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  • @photocrati:
    May be I missed something obvious but as I can see in the code almost all new options are realised in violation of WordPress Codex.

    The strings are returned either as plain text or through _() function. I can extract to a pot-file strngs from the _() function calls (in hope they will work some day) but I don’t see any way to deal with those returns like

    function get_page_title()
    		return 'Other Options';

    as in “nextgen-gallery\products\photocrati_nextgen\modules\nextgen_other_options\adapter.other_options_controller.php” for example.

    How can I (or anybody else) help you with tranlation whilst there are no easy ways to extract original phrases?

    I also have qTranslate but the above code doesn’t work for me.

    The only hack that helped in my case is to insert the new method in class Visual_Form_Builder (in visual-form-builder.php file):

    public function localize_vfb() {
                     $plugin_dir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
                     load_plugin_textdomain( 'visual-form-builder', false, $plugin_dir. '/languages/' );

    and call it in function __construct():

    add_action('plugins_loaded', array( &$this, 'localize_vfb' ));

    My attempts to resolve this through functions.php file didn’t succeed.

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