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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Log out link with redirect to front pageHi Shane,
Thanks, but I’ve already read (and re-read) the Codex entry for wp_login_url several times now, and I’ve tried the
solution already listed in fUzZy89’s earlier post – neither of which work for me. As I said in my original post, wp_logout_url() does appear to be generating a correctly formed logout URL which points back to the homepage URL of my website, i.e.
…but, when this URL is used, WordPress ends up going to the most recent post instead, i.e.
I’ve also tested by disabling all plugins just in case any of those were hooking into the login/logout or post viewing routines, but sadly this didn’t solve the problem either.
Just to recap, the redirect works fine on ALL other pages EXCEPT the front page. If a user attempts to log out whilst viewing the front page, then they are logged out successfully, but redirected to my most recent post even though the logout URL is supposedly redirecting them back to the front page of the site.
I suspect it might be something to do with a combination of my Settings -> Reading -> Front Page Displays option being set to Your Latest Posts and the fact that the template I’m using contains a file called home.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Log out link with redirect to front pageI’m experiencing a similar (if not exactly the same) problem as this in WordPress 2.7.1 whereby I’m using wp_logout_url to generate an appropriate URL. If the user happens to be viewing a page other than the front/home page of the site when they logout then they are redirected back to the correct page – however, if the user attempts to logout on the front page (even though wp_logout_url seems to have generated a valid nonced redirect URL to the front page of the website, it ends up displaying the a single page containing the most recent published post.
Here is the code I’m using to generate the logout URL:
<?php is_home() ? $logout_url = get_bloginfo('home') : $logout_url = get_permalink(); echo wp_logout_url($logout_url); ?>
Any ideas – this one has had me scratching my head for a few days now – annoying, but not the end of the world ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Google XML Sitemaps] Your sitemap is being refreshed at the moment.Check out a solution that worked for me here:
I’ve experienced this issue several times – and the culprit tends to be a zombie entry in the WordPress’ internal cron scheduler table. You’ll need a plugin such as the excellent GD Press Tools to look at the contents of the cron scheduler.
Hopefully you’ll see an entry in there named ‘sm_build_cron‘. Simply ‘unschedule’ this entry and sanity should (hopefully) be restored.
Worked for me anyway.
Ahh – yes – I see what you mean. I had assumed the counter was stored on a per-user basis rather than globally – so that if User X logged in successfully then only User X’s login counter would be reset – other users counters would be unaffected.
As for the potential of Admin lockouts – yes, this is something which had crossed my mind also – obviously its not desirable to disable lockout limiting completely for these users, especially for these account types, at least not permanently anyway. As you suggest, perhaps a configurable option to temporarily disable login limits for Admin (or specific) users during testing would be one way around this – although not ideal I guess.
I suppose you could always automatically email the Admin account with a one-time unique URL (once per lockout) which when accessed would reset the login limit counter for that user – thus allowing them to retry immediately (but would still require a valid login username/password to gain access). Of course, this relies on the Admin user having email access at the time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Limit Login Attempts] Please comment if you have any questionsPerhaps this is by design, but following a successful login, shouldn’t the login counter be reset to its start value. On my development blog what I’ve been finding is that after failing at least one login attempt, the additional Limit Login information is displayed as you would expect i.e.
Error: Incorrect Username and Password
X attempts remaining.However, if I now successfully log in, and then log out, when I am subsequently returned to the login screen I now see:
X attempts remaining – surely this should reset after a successful login and not be re-displayed to the user unless the number of attempts left is less than the maximum allowed?
Am I missing something – or is this behaviour by design?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Link automatically appears in BlogRollSounds to me like you’ve installed and activated (or re-activiated) the WP-Decoratr plugin at some point in time – if you inspect the code for this plugin you will see that it does the following upon activation:
function decoratr_activate() {
// Set defaults
// Please do not delete this link to support the plugin
global $wpdb;
if($wpdb->get_var(“SELECT COUNT(link_id) FROM $wpdb->links WHERE link_url=’'”)==0)
wp_insert_link(array(‘link_name’ => ‘WordPress Themes’, ‘link_url’ => ‘’, ‘link_description’ => ‘Download Free WordPress Themes and Plugins’ ));