Forum Replies Created
Yeah, but it would be nice if the download link actually work. Some of my visitors already asked me for that functionality. Isnt there anything that I could do to make both plugins work together?
The plugin that is giving me this behavior is disqus, for the comments section. Is there anything that I can do to make both plugins work together? I really dont want to disable disqus on my site.
A page from my site: the url of the podcast episode: This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by badaro5.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Order by date (posts and page on the admin) by defaultJust an information that i forgot to mention:
The code above works correctly on the posts list page. The problem is with the pages list page.
When I visit the pages list page I can see that something is happening. Some reoorder is going on. But I dont get the same result if a run the query.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] YARPP and PodsGuys just made the final test here. I called manually the related_post list in my single.php not using custom templates:
yarpp_related(array(‘post_type’ => array(‘post’, ‘movie’)));Now Im very positive that exists an incompatibility issue. As I said before I did a fresh install of wordpress and just put the 2 plugins. The CP is not in the related post list when I visit a normal post page.
And you cant see the CP inside yarpp configuration too.The pods plugin author said that he will do everything to to help resolve any incompatibilities or conflicts that may exist. He can be contact here: via email [email protected].
Can you guys please check that out?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] YARPP and PodsAnother update about my problem guys, this is a message I’ve posted in the pods support:
I did a fresh install of wordpress and just installed pods and yarpp. After that I created a custom post named movie. For movie I created 5 fields. Name (plain text required), Cover(file image video required), Date (Date required), summary(plain paragraph text required) and genre (relationship custom defined list with 8 options and required too). In the advanced options tab I checked public, publlcly queryable, user capability (post), additional user capabilities, rewrite, rewrite with front, rewrite pages, query var, exportable, default status(draft), supports(title, editor, author, featured image, excerpt, custom fields, comments, and yarpp support), and all the 3 options in built in taxonomies.
After that Ive created I custom post and give it the General category. And I did the same for 5 normal posts. These 5 normal posts have the same structure: title, text, excerpt, no tags, just the General category and a featured image.
I did change only 2 fields in yarpp configuration. 6 for the maximum number of related posts and I did check “display results from all posts”.
I changed the theme to 2012 theme.
And to finish I edit the functions.php with this peice of code:
add_filter( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘my_get_posts’ );function my_get_posts( $query ) {
if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() )
$query->set( ‘post_type’, array( ‘post’, ‘page’, ‘movie’) );return $query;
}And thats all. After that I visited the front end and the same thing happened. The related post list doesnt bring my custom post with the normal ones together. When I visit a post page I see all normal posts related. Except the CP. When I visit the CP page the related post list is empty, not even the message “no post related found” appears. I run the cache cleaner in pods and changed the precision to 1 in Yarpp configuration and nothing changed.
But when I visit the General category page all posts are listed. CP included. My wordpress and plugins are all updated.Im not using custom template for Yarpp too. And Im not manually calling the related posts like:
yarpp_related(array(‘post_type’ => array(‘post’, ‘movie’)));
I will try it later but I dont think thats the problem.I just dont know what else I can do. Did I miss something important, some configuration or anything like that? If you guys have any other idea of what could be happening please let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] YARPP and PodsYes sir. Any other idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] YARPP and PodsJust a quick update about my problem..
I noticed that the posts are actually related somehow. Cause if I go to the custom post page I see that the related posts list are working well, the way it should be. Bring all post within the same category together. But when I visit the normal posts pages the related posts list doesnt bring my custom post. Just the normal posts. So the problem is the related posts list. Its not showing my custom post with the normal posts all together.
To show my related post list Im using this:
yarpp_related(array(‘post_type’ => array(‘post’, ‘film’)));film is the name of my custom post type. I tried to change the default settings of yarpp like the precision and all the other fields with all possible combinations and nothing changed. Does anybody have any tip?