Forum Replies Created
I purchased the suggested add-on and can confirm it works like desired.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Plugin blocks a contact formHi Kevin
Yes, that did the Trick.
Thanks for your helpful support.
i’ve donated a couple of coffes.Christoph
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Troubles with whitelisting admin-loginYes if i understand You correctly i believe that’s what i’m trying to do (-;
I tried your snippet and it produced a syntax error on the line with login_url = site_url…
I trried to add a “$” before “login_url”. This removes the error and the code is valid but if i add it to my function php and test my site i get another error-message:
Something like “too many redirects” so it seems there’s a redirect-loop.Any Idea why it won’t work? i know you are in no way obliged to answer this but if you find some spare time to do so i would be grateful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Troubles with whitelisting admin-loginHi Kevin
Sorry for bothering you one last time.
Yes it may not be the plugin itself that makes this redirect.
I’m using the code snippet below in the functions.php that i found in this topic in your forum ( to redirect people to my custom login it possible to set an exception there for the standard wordpress login URLs?
— — — —
// Custom Login URL
function my_login_page( $login_url, $redirect ) {
return site_url( ‘/kundenlogin/?redirect_to=’ . $redirect );
add_filter( ‘login_url’, ‘my_login_page’, 10, 2 );— — — —
kind Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Troubles with whitelisting admin-loginHi Kevin
My Goal is not to make the entire Backend public but to send users to the normal backend login screen of WordPress who request to go there via this link
At the moment this link is also redirected to my custom login page for the frontend users and i failed to make an exception (though they work for things like password reset).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Allow access to REST-APIHi
I did now and it seems your plugin is indeed not the culprit.
So i will look elswhere, thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Whitelist Password reset LinkOK i noticed the link to your github entrys in the FAQ about this and one of the examples there worked for me!
sorry to bother you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Login] Whitelist Password reset LinkHi Kevin
Thank you for your suggestion.
I have tested your code snippet with the ?bypass?-filter. I’m afraid it didn’t work for me. The ?whitelist?-filter atleast allowed me to get to the password-reset page. But with your new code i’m still getting redirected to the login page so it seems to fail.
Also how would this different Approach help with my initial problem? I need to Whitelist URLs where part of the URL is dynamic. Was your Code supposed to let all URLs containing ?passwort-vergessen? through?
kind Regards
ChristophI’m Using Firefox 69 on a iMac with Mac OS High Sierra.
Hope this Image link works.kind regards
Christoph HofstetterI tested it. the “!important” tag makes no difference in this case.
any other ideas?Hello Rui
I already found that code-snippet in a similar thread and tried it out.
It didn’t help. The only difference is that while it is active the second scrollbar stays on the wider screen-widths too.kind regards
Christoph HofstetterForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Translation for the Combo Multi SearchFound the files, it’s Working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Open Links in a new Window/Tab?Works perfectly, thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Search results not displayedAfter i set the “target_instance” it works fine, thank you!
You also got a hint for me how to translate the button labels for the Multisearch?