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  • BackuPs



    open allowphp.php and change line 290 in

    		static function option_get(){

    the you will probably get a new error on line 199 but the function is on line 395 in that file which you also need to change to

    		static function shortcode_advanced($args){

    Ps repeat for all the functions for which you get the same message in the admin backend.

    lookup the function in the file called allowphp.php by its name as mentions after the :: in the notifciation message and add the word ‘static’ in front of each function for which you get the error message,

    if i did count correctly total 16 instances need to be set to static

    Let me know if that works.

    maybe this for the author so he can change it in the code permanently


    Thread Starter BackuPs



    here is the real fix to this issue dealing with all options and settings and get rid of the notice.

        static public function disable_author_page() {
            $authorrequest = FALSE;
            $request = ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] ) ? $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] : $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] . ( ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ] ) ? '?' . $_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ] : '') ) );
            if ( is_404() && stripos( $request, '/author/' ) == 0 ) {
                if ( get_option( 'disable_author_pages_redirect_non_authors' ) == 1 ) {
                    $authorrequest = TRUE;
    		if ( is_404() && stripos( $request, '/author/' ) === false ) {
            if ( ( is_author() || $authorrequest ) && get_option( 'disable_author_pages_activate' ) == 1 ) {
                $adminonly = get_option( 'disable_author_pages_adminonly', '0' );
    			if (!is_404() && $adminonly) {
    					global $post;
    					if( is_object($post)) {
    						$author_can = author_can( get_the_ID(), 'administrator');
                if ( $adminonly && $author_can===true || !$adminonly && !is_404() || is_404() && ( get_option( 'disable_author_pages_redirect_non_authors' ) == 1 ) ) {
                    $status = get_option( 'disable_author_pages_status', '301' );
                    $url = get_option( 'disable_author_pages_destination', '' );
                    if ( $url == '' ) {
                        $url = home_url();
                    wp_redirect( $url, $status );

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    wrong code

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    its caused by

    && author_can( get_the_ID(), 'administrator' )


    Thread Starter BackuPs


    nope that also did not fix it

    Any update on this as this is more then 4 months ago?

    change line 24 of the plugins file called



    add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘contact_form_7_checkmail’, 10);


    add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘contact_form_7_checkmail’, 15);

    also does the trick.


    use age_verify-pt_BR.po and mo naming. the plugin requires age_verify- prefix if you look into the code.

    have a nice day

    Thread Starter BackuPs



    i made a typo above. Sorry for that.

    <div id="jQuery-page-peel"<?php if(is_admin_bar_showing()) echo 'style="margin-top: 28px;"';?>>

    you also need this css for responsive themes.

    #jQuery-page-peel img {

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Here is the complete list. I found 7 more in the front end but could not edit my message anymore. Out of time.

    public static function wptb_debug_check() {	
    public static function wptb_enqueue_admin_scripts() {
    public static function wptb_options_panel() {
    public static function wptb_plugin_action_links () {
    public static function wptb_plugin_donate_link($links, $file) {
    public static function wptb_enqueue_jquery() {
    public static function wptb_activate_TopBar_html_js() {
    public static function wptb_build_cacheable_html_js() {
    public static function wptb_inject_TopBar_html_js($wptbOptions, $wptbTopBarNumber) {
    public static function wptb_check_options_to_show_row($wptbOptions) {
    public static function wptb_destory_cookie_js($bar_id) {
    public static function wptb_build_original_topbar_js($wptbOptions, $wptbTopBarNumber) {
    public static function wptb_random_selection_js ($wptbNumberSelected,$wptbTotalWeightingPoints) {

    have a nice weekend.

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    found total six warnings which need to be fixed.

    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_enqueue_admin_scripts() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 429
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_debug_check() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 429
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_options_panel() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 429
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_plugin_action_links() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 199
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_plugin_donate_link() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 199
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_enqueue_jquery() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 429
    on the front end i found these
    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wptb::wptb_activate_TopBar_html_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 429
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_build_cacheable_html_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 226
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_inject_TopBar_html_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 696
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_check_options_to_show_row() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 236
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_destory_cookie_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 701
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_build_original_topbar_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 716
    Strict Standards: Non-static method wptb::wptb_random_selection_js() should not be called statically in /home/ on line 732

    all can be fixed the same way by adding public static to the function

    public static function wptb_debug_check() {	
    public static function wptb_enqueue_admin_scripts() {
    public static function wptb_options_panel() {
    public static function wptb_plugin_action_links () {
    public static function wptb_plugin_donate_link($links, $file) {
    public static function wptb_enqueue_jquery() {
    public static function wptb_activate_TopBar_html_js() {
    public static function wptb_build_cacheable_html_js() {
    public static function wptb_inject_TopBar_html_js($wptbOptions, $wptbTopBarNumber) {

    That got rid of all backend messages.

    have a nice weekend !!

    Thanks for the great plugin.

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Hi Bob

    that works.

    It left me only with six warnings from your plugin…. which i forgot to mention in my first reply. I was working through all my warnings and admin backend messages and overlooked this one last time. I am so sorry about that.

    I had to many plugins running so i need to strip all messages one by one. The lasts ones where yours which all have been fixed now.

    see below my next message and solution to those warnings.

    Thanks !

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Hi Sam,

    the latest updated fixed the issue. Thank you for the great and quick support.

    Good work !

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    @gecko_guy. We had it enabled in the previous version in the wpms.. So we cannot enable it again. The subsites also dont have the option to enable it as it is dealt with in the super admin area. And they are throwing the error.

    Sam message is send to you

    Thread Starter BackuPs


    Hi Sam,

    the issue still remains in version “Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a valid class name or object in /home/our-home-url/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406”

    will contact you by email.

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