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  • Thread Starter avelvet


    Also, the readme.html doc (found at unless you deleted it) has a section on Online Resources, which lists the codex, which has all that info).

    I didn’t delete it. The “readme.html” file proudly proclaims a “5 Minute Install”. I’m not exactly sure, in light of that proclamation, why I should sift through “…the most comprehensive source of information for WordPress available” to make a “5 Minute Install” work at all out of the box. Reading such a tome, or even parts of it–if you can actually find what you are looking for–would obviously take considerably more time than “5 Minutes”. ??

    Out of curiosity, HOW did you install WP? Manually or via some script like Fantastico?

    Manually, via Filezilla.

    Given that the Welcome message is a blog post, which is stored in the database, that speaks more to your database permissions being off than anything else. A VERY rare occurrence if the install was successful.

    The install appeared to be successful in that I received no error messages. And I have NEVER had any kind of database issue with any other install on this server. I create it, provide the username/pw info to the CMS, and proceed to customize my platform install.

    What error did you get on these uploads?

    Improper permission, if any error at all. I changed the file permissions multiple times and when I would try to update again, and either get the file permissions error or no error–the page or post would simply not be on the site–I’d go back to check the permissions and they would be reset to their original state! So, I’d go through the process again… and again, and again… until I finally just changed EVERYTHING to 777, went back and reloaded the pages (I even cleared my browser cache just to be sure), and still cannot write anything to the site. I went back to check and this time all files are still 777. But no success in adding pages or posts.

    You may need to resave your permalink settings.

    Huh? Resave something that I haven’t changed (that I know of)? I’m dealing with the two default pages: the blog post page and the about page. I haven’t tinkered with anything that wasn’t already in the install… er, it won’t let me?

    Sorry you feel that way. The forums are the support method here because this is an open-source tool and anyone can help ?? Would you rather send your email to a nebulous company ‘contact’ form and pray they help you? Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    Of course I wouldn’t want to send my info to some company. And regardless of the impression that I may have (probably) made, I support and appreciate the open-source community. Wonderful people, just like you, offer their time, patience and experience to others out of the kindness of their hearts and out of support for open-source projects. This in and of itself speaks volumes about the dedication of the user community to each other. Forgive me if my implication was otherwise. I merely meant that out of the 10+ sites and CMS’s that I have, the only CMS that gave me this much trouble) and was ultimately abandon/deleted was Joomla. I am surprised that two such wildly popular platforms give me more headaches than, say, SimpleMachines or DocuWiki.

    I thank you for your suggestions and your offer to try and help me resolve these issues. But, frankly, I feel that I have wasted WAY too much time on this already. In MY mind, my only logical option to try and get WP up and running is to delete the entire site and start with a new WP download and base install. But using WP is NOT that important to me. If I’m going to do all that I’d rather roll the dice on another platform or use one that I have had success with in the past. I merely posted this so that if anyone runs into an issue of WP simply not allowing them to do anything at all to their new site would know that they are not alone.

    Thank you. And long live WordPress and the WordPress and open-source community. ??

    As I stated above:

    I have chmod wp-content to 777 and even created the upload folder.

    I actually changed the file permissions three times. And each time when I returned to upload the image and got the message again, I would revisit the permissions settings only to find that they had gone back to their original state. I thought that the last time I did it that it stuck. But it obviously didn’t.

    As per your instruction, I went back to the upload folder (again) and found that the permission setting had again returned to 755. I changed the setting again, went back to the control panel, uploaded the image, and this time it took it.

    I don’t think that I am losing my mind, but instances like this make me wonder at times.

    Thank you for your patient guidance. I may be back to the forums in the future… perhaps this was just a bad day for me, though. Let’s hope.

    Thank you.

    I followed the directions that came with it. I unpacked it, uploaded it, (manually created and uploaded wp-config.php from sample), navigated to wp-admin/install.php and followed the directions from there. I might add that I created my db while it was all uploading, entered the db info to config and uploaded it before I navigated to install.php.

    I installed wp but have tried three different themes (including the one preinstalled) and cannot gain control of site. I edited the Welcome post on the first theme and it would not update the post. So, I switched to another theme which allowed me to update the post but I didn’t like the theme. Finally, I went to 2010 theme (preinstalled) and it will not allow me to upload a header image. I have chmod wp-content to 777 and even created the upload folder. But it still will not allow me access stating “Unable to create directory […]public_html/wp-content/uploads/2011/01. Is its parent directory writable by the server?” Frankly, I’ve had MUCH more success with other CMS’s and simply don’t understand why, if it is this finicky and (apparently) unstable it is so wildly popular. I’m about ready to switch to something that works. I just hate to flush two days of work too quickly. Any help?

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