Forum Replies Created

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  • Its now officially a week with the same problem. Way to go Woo! Maybe you guys can come up with a $75 extension for your “free” plugin that will let people access the forums.

    “excelling eCommerce” … really?



    OK. Ignore the last post, the problem is with IE8. But I think I solved the thumbnail problem.

    The thumbnails display fine in IE8 when you click on Compatibility View, but how many visitors are going to know that? about zero.

    I edited the Header.php file to include a meta tag after the <head> entry that forces IE8 to load the page in compatibility view in IE8. That solved the thumbnail problem. Other browser ignore this tag, so it should only affect IE8 (and eventually, another tag will need to be added for IE9, probly, because microsoft is what it is).

    BUT, was there a reason this wasnt included in the header file in the first place? Other folks have found that turning on compatibility view with the meta tag actually does not work as well as manually clicking the button, so I was just wondering if I have just opened the door to other unknown bugs. So far everything seems to work super, and the page loads fine in Firefox and Safari, but I havent checked anything else.



    OK. I solved the problem.

    The thumbnails display fine in IE8 when you click on Compatibility View, but how many visitors are going to know that? about zero.

    There is a meta tag you can include in the header for any webpage that will tell IE8 to load the page in compatibility view. Other browser ignore this tag, so it should only affect IE8 (and eventually, another tag will probably need to be added for IE9, becuase, well, its microsoft…). But it wasnt included in this theme for some reason. There may be a reason, because other folks have found that turning on compatibility view with the meta tag actually does not work as well as manually clicking the button, so who knows, it may cause some other bug, but so far, on the site Im working on, its working fine. This site also loads fine in Firefox and Safari, but I haven’t tested any other browsers…

    Anyway, here is what you do.

    In the editor, open the template named “Header (header.php)”

    Scroll down to where you seed the <head> tag.

    After that tag, enter this code:
    <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE7″ />

    Update, and voila! no more squashed thumbnails..

    Let me know if this works for you guys too.



    The thumnbnail problem in ie 8 seems to be related to the way the template.postloop.php calls for the size of the thumbnail. other plugins have had this same problem with IE8 and thumbnails. See here



    The thumnbnail problem in ie 8 seems to be related to the way the template.postloop.php calls for the size of the thumbnail. other plugins have had this same problem with IE8 See here

    SOoo, how would i go about altering the template to get thumbnails to display right in IE8?



    I have the same problem, but only when using IE8 to view the page (which, unfortunately, I hear is quite the popular browser). It goes away when I click compatibility view, but i doubt vistors are going to do that. you cant even look at the troubleshooting forums for this theme unless you pay $99 first, so dont expect much help there…

    anyone have any ideas?



    Featured photos dont display well in post exercepts in IE8, they display as 10×158 jpegs insteag of 158 x 158 jpegs. When I went to the platform website I found that I couldnt even look at forum posts to see if that problem had a solution unless I handed over $99 first. Why would I pay almost a hundred bucks just to see if maybe there was a solution to the problem?

    Also, I get a warning at the admin page telling me that the adavanced features arent available for my browser, which it says is IE7. But Im using IE8.

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