Forum Replies Created
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: WP Multisite install, blank wp-config.phpyup. thats what i mean.
I found out that softaculous doesn’t install subdomain multisite. That was on their forums.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: WP Multisite install, blank wp-config.phpNo, I assumed that the softalicious would know what it was doing since it is an auto installer.
Reading on it, it looks like I had to set up the wildcard through cpanel. I’m trying that now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WDContactFormBuilder] Setting user email as default valueOk thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GooVain] short links keep resetting?Yes, it appears that way.
Your plugin, is no way at fault from what I have seen.
It appears as though SNAP may be the culprit.
So for any users that run both goovain and SNAP, know that SNAP is more than likely the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GooVain] short links keep resetting?Hey There, I appreciate the reply!
After messing around with it, I tried 3 separate plugins and the problem still continued.
I ended up taking the plug ins out completely, and writing some code to check each article on load to see if it had a shortlink stored in the postmeta table. If it didn’t have anything, it creates it. If the _googl_shortlink had reverted back to the default permalink, it fixes it.
It doesn’t stop the problem, but it does catch the results before they do any damage.
I think the culprit is the SNAP (social networks autoposter) plug in that I use to post to social media. It is the only other plug in I have that has an option to mess with shortlinks.
If you want to try the test environment with SNAP and see if you get the same results, feel free. At least then you’ll know what it is if anyone else runs both plug ins and has the same problem!
Thanks again!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whenever I publish article, site goes down for a few seconds.My server’s current memory_limit is set to 256m.
Do you think that anything wordpress does would require more than that?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1Yea, I dont expect a response until next week to be honest.
I looked at the DB and seen that the post meta key is _googl_shortlink. Some of them are being stored as the proper short links, while others are being stored as the permalink in the DB. I guess I need to start finding what else messes with the meta key of _google_shortlink to find out what is changing them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1Whatever it is, its making all sorts of trouble =/
After further inspection, it appears that all of the posts that SNAP has auto posted since I started investigating have had their short links reset.
I did have the short links set to the, but I change them to the WP default with hopes that this will prevent it from happening further.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1Actually, after looking into it with the SNAP plug in in mind, it seems like all of the ones that are resetting have recently been published to social media, which is the primary job of the SNAP plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1I am also checking with one other plug in that I run.
They have done some updates since 4.1 as well, and they have an option in their settings to work with the short links.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1Ok. Well its good to see that the WordPress itself is not having a specific problem.
I guess I have to find out what changed between 4.0 and 4.1 that these google plugins were dependent on.
I will ask the GooVain support and see what comes out of it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Short Link Errors since release of 4.1I was using, which was dated, but worked fine until 4.1. I switched to GooVain, but its not doing any better.
It is so weird that it is resetting the short links. Even if I go in and manually update the posts, it will set a short link for them, and a few hours later, they’re gone again.
The reposts option.
I have it selected to share all posts from the category 35.
Within this, I have it set to automatically enable all new posts for repost, but that doesn’t seem to be working.
I have to go in and manually disable all of my currently selected posts for repost, and then reenable them. This results in gaining all of the posts of that category that were never added for repost automatically.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Pinterest no longer auto posting.I shouldn’t have any protection.
All of the other ones are working alright?