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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Copy custom post type into wp postHi again,
Could you recommend a plugin that exactly does that?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Event List SyntaxI tried that, doesn’t work. The list is empty.
Thanks, but this is a bulk converter. I need a plugin that copys the custom post to a regular wp post on an individual basis. I need both – custom and wp post. I run an event page where events are posts as well.
Cheers again
my file is called single-normal.php! Is that a problem? Where do I store the single-event.php? In the themes folder or in the plugin folder?
Cheers again
can I delete the whole box just for the events?
Works like a charm!
Thanks ever so much
sadly my php is a bit rusty:
Is it possible to hint me in the right direction?
Your help is really appreciated.
I nested the {has_att_homepage} within the {has_location} condition.
Sorry for bothering you.
Cheers again
Sorry, wrongly copied. I do use {has_att_homepage}
As I said: The whole Attribute is gone, not just the one without url
Any further thoughts?
Hi again,
I tried your solution but that way I get two images on my events page. One from your placeholder and one from wp featured image.
Can I use a placeholder on the actual events page as well? I know I can in the events list.
I wouldn’t have two images on my page then?
Hi Marcus,
I located the following jquery script which toggels part of a tab widget in the sidebar (within the theme js folder). After taking it out, autocomplete is back but the tab widget stopped working. Does it make sense to you?
(function (C) { C.ui = { plugin: { add: function (E, F, H) { var G = C.ui[E].prototype; for (var D in H) { G.plugins[D] = G.plugins[D] || []; G.plugins[D].push([F, H[D]]) } }, call: function (D, F, E) { var H = D.plugins[F]; if (!H) { return } for (var G = 0; G < H.length; G++) { if (D.options[H[G][0]]) { H[G][1].apply(D.element, E) } } } }, cssCache: {}, css: function (D) { if (C.ui.cssCache[D]) { return C.ui.cssCache[D] } var E = C('<div class="ui-gen">').addClass(D).css({ position: "absolute", top: "-5000px", left: "-5000px", display: "block" }).appendTo("body"); C.ui.cssCache[D] = !!((!(/auto|default/).test(E.css("cursor")) || (/^[1-9]/).test(E.css("height")) || (/^[1-9]/).test(E.css("width")) || !(/none/).test(E.css("backgroundImage")) || !(/transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/).test(E.css("backgroundColor")))); try { C("body").get(0).removeChild(E.get(0)) } catch(F) {} return C.ui.cssCache[D] }, disableSelection: function (D) { C(D).attr("unselectable", "on").css("MozUserSelect", "none") }, enableSelection: function (D) { C(D).attr("unselectable", "off").css("MozUserSelect", "") }, hasScroll: function (G, E) { var D = /top/.test(E || "top") ? "scrollTop": "scrollLeft", F = false; if (G[D] > 0) { return true } G[D] = 1; F = G[D] > 0 ? true: false; G[D] = 0; return F } }; var B = C.fn.remove; C.fn.remove = function () { C("*", this).add(this).triggerHandler("remove"); return B.apply(this, arguments) }; function A(E, F, G) { var D = C[E][F].getter || []; D = (typeof D == "string" ? D.split(/,?\s+/) : D); return (C.inArray(G, D) != -1) } C.widget = function (E, D) { var F = E.split(".")[0]; E = E.split(".")[1]; C.fn[E] = function (J) { var H = (typeof J == "string"), I =, 1); if (H && A(F, E, J)) { var G =[0], E); return (G ? G[J].apply(G, I) : undefined) } return this.each(function () { var K =, E); if (H && K && C.isFunction(K[J])) { K[J].apply(K, I) } else { if (!H) {, E, new C[F][E](this, J)) } } }) }; C[F][E] = function (I, H) { var G = this; this.widgetName = E; this.widgetBaseClass = F + "-" + E; this.options = C.extend({}, C.widget.defaults, C[F][E].defaults, H); this.element = C(I).bind("setData." + E, function (L, J, K) { return G.setData(J, K) }).bind("getData." + E, function (K, J) { return G.getData(J) }).bind("remove", function () { return G.destroy() }); this.init() }; C[F][E].prototype = C.extend({}, C.widget.prototype, D) }; C.widget.prototype = { init: function () {}, destroy: function () { this.element.removeData(this.widgetName) }, getData: function (D) { return this.options[D] }, setData: function (D, E) { this.options[D] = E; if (D == "disabled") { this.element[E ? "addClass": "removeClass"](this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled") } }, enable: function () { this.setData("disabled", false) }, disable: function () { this.setData("disabled", true) } }; C.widget.defaults = { disabled: false }; C.ui.mouse = { mouseInit: function () { var D = this; this.element.bind("mousedown." + this.widgetName, function (E) { return D.mouseDown(E) }); if (C.browser.msie) { this._mouseUnselectable = this.element.attr("unselectable"); this.element.attr("unselectable", "on") } this.started = false }, mouseDestroy: function () { this.element.unbind("." + this.widgetName); (C.browser.msie && this.element.attr("unselectable", this._mouseUnselectable)) }, mouseDown: function (F) { (this._mouseStarted && this.mouseUp(F)); this._mouseDownEvent = F; var E = this, G = (F.which == 1), D = (typeof this.options.cancel == "string" ? C( false); if (!G || D || !this.mouseCapture(F)) { return true } this._mouseDelayMet = !this.options.delay; if (!this._mouseDelayMet) { this._mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout(function () { E._mouseDelayMet = true }, this.options.delay) } if (this.mouseDistanceMet(F) && this.mouseDelayMet(F)) { this._mouseStarted = (this.mouseStart(F) !== false); if (!this._mouseStarted) { F.preventDefault(); return true } } this._mouseMoveDelegate = function (H) { return E.mouseMove(H) }; this._mouseUpDelegate = function (H) { return E.mouseUp(H) }; C(document).bind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).bind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); return false }, mouseMove: function (D) { if (C.browser.msie && !D.button) { return this.mouseUp(D) } if (this._mouseStarted) { this.mouseDrag(D); return false } if (this.mouseDistanceMet(D) && this.mouseDelayMet(D)) { this._mouseStarted = (this.mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, D) !== false); (this._mouseStarted ? this.mouseDrag(D) : this.mouseUp(D)) } return ! this._mouseStarted }, mouseUp: function (D) { C(document).unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); if (this._mouseStarted) { this._mouseStarted = false; this.mouseStop(D) } return false }, mouseDistanceMet: function (D) { return (Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - D.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - D.pageY)) >= this.options.distance) }, mouseDelayMet: function (D) { return this._mouseDelayMet }, mouseStart: function (D) {}, mouseDrag: function (D) {}, mouseStop: function (D) {}, mouseCapture: function (D) { return true } }; C.ui.mouse.defaults = { cancel: null, distance: 1, delay: 0 } })(jQuery);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Event Manager ProHi there,
where can I find the exact files you guys touched with your update and update manually by comparing the files to check if I altered theme at some point.
sorted out, that was a mouse event with a bg image in black.
Hi there,
I tried the rounded corner code from agelonwl.
Problem is: The event images look nice, but the normal post images get a block spot where there should be a round corner.
Any idea how to filter that code only for the EM images?