Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP Installation with Multiple Blog WebsiteTry doing the following test:
Download: it to a folder: X. Create a new file: wp-content/db.php and place this code in it (update pathToMySQL with path to your extracted folder X):
<?php $pathToMySQL = 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\mysql\\'; require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Definitions.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Functions.php');
If that works, then this means that the admin section is running under a different PHP which doesn’t have enabled.
If so, create a new php file in your admin section (call it and place in it:
<?php phpinfo();
Then access that page and look for: Loaded Configuration File, which will give you the location of the php.ini it is using, which you will need to modify and uncomment:
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: mySQL and local installationSolution 1:
Check your php.ini and make sure that you have
un-commented.Solution 2:
You can use the following library if you do not have mysql_connect enabled but have PDO enabled:
Create a new file: wp-content/db.php and place this code in it (update your path to mysql with path to your extracted folder):
<?php $pathToMySQL = 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\mysql\\'; require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Definitions.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Functions.php');
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Missing MySQL extensionYou can use the following library if you do not have mysql_connect enabled by have PDO enabled:
Copy those files to a folder and then in your wordpress wp-includes/load.php file replace the following two lines:
wp_load_translations_early(); die( __( 'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.' ) );
With the following:
$pathToMySQL = 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\mysql\\'; require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Definitions.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Functions.php');
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP_DEBUG = deprecated: mysql_connect()You can use the following library if you do not have mysql_connect enabled by have PDO enabled:
Copy those files to a folder and then in your wordpress wp-includes/load.php file replace the following two lines:
wp_load_translations_early(); die( __( 'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.' ) );
With the following:
$pathToMySQL = 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\mysql\\'; require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Definitions.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL.php'); require_once($pathToMySQL . 'MySQL_Functions.php');