Forum Replies Created
Can we have an option to upload the list of urls that must be fixed or any field to do that can you add something like that?
For the wordence article I’m sure now since I had a bad experience in the past and I lost customers by the mistakes of wordence plugin.
I saw your article thanks I’m sure about it.
The poroblem here now is that I fixed many things on search console. the only thing is the pool of deleted bbpress topics which shows me 110 404 not found urls on the google webmaster tools but in plugin everything looks fine.
So I don’t have any error path on the site all in search console.
Also what about this article on wordence?’m not a wordence user but I’m scared we are trying to fix our errors not to get more problems.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by awpt.
I figuret it out but looks like facebook button is not working on addtoany
Thankyou just checked your reply on this post
and the method 1 on redirect option worked fineThanks again
Sorry I did a mistake in my post I didn’t try to send any email template to subscribers yet, so I mean the confirmation email its allways using the email used in postman smtp.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by awpt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Player] Download and Playback Icons on Fluid Playerthe below one is the code with my additional changes.
class FluidPlayerPlugin { public static $index = 0; private static function loadAssets() { wp_enqueue_script( 'fluid-player-js', self::FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL . '/fluidplayer.min.js', [], false, true ); wp_enqueue_style('fluid-player-css', self::FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL . '/fluidplayer.min.css'); } public static function init() { static::loadAssets(); static::initShortcodeToJSMapping(); add_shortcode('fluid-player', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeSimple')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-extended', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeExtended')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-html-block', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeHtmlBlock')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-multi-res-video', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeHtmlBlock')); //Disabling smart quotes filter for shortcode content add_filter('no_texturize_shortcodes', function () { $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-multi-res-video'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-html-block'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-extended'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player'; return $shortcodes; }); //Disabling line breaks and paragraphs from shortcode content. Could have side effects! remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'wpautop'); } /** * @param array $attrs * @param string $content * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeHtmlBlock($attrs, $content) { return ''; } /** * @param array $attrs * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeSimple($attrs) { $params = shortcode_atts([ //See static::VAST_FILE => '', static::VTT_FILE => '', static::VTT_SPRITE => '', static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES => static::prepareVideoSources([ [ 'label' => 'HD', 'url' => $attrs['video'] ] ], []), static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE, ], $attrs); return static::generateContent(static::SCRIPT_CONTENT, $params); } /** * @param array $attrs * @param string $content * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeExtended($attrs, $content) { $params = shortcode_atts([ //See static::VAST_FILE => '', static::VTT_FILE => '', static::VTT_SPRITE => '', static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE, static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO => plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'web/images/yourlogo.png', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION => 'top left', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY => '1', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER => get_site_url(), static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT => '', static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA => '', static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE => false, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH => 100, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT => 100, ], $attrs); if (has_shortcode($content, 'fluid-player-html-block')) { $htmlBlock = static::extractShortCode($content, 'fluid-player-html-block'); $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK] = $htmlBlock; } $content = html_entity_decode($content); if (has_shortcode($content, 'fluid-player-multi-res-video')) { $multiResVideo = static::extractShortCode($content, 'fluid-player-multi-res-video'); } else { //Keeping the plugin compatible with the previous extended shortcode format (no nested shortcode) $multiResVideo = do_shortcode($content); } $params[static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES] = static::prepareVideoSources( static::extractVideos(html_entity_decode($multiResVideo)), [['label' => '720', 'url' => self::FP_CDN_ROOT_URL . '/videos/1.3/fluidplayer_480.mp4']] ); return static::generateContent(static::SCRIPT_CONTENT, $params); } private static function getLayoutOptions($params) { $options = static::getDefaultOptions(); if (null == $params[static::VTT_FILE] || null == $params[static::VTT_SPRITE]) { unset($options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ]); } if (isset($params[static::FP_LAYOUT])) { $options[static::FP_LAYOUT] = $params[static::FP_LAYOUT]; } //Autoplay if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS] = true; } //allowDownload if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS] = true; } //playbackRateEnabled if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS] = true; } //Logo