Me too…
I’m using for a project the good and well known theme “The Retailer” and today I have installed WordPress SEO by Yoast on it. Suddenly it was a boxing match with Visual Composer: in a while ,in the “Pages” dashboard, instead of my SEO title I found “The Retailer, bla bla bla…”, instead of my meta description I found their meta and – as Focus KW – “woocommerce” as KW. What???!!! So, I went on the homepage and there… surprise! No way to see anymore the Visual Composer screen, but only a space for the title and another for some text. In wich there was a bit of code, written in white on white. Nothing else.
I have deactivated SEO by Yoast and all be back as usual. Reactivated and the disaster again.
What the hell, can you or anyone help me to understand what is happened and – above all – how to solve this problem? By myself I don’t understand who’s fighting who in this match. Thank you.