Forum Replies Created
same here, WP 6.4.3
using a child theme for twenty twenty-four theme, with Child Theme Wizard pluginedit : even switching back to twenty-twenty four theme, still don’t have the fonts available in the dropdown. fonts are uploaded ttf if it may help
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by baignoire.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XO Event Calendar] single event shortcodes“How is this ?? ” -> Awesome !!
thx a lot !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XO Event Calendar] single event shortcodesthx for your quick reply.
Ideally for the current need i have (my events are theater plays), i d love to have “start_time” ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XO Event Calendar] single event shortcodeswoww ! great ! awesome!
is there somewhere where the available shortcodes options are documented already ? ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] Not listed in WP Admin – Plugins search+1 ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List Custom Taxonomy Widget] dropdown does not workhi nick,
using plugin 3.3 and wp 3.7.1, i also meet the 404 error bug with dropdowns : dropdown form sends me to : while it should only send to which would point to the right page.
having a look at the form, it looks like the values for the select options are the full url : “… <option class=”level-1″ value=””> France (4)</option>…” and that if should work fine if you only had the taxonomy slug as the value instead of the whole url.
so i changed line 289 of list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php for :$getTax = get_term( $term, $term->taxonomy ); $taxSlug = $getTax->slug;
and line 298 for ` $output.= “\t” . ‘<option’ . ‘ class=”‘ . esc_attr( $class_name ) . ‘” value=”‘ . $taxSlug . ‘”>’ . esc_html( $text ) . ‘</option>’ . “\n”;
`as i far as i tested, with %postname% as permalink in my case, this works fine on my install ( for dropdown as well as lists.
last thing : i m not pro coder, just a leisure occasional php user, so i don’t guarantee this will help you for sure, at least it solved my case..
thanks for the plugin anyway, will gladly use it and review when the dropdown bug is solved ??
rafForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post UI Tabs] create tabs inside templatehi there,
coming back to tell i managed to display a form (add+edit) in tabs using wp-ui :
here’s how i did for anyone around interested :1 : on the add / edit pages , just put the standard shortcode
“[wpuf_form_formId]” and “[wpuf_edit_formId]”2 : in the form edit page :
– add a custom html as a first form element. don’t give it any title and in the content, put :
</div></li></ul> <div id="wp-tabs-1" class="wp-tabs wpui-styles wpui-tabs-vertical" data-style="wpui-light"> <h3 class="wp-tab-title">Tab 1 title</h3> <div class="wp-tab-content"> <div class="wp-tab-content-wrapper"> <ul class="wpuf-form"><li style="display: none"><div>
– put then the form elements you want to show in the first tab content
– to set the second tab, include in the form an html element with an empty tilte and as content :
</div></li></ul></div></div> <h3 class="wp-tab-title">Tab 2 title</h3> <div class="wp-tab-content"><div class="wp-tab-content-wrapper"> <ul class="wpuf-form"><li style="display: none"><div>
– then put the form fields you want to have in the second tab content
– repeat the two previous steps to include as many tabs as you wish.
– the last form element is an html field, no title and as content :
</div></li></ul></div></div> </div> <ul class="wpuf-form"><li style="display: none"><div>
and there you go (at least with the theme i tried it, which is twentythirteen) !
only drawback : if you have required fields that are not in the active tab, the form will not have any action on submit (as it is supposed to do, since required fields are not filled) BUT the errros messages will not be seen by users as the will popup in hidden tabs… ??
hope it helps
rafForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post UI Tabs] create tabs inside templatehi there,
i’m very interested in having my wpuf form in separate tabs.
@ahikmahin : did you succeed in doing it ? could you provide explanations/code sample ?
rafForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Really Simple CSV Importer] taxonomy slugshaha, yes indeed !! just tested it with existing tax slug instead of name and it worked just fine !! ??
thanks for quick answer and good news ??
cheers !Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Esplanade] Language optionshi
@celano : did you read the manual and search the net before asking ???? ???
and : ?
find the esplanade.pot file in the wwp-content/themes/esplanade/languages directory, and use any tool you like (see codex) to generate a .mo file in your language that you will upload to the same languages directory of the theme@mrtbytom : i didn’t try a translation but i see no reason why the translation should not work… are you sure there is no problem with your .mo file ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] inline content overflows the fancy boxok, thanks for answering as well as for the plugin ??
what do you want to do with the sum ? display it in a page ?
if yes, i guess you can try to do the math in your template :$sum = get_field('field1')+get_field('field2')
(i didn’t check it..)
hope it helps, i m not sure i understood your question right… ??issue is closed on github.. ??
just to signal that arabic language shows an argentina flag (same ‘ar’ name conflict i guess ?? )