if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS] = []; $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['imageUrl'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]; //logoPosition if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['position'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS]; } //logoOpacity if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['opacity'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS]; } //clickUrl if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['clickUrl'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS]; } } //htmlOnPauseBlock if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS] = [ 'html' => $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS], ]; if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS]['width'] = (int)$params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS]; } if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS]['height'] = (int)$params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS]; } } //responsive if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS] = true; } $options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ][static::FP_TIMELINE_FILE] = $params[static::VTT_FILE]; $options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ][static::FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE] = $params[static::VTT_SPRITE]; return $options; } private static function getVastOptions($params) { $options = static::getDefaultOptions(); unset($options[static::FP_LAYOUT]); unset($options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ]); //VAST if (isset($params[static::VAST_FILE])) { $options['adList'] = [ [ 'roll' => 'preRoll', 'vastTag' => $params[static::VAST_FILE] ], ]; } //adText if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS]; } //adCTAText if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS]; } return $options; } public static function getDefaultOptions() { return [ static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ => [ static::FP_TIMELINE_FILE => '', static::FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE => '', static::FP_TIMELINE_TYPE => 'VTT', ], static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE ]; } /** * @param string $content * * @return array */ private static function extractVideos($content) { $content = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $content); preg_match('/(\[.*\])/s', $content, $matches); return json_decode($matches[0], true); } private static function getVideoSourceString($video) { return '<source title="' . $video['label'] . '" src=' . $video['url'] . ' type="video/mp4" />'; } /** * @param array[string] $videos * @param string $fallbackVideo * * @return string */ private static function prepareVideoSources($videos, $fallbackVideo) { if (is_null($videos)) { return static::getVideoSourceString($fallbackVideo); } $videosCode = []; foreach ($videos as $video) { $videosCode[] = static::getVideoSourceString($video); } return join('', $videosCode); } /** * @param string $mold * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ private static function generateContent($mold, $params) { $shortcodeContent = str_replace( [ '{' . static::FP_ID . '}', '{' . static::FP_VIDEO . '}', '{' . static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES . '}', '{' . static::FP_LAYOUT_OPTIONS . '}', '{' . static::FP_VAST_OPTIONS . '}', //'{' . static::VAST_FILE . '}', //'{' . static::FP_OPTIONS . '}', ], [ static::$index ++, $params[static::FP_VIDEO], $params[static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES], json_encode(static::getLayoutOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), json_encode(static::getVastOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), //$params[static::VAST_FILE], //json_encode(static::getPlayerOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), ], $mold ); return $shortcodeContent; } /** * @param string $content * @param string $shortcodeTag * * @return string */ private static function extractShortCode($content, $shortcodeTag) { $content = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $content)); preg_match("/\[" . $shortcodeTag . "\](.*)\[\/" . $shortcodeTag . "\]/", $content, $output_array); return $output_array[1]; } private static function initShortcodeToJSMapping() { static::$shortcodeToJSMapping = [ static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT, static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY => static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD => static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK => static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT => static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA => static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE => static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS, static::FP_VAST_FILE => static::FP_VAST_FILE_JS, ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ private static function getRemappedParams($params) { $remappedParams = []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $remappedParams[static::$shortcodeToJSMapping[$key]] = $value; } return $remappedParams; } const FP_CDN_ROOT_URL = ''; const FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL = ''; const FP_ID = 'id'; const FP_VIDEO = 'video'; const FP_VIDEO_SOURCES = 'video_sources'; const FP_LAYOUT = 'layout'; const FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE = 'default'; const FP_LAYOUT_OPTIONS = 'layout_options'; const FP_VAST_OPTIONS = 'vast_options'; const FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY = 'auto-play'; const FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD = 'allow-download'; const FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK = 'playback-speed'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO = 'logo'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION = 'logo-position'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER = 'logo-hyperlink'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY = 'logo-opacity'; const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT = 'ad-text'; const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA = 'ad-cta-text'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK = 'html-on-pause-block'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH = 'html-on-pause-block-width'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 'html-on-pause-block-height'; const FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE = 'responsive'; //Keeping the old shortcode param for legacy reasons const FP_VAST_FILE = 'vast_file'; const FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS = 'autoPlay'; const FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS = 'allowDownload'; const FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS = 'playbackRateEnabled'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS = 'logo'; //TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS = 'logoPosition';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS = 'logoOpacity';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS = 'redirectUrl';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS = 'adText';//TODO: Move to Vast const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS = 'adCTAText';//TODO: Move to Vast const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlock';//TODO update this const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlockWidth';//TODO: Update this const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlockHeight';//TODO: Update this const FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS = 'fillToContainer'; const FP_VAST_FILE_JS = 'vast_file'; static $shortcodeToJSMapping = array(); const FP_TIMELINE_OBJ = 'timelinePreview'; const FP_TIMELINE_FILE = 'file'; const FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE = 'sprite'; const FP_TIMELINE_TYPE = 'type'; const VAST_FILE = 'vast_file'; const VTT_FILE = 'vtt_file'; const VTT_SPRITE = 'vtt_sprite'; const SCRIPT_CONTENT = <<<SCRIPT <video id='fp-video-{id}' controls> {video_sources} </video> <script type="text/javascript"> var fluidPlayerPlugin{id} = function() { var testVideo = fluidPlayer( 'fp-video-{id}', /* '{vast_file}', fp_options} */ { layoutControls: {layout_options}, vastOptions: {vast_options} } ); }; (function defer() { if (typeof(fluidPlayer) != 'undefined') { fluidPlayerPlugin{id}(); } else { setTimeout(defer, 50); } })(); </script> SCRIPT; }
will link logo to the site url.- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by awpt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Player] Download and Playback Icons on Fluid PlayerOh I forget to add clickurl constants in initShortcodeToJSMapping function ??
its okay now thanks for the plugin again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Tiles] WPAlchemy_MetaBox has a deprecated constructorYou have the fix here I’m not the plugin developer but this fix worked fine for me and posted months ago.PHP 7.x is faster nd recommended. Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Player] Download and Playback Icons on Fluid PlayerHi thankyou for your reply I really like this plugin features so I did some changes on the class file.
<?php class FluidPlayerPlugin { public static $index = 0; private static function loadAssets() { wp_enqueue_script( 'fluid-player-js', self::FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL . '/fluidplayer.min.js', [], false, true ); wp_enqueue_style('fluid-player-css', self::FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL . '/fluidplayer.min.css'); } public static function init() { static::loadAssets(); static::initShortcodeToJSMapping(); add_shortcode('fluid-player', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeSimple')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-extended', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeExtended')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-html-block', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeHtmlBlock')); add_shortcode('fluid-player-multi-res-video', array('FluidPlayerPlugin', 'shortcodeHtmlBlock')); //Disabling smart quotes filter for shortcode content add_filter('no_texturize_shortcodes', function () { $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-multi-res-video'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-html-block'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player-extended'; $shortcodes[] = 'fluid-player'; return $shortcodes; }); //Disabling line breaks and paragraphs from shortcode content. Could have side effects! remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'wpautop'); } /** * @param array $attrs * @param string $content * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeHtmlBlock($attrs, $content) { return ''; } /** * @param array $attrs * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeSimple($attrs) { $params = shortcode_atts([ //See static::VAST_FILE => '', static::VTT_FILE => '', static::VTT_SPRITE => '', static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES => static::prepareVideoSources([ [ 'label' => 'HD', 'url' => $attrs['video'] ] ], []), static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE, ], $attrs); return static::generateContent(static::SCRIPT_CONTENT, $params); } /** * @param array $attrs * @param string $content * * @return string */ public static function shortcodeExtended($attrs, $content) { $params = shortcode_atts([ //See static::VAST_FILE => '', static::VTT_FILE => '', static::VTT_SPRITE => '', static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE, static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK => 'false', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO => plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'web/images/yourlogo.png', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION => 'top left', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY => '1', static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER => '', static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT => '', static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA => '', static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE => false, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH => 100, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT => 100, ], $attrs); if (has_shortcode($content, 'fluid-player-html-block')) { $htmlBlock = static::extractShortCode($content, 'fluid-player-html-block'); $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK] = $htmlBlock; } $content = html_entity_decode($content); if (has_shortcode($content, 'fluid-player-multi-res-video')) { $multiResVideo = static::extractShortCode($content, 'fluid-player-multi-res-video'); } else { //Keeping the plugin compatible with the previous extended shortcode format (no nested shortcode) $multiResVideo = do_shortcode($content); } $params[static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES] = static::prepareVideoSources( static::extractVideos(html_entity_decode($multiResVideo)), [['label' => '720', 'url' => self::FP_CDN_ROOT_URL . '/videos/1.3/fluidplayer_480.mp4']] ); return static::generateContent(static::SCRIPT_CONTENT, $params); } private static function getLayoutOptions($params) { $options = static::getDefaultOptions(); if (null == $params[static::VTT_FILE] || null == $params[static::VTT_SPRITE]) { unset($options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ]); } if (isset($params[static::FP_LAYOUT])) { $options[static::FP_LAYOUT] = $params[static::FP_LAYOUT]; } //Autoplay if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS] = true; } //allowDownload if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS] = true; } //playbackRateEnabled if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS] = true; } //Logo if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS] = []; $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['imageUrl'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]; //logoPosition if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['position'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS]; } //logoOpacity if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['opacity'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS]; } //clickUrl if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS]['clickUrl'] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS]; } } //htmlOnPauseBlock if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS] = [ 'html' => $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS], ]; if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS]['width'] = (int)$params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS]; } if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS]['height'] = (int)$params[static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS]; } } //responsive if ($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS] !== 'false') { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS] = true; } $options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ][static::FP_TIMELINE_FILE] = $params[static::VTT_FILE]; $options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ][static::FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE] = $params[static::VTT_SPRITE]; return $options; } private static function getVastOptions($params) { $options = static::getDefaultOptions(); unset($options[static::FP_LAYOUT]); unset($options[static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ]); //VAST if (isset($params[static::VAST_FILE])) { $options['adList'] = [ [ 'roll' => 'preRoll', 'vastTag' => $params[static::VAST_FILE] ], ]; } //adText if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS]; } //adCTAText if (isset($params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS])) { $options[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS] = $params[static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS]; } return $options; } public static function getDefaultOptions() { return [ static::FP_TIMELINE_OBJ => [ static::FP_TIMELINE_FILE => '', static::FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE => '', static::FP_TIMELINE_TYPE => 'VTT', ], static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE ]; } /** * @param string $content * * @return array */ private static function extractVideos($content) { $content = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $content); preg_match('/(\[.*\])/s', $content, $matches); return json_decode($matches[0], true); } private static function getVideoSourceString($video) { return '<source title="' . $video['label'] . '" src=' . $video['url'] . ' type="video/mp4" />'; } /** * @param array[string] $videos * @param string $fallbackVideo * * @return string */ private static function prepareVideoSources($videos, $fallbackVideo) { if (is_null($videos)) { return static::getVideoSourceString($fallbackVideo); } $videosCode = []; foreach ($videos as $video) { $videosCode[] = static::getVideoSourceString($video); } return join('', $videosCode); } /** * @param string $mold * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ private static function generateContent($mold, $params) { $shortcodeContent = str_replace( [ '{' . static::FP_ID . '}', '{' . static::FP_VIDEO . '}', '{' . static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES . '}', '{' . static::FP_LAYOUT_OPTIONS . '}', '{' . static::FP_VAST_OPTIONS . '}', //'{' . static::VAST_FILE . '}', //'{' . static::FP_OPTIONS . '}', ], [ static::$index ++, $params[static::FP_VIDEO], $params[static::FP_VIDEO_SOURCES], json_encode(static::getLayoutOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), json_encode(static::getVastOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), //$params[static::VAST_FILE], //json_encode(static::getPlayerOptions(static::getRemappedParams($params))), ], $mold ); return $shortcodeContent; } /** * @param string $content * @param string $shortcodeTag * * @return string */ private static function extractShortCode($content, $shortcodeTag) { $content = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $content)); preg_match("/\[" . $shortcodeTag . "\](.