10 years, 1 month ago
Thanks! It worked.
Thanks a lot! I used 6 and 6. Thanks again.
So no clue how to change the logo resolution?
OK but there’s no problem to solve anyway. I just wanted to say “what to do” in case someone else needed.
I would like to change it from green size to red size, for example.
The logo/image itself has a resolution even bigger. It looks like it get auto resized but I don’t know where to look or what to change.
What I did was changing the path of the PNG in the style.css since it wasn’t loading. As I said, I changed it from (\”includes/images/scroll-top.png\”) to (‘includes/images/scroll-top.png’). My website is
Oh, thank you so much!
Yeah, that’s what I did.
I know, thanks, but my question was about what php/css should I edit and how, without messing the theme responsiveness.