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Hi angelo_nwl,
Thanks for your help. Would you mind pushing me in the right direction of where would I place this code and how exactly would I change it from the style turorial to my needs? I’m actually a bit lost ??
Is it possible to use placeholders for just placing text in event post? I need to put some chunk of text infront of every event post (same way you would do with the_event filter). That way it would help me just to put the placeholder like #_THISISMYTEXT in admin text box and the placeholder grabs the information from the code.
Any idea?
Hi guys,
Thanks for your help. I still can’t make it work maybe due to theme coding because I know that the theme author modified the events manager code to suit his design.
The funny thing is, the following code works:
add_filter( 'default_content', 'my_editor_content' ); function my_editor_content( $content ) { $content = "MY TEXT"; return $content; }
But the text shows up in admin, and I don’t want that. I just want it to show up without going through the admin.
Any ideas how to amend it?
Hi caiman_nwl,
Thanks for the link, but unfortunatley it doesn’t work for, probably because of lack of coding knowledge.
Use the wp export function, you’ll find it under tools.
I even tried the way Markus recommended once within phpadmin (export as SQL), same result. Hmmm …
Thanks caimin_nwl,
but how would I put it in the shortcode to display the event details like:
[event post_id=”xxx”]#_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES[/event]
Maybe I’m missing the obvious.
Thanks for taking the time.
No I don’t need php at all.
The reason is: I converted the custom post event into a wordpress post with Post Type Switcher plugin. It works well but the problem is that the event related attributes like date, location eg aren’t switched to the post because they are custom attributes.
I try to get this information via the post_id back. Any idea how else I could manage that? I hope I explained myself reasonably.
Hi philipjohn,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I’m not quite sure that this is what I’m looking for.
I need the post_id of the actual event. Or can I asign the post_id to an attribute? Can you show please how?