a different part of the picture that falls off.
If I set the above CSS and I set the plugin to background size = 100%, it deforms the picture. If I set it to 100% height it works on big screens, but on mobile part of the picture falls off. Width 100%, then it’s the gap again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorThank you! The code works.
The second problem is still there though.
I’ve set all slides to background on this page:
Background Position top center
Background Size: contain
and in settings: Min Height to 100% (other options have the same effect)Even with only landscape pictures, there’s a huge gap between the picture and the counter.
Also, the width is set to 610 px, which is too small, but because of all the “!important” declarations I find it very difficult to discover if the CSS is in TwentytwentyOne or in your plugins CSS. When I opened admin-user-interface.min.css I just got dazzled…This is the first time in my life I’ve spend so much time on any plugin, and it’s also the first time in my life I bought one…
Your help is appreciated, but I’m not so satisfied with the amount of time this has taken already. It’s not like I use a very strange theme or something.
If you could help me out with the gap that would be great.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery error4:45 AM here.
Yes I disabled all plugins, and I run the WP 2021 theme, as I said two times before…I switched to the standard 2021 theme on the test site. Still no slide pop up.
After the failed test I have enabled two plugins again, just for safety. It makes no difference.
(I noticed something else that’s very strange: if I open the customizer of the theme, the slide pop up works, without changing anything. When I close the customizer, it stops working)Please check it tomorrow.
Two questions:
1. how to fix the jquery problem that prevents the slide pop up;
2. how to delete the extra space within the slide between picture and counter.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorHere’s a link on a test site where I reproduced the problem:
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Bas T.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorNo plugins except yours active:
Async method failed in safeAsyncMethod Error: Connection closed, pending request to server0.conn0.child4/domwalker24, type cancelPick failed
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Content Security Policy: ‘https:’ binnen script-src wordt genegeerd: ‘strict-dynamic’ opgegeven
Content Security Policy: ‘http:’ binnen script-src wordt genegeerd: ‘strict-dynamic’ opgegevenForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorAlso, what’s all the “!important” CSS? It’s very difficult to debug anything like this…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorUpdate
With jQuery Manager for WordPress plugin installed, loading jquery-3.5.1.min.js, the pop up works again. So I’m back at my first question?Although your plugin works with jQuery Manager for WordPress plugin installed, I would rather not use it, as it isn’t updated for 10 months. How can I make it work without the extra plugin?
A second question:
The plugin generates empty space between the image and the counter. How can I delete it please?Thanks for your answer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorOops. No, sorry, it didn’t. Although the slider is visible now, the pop up refuses to show. No optimising plugins, even with all extra CSS and plugins disabled. Just the bare standard twentytwentyone theme.
error message:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined <anonymous> theater-2:186:1 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2 jquery-migrate.min.js:2:709 Uncaught TypeError: f is undefined magnificPopup jQuery open_lightbox_gallery_slider_397 onclick
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Bas T.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] jQuery errorYes, that did the trick. Sorry I misunderstood, and thank you!
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Bas T.
If someone else tries this: there are little spelling mistakes in @nlpro ‘s answer. You should find this line in your wp-config.php:define('WP_DEBUG', false);
you should replace that line with:
define('WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER', true); define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Hi, and thank you for your advice! I got more error messages. It was nagging about
“Notice: date.php is deprecated since version 5.3.0! Use wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php instead. in wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4594
Warning: require_once(wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in wordpress/wp-includes/date.php on line 14
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php’) in wordpress/wp-includes/date.php on line 14”.
So I guessed that the failed update of iThemes had some original wordpress files corrupted. I deleted everything but the wp-content folder and wp-config.php. Then I downloaded wordpress from, and uploaded all the files except the ones I kept (so not folder content and wp-config.php).
That did the trick.
I’m sorry that no-one from iThemes seems to read this though. iThemes should not be able to break other wordpress files when updating.
I think I’m going to look for other security.Thank you for your kind response though, @nlpro. You saved me, as I could find my way after your advice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] Toestemming voor periodieke donaties onzichtbaarHoi Nick.
Ik was vannacht toevallig aan het doorschrijven en zag ineens dat er een update was – nog eerder gezien dan dat ik zag dat ik een mail over deze topic had. Leuke verrassing!Ik heb eerlijk gezegd flink gebaald, omdat ik een maand geleden geld nodig had en al die tijd niet met goed fatsoen kon werven. Maar ik ben er nu erg blij mee. Dankjewel!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] Toestemming voor periodieke donaties onzichtbaarHoi Nick, nee, in de laatste update werkt dat nog steeds niet, zoals ik je eerder al mailde. Ik heb je daarom al mijn inloggegevens gemaild, zoals je vroeg, alweer een paar weken geleden, maar daar heb ik nog niks op teruggehoord. Kun je daar even naar kijken?
Alvast veel dank!