Forum Replies Created
I just added the same question in your forum on the UD site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] Denied view access to all pages after updateHi Alex,
I had the same issue and I can confirm the latest version fixed it.
Thank you so much for the quick fix!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Log out not workingHi Jeff,
Thanks a lot for looking into this.
Your solution works perfectly for me.
Big thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Log out not workingSent
Yes, it works fine again!
Thank you very much, Alex; for your excellent support and plugin.
AxelConfirmed, same problem on my site.
I only see one menu displayed, all other tabs disappear.The page works fine when I disable UAM.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Log out not workingSame issue here, since last upgrade.
FYI, the link ends as /log-out
i.e. there is no _wpnonce appended to itHas anyone managed to fix this with the latest version?
This is a central part of my site’s functionality so I am keen to fix it asap…Thanks a lot in advance
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SendPress Newsletters] 404 / 500 Internal Server ErrorHi Josh,
Thanks a lot, I sent you a test email earlier.
AxelForum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] Error on PHP 5.4.0Hello,
I made the changes posted by jloosli in UamUserGroup.class.php and it worked for me too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Email Marketer] Can't add or import contactsThanks, I got it to work.
I assume the analytics functions are not enabled for the free version as I can’t see any interface to track stats for campaigns.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Email Marketer] Can't add or import contactsHi, the bug above was generated using version 1.1.0.
Hi Tammy,
Looks like a great plugin, unfortunately I have the same issues:
1. If I sent a single invite, the email is triggered correctly. After a moment, the error message described above appears.
2. If I send more than one invite at the same time (I tried 2), I receive both invites in the same inbox: it duplicates. Then I also see the error message.
I would love to use this plugin if those could be fixed! Thanks for your had work so far.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Email Marketer] Can't add or import contactsHi, thanks for fixing this bug, it now works fine for me.
However, I was unable to save an Email Campaign to test functionality further:
/homepages/24/d442175930/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-email-marketer/campaign/postdata.php on line 200
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts 2 Posts] Display pages only for connected userHello bigkinetic,
Thanks so much for your help!! Really appreciate it. You definitely put me on the right track: the right pages are filtering correctly for the connected user.
To make it work I used ‘connected_items’ => $query->user->ID instead of ‘$user’.
The only issue I’m still facing is for a user that has no connection: it outputs a number of pages – always the same – instead of the message (‘Sorry…’).
Is the issue to do with connecting pages rather than a custom post type?
function my_connection_types() { p2p_register_connection_type( array( 'name' => 'landing2page', 'from' => 'page', 'to' => 'user', 'title' => 'Connect Users' ) ); } add_action( 'p2p_init', 'my_connection_types' );
function get_mypresentations() { global $userdata; // Get Logged in User ID $userid = $userdata->ID; // Setup array of Favourite IDs $fav_id = array(); // Get posts to call all posts connected to users $fav_posts = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'connected_type' => 'landing2page', 'connected_direction' => 'to', 'connected_items' => $query->user->ID, 'suppress_filters' => false, 'nopaging' => true, 'category' => 'presentation', ) ); // Loop through posts to get all post IDs where the "p2p_to" values are equal to User IDs // Assign to Favourite ID array foreach($fav_posts as $fav_post){ $temp_id = $fav_post->p2p_to; if($temp_id == $userid ){ $fav_id[] = $fav_post->p2p_from; } } // Remove duplicates $fav_id = array_unique($fav_id); // New WP Query based on Favourite IDs $args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'category' => 'presentation', 'post__in' => $fav_id ); $favourites = new WP_Query( $args ); // Display connected posts if ( $favourites->have_posts() ) : ?> <h3>Favourites:</h3> <ul> <?php while ( $favourites->have_posts() ) : $favourites->the_post(); ?> <li><a>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul> <?php else: ?> <article <?php post_class(); ?>> <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></p> </article><!-- /.post --> <?php // Prevent weirdness wp_reset_postdata(); endif; } add_shortcode( 'mypresentations', 'get_mypresentations' );
Thank you so much again for your support so far!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts 2 Posts] Display pages only for connected userHello, I was wondering if anyone managed to display pages connected to a single user? I still can’t get this to work on my end…
Many thanks