*)\[\/" . $shortcodeTag . "\]/", $content, $output_array); return $output_array[1]; } private static function initShortcodeToJSMapping() { static::$shortcodeToJSMapping = [ static::FP_LAYOUT => static::FP_LAYOUT, static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY => static::FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD => static::FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK => static::FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY => static::FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT => static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA => static::FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT => static::FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS, static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE => static::FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS, static::FP_VAST_FILE => static::FP_VAST_FILE_JS, ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array */ private static function getRemappedParams($params) { $remappedParams = []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $remappedParams[static::$shortcodeToJSMapping[$key]] = $value; } return $remappedParams; } const FP_CDN_ROOT_URL = ''; const FP_CDN_CURRENT_URL = ''; const FP_ID = 'id'; const FP_VIDEO = 'video'; const FP_VIDEO_SOURCES = 'video_sources'; const FP_LAYOUT = 'layout'; const FP_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE = 'default'; const FP_LAYOUT_OPTIONS = 'layout_options'; const FP_VAST_OPTIONS = 'vast_options'; const FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY = 'auto-play'; const FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD = 'allow-download'; const FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK = 'playback-speed'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO = 'logo'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION = 'logo-position'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER = 'logo-hyperlink'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY = 'logo-opacity'; const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT = 'ad-text'; const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA = 'ad-cta-text'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK = 'html-on-pause-block'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH = 'html-on-pause-block-width'; const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 'html-on-pause-block-height'; const FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE = 'responsive'; //Keeping the old shortcode param for legacy reasons const FP_VAST_FILE = 'vast_file'; const FP_OPTIONS_AUTOPLAY_JS = 'autoPlay'; const FP_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_JS = 'allowDownload'; const FP_OPTIONS_PLAYBACK_JS = 'playbackRateEnabled'; const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_JS = 'logo'; //TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_POSITION_JS = 'logoPosition';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_OPACITY_JS = 'logoOpacity';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_LOGO_HYPER_JS = 'clickUrl';//TODO: update this const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_JS = 'adText';//TODO: Move to Vast const FP_OPTIONS_AD_TEXT_CTA_JS = 'adCTAText';//TODO: Move to Vast const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlock';//TODO update this const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_WIDTH_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlockWidth';//TODO: Update this const FP_OPTIONS_HTML_ON_PAUSE_BLOCK_HEIGHT_JS = 'htmlOnPauseBlockHeight';//TODO: Update this const FP_OPTIONS_RESPONSIVE_JS = 'fillToContainer'; const FP_VAST_FILE_JS = 'vast_file'; static $shortcodeToJSMapping = array(); const FP_TIMELINE_OBJ = 'timelinePreview'; const FP_TIMELINE_FILE = 'file'; const FP_TIMELINE_SPRITE = 'sprite'; const FP_TIMELINE_TYPE = 'type'; const VAST_FILE = 'vast_file'; const VTT_FILE = 'vtt_file'; const VTT_SPRITE = 'vtt_sprite'; const SCRIPT_CONTENT = <<<SCRIPT <video id='fp-video-{id}' controls> {video_sources} </video> <script type="text/javascript"> var fluidPlayerPlugin{id} = function() { var testVideo = fluidPlayer( 'fp-video-{id}', /* '{vast_file}', fp_options} */ { layoutControls: {layout_options}, vastOptions: {vast_options} } ); }; (function defer() { if (typeof(fluidPlayer) != 'undefined') { fluidPlayerPlugin{id}(); } else { setTimeout(defer, 50); } })(); </script> SCRIPT; }
Using the following values I got it working.
allow-download="allowDownload" playback-speed="playbackRateEnabled"
the above values are working fine for download button and the playeback speed icon
the only problem I cannot get the logo hyper link (clickUrl) working.
I have used logo-hyperlink="clickUrl"
So, it redirects to a blank tab.- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by awpt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GDPR] Error in php version 2.0.8I installed the plugin on a wordpress site using php 7.1 and everything is working fine here.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by awpt.
I have more than 10 extentions from your official site but I thought that this is the place for this question since edd is free however thankyou I found a freelancer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Multiple title tags everywheresorry the solution above not working too Im having multiple title tags on my homepage and all my other pages
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by awpt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bug Library] [Error] TypeError: undefined is not a functionalso replaced line 2418 to
$output .= “<script language=’javascript’>”;and 2432 to
$output .= “</script>”;just changed the script to lowercase, there was a div issue I know its strange but this solved the second issue too.
Thankyou for the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bug Library] [Error] TypeError: undefined is not a functionThankyou for your time. I just downloaded the colorbox.js here, so now its working fine Im not sure why you dont face the same issue but here the colorbox.js is required and its not loaded from plugin I included the file in theme and worked.
Thankyou again.