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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce] Mult levels XML structureOk… Please excuse me for start to cooperating here with some expressionson at the user interface that is not compatible with “__()” standards (not being translated), here they are:
– “Filter by coupons”
– “Sort orders by “Order Id” in order”
– “× Shipping methods ” (on shipment filter)
– “Set up fields to export” (button on firlfd to export area)
– “Buy pro version to get access to profiles” (profile tab)
– “Buy pro version to get access to scheduled reports” (schedule tab)
– all expressions on tools tabWhen I finished the portuguese translation, how can I send and contact you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce] Mult levels XML structureHi,
Thanks for your response. Here is the final release of code with few modifications, feel free to post it where you want)
If you have any kind of interest on a portuguese translation for your plugin, I already started it. Maybe we can have a deal about a pro version here ??
Your plugin is a good job, one of a kind.. I already tested some others and “Export Suite” available at woocommerce is the one that come most close from yours. Although their exportations tasks hangs a lot.
Claudio Baima
<?php if ( !class_exists( 'woecutomized' ) ) { class woecutomized { function __construct() { add_filter("woe_xml_output_after_root_tag", array($this,"woe_xml_add_shopnfo")); add_filter("woe_xml_output_filter", array($this,"woe_xml_make_order")); } function woe_xml_add_shopnfo($text) { $text.='<Shop>'.chr(13).'<GUID>' . $this->woe_guidv4() . '</GUID>'.chr(13).'</Shop>'.chr(13); return $text; } function woe_guidv4() { if (function_exists('com_create_guid') === true) return trim(com_create_guid(), '{}'); $data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100 $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10 return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)); } function woe_xml_make_order($xml) { // get order $order = new WC_Order(WC_Order_Export_Data_Extractor::$current_order); $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xml->formatOutput = true; //make xml $xml = new SimpleXMLElement( "<Order/>" ); // top $fee_tax_total = self::woe_get_fee_items( $order ); $xml->addChild("OrderNumber", $order->get_order_number() ); $xml->addChild("CustomerNumber", $order->user_id ); $xml->addChild("Currency", "EUR"); $xml->addChild("Language", "pt"); $xml->addChild("Locale", "pt_PT"); $xml->addChild("TaxArea", "EU"); $xml->addChild("TaxModel", "net"); $xml->addChild("GrandTotal", number_format( $order->get_total(), 2, '.', '') ); $xml->addChild("TotalBeforeTax", number_format( $order->get_total()-$fee_tax_total, 2, '.', '') ); $xml->addChild("TotalTax", number_format( $fee_tax_total, 2, '.', '') ); // addresses $addr = $xml->addChild("Addresses"); $b_addr = $addr->addChild("BillingAddress"); $b_addr->addChild("FirstName",$order->billing_first_name); $b_addr->addChild("LastName",$order->billing_last_name); $b_addr->addChild("Street", trim( $order->billing_address_1. " " . $order->billing_address_2) ); $b_addr->addChild("Zipcode",$order->billing_postcode); $b_addr->addChild("City",$order->billing_city); $s_addr = $addr->addChild("ShippingAddress"); $s_addr->addChild("FirstName",$order->shipping_first_name); $s_addr->addChild("LastName",$order->shipping_last_name); $s_addr->addChild("Street", trim( $order->shipping_address_1. " " . $order->shipping_address_2) ); $s_addr->addChild("Zipcode",$order->shipping_postcode); $s_addr->addChild("City",$order->shipping_city); // items $items = $xml->addChild("LineItems"); foreach ( $order->get_items('line_item') as $item_id=>$item ) { $product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item ); $item_meta = $order->get_item_meta( $item_id ); $itemXML = $items->addChild("LineItem"); $itemXML->addChild("Id",$product->id); $itemXML->addChild("Name",$item['name']); $itemXML->addChild("Quantity",$item['qty']); } // shipment $ship = $xml->addChild("LineItemShipping"); $shipping_methods = $order->get_items( 'shipping' ); $shipping_method = reset($shipping_methods); // take first entry $shipping_method_id = !empty($shipping_method) ? $shipping_method['method_id'] : '' ; $ship->addChild("Id",$shipping_method_id); $ship->addChild("TotalPrice",$order->get_total_shipping() ); $ship->addChild("Name",$order->get_shipping_method() ); // payment $pay = $xml->addChild("LineItemPayment"); $pay->addChild("Id",$order->payment_method); $pay->addChild("TotalPrice",$order->get_total() ); $pay->addChild("Name",$order->payment_method_title ); //bottom $xml->addChild("CreationDate", $order->order_date ); $xml->addChild("ShippedOn", $order->completed_date ); //format it! $dom = dom_import_simplexml( $xml ); $dom->ownerDocument->formatOutput = true; return $dom->ownerDocument->saveXML( $dom->ownerDocument->documentElement ); } private function woe_get_fee_items( $order ) { $fee_tax_total = 0; foreach ( $order->get_fees() as $fee_item_id => $fee ) { $fee_tax_total += wc_format_decimal( $order->get_line_tax( $fee ), 2 ); } return $fee_tax_total ; } } } $woecutomized = new woecutomized; ?>