Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Register Button Using Calendar LoopsDo you have the page with the {EVRREGISTER} setup and that page defined in the settings as the main registration page? This must be done as the calendar link should point to that. Your description sounds like you have your calendar page entered as the registration page in the settings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Instant Payment Notification – FailurePlease email me at [email protected] with details from your paypal site regarding the failure notice. IPN failure is typically due to the fact that PayPal cannot post the transaction to your site for some reason. The error details on the Paypal site will generally give some indication as the reason of the failure.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Major security issue during registration processThank you for the input. We have updated the file in the development version to reflect the fix. We are working on a few other patches. If you would like to apply the fix immediately to version 6.01.08, you may download it here and replace it in the public folder of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Registration Form ModificationsYes, you will need to edit the file, evr-public-form in the public folder.
Look for this section:
evr_generate_frm_defaults('fname',__('First Name','evr_language')); evr_generate_frm_defaults('lname',__('Last Name','evr_language')); evr_generate_frm_defaults('email',__('Email Address','evr_language')); if ($inc_phone == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('phone',__('Phone Number','evr_language')); } if ($inc_address == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('address',__('Street/PO Address','evr_language')); } if ($inc_city == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('city',__('City','evr_language')); } if ($inc_state == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('state',__('State','evr_language')); } if ($inc_zip == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('zip',__('Postal/Zip Code','evr_language')); } if ($inc_comp == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('company',__('Company Name','evr_language')); } if ($inc_coadd == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('co_address',__('Company Address','evr_language')); } if ($inc_cocity == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('co_city',__('Company City','evr_language')); } if ($inc_costate == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('co_state',__('Company State/Province','evr_language')); } if ($inc_copostal == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('co_zip',__('Company Postal Code','evr_language')); } if ($inc_cophone == "Y") { evr_generate_frm_defaults('co_phone',__('Company Phone','evr_language')); } ?> <!--End Default Questions -->
The rest should be obvious.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Settings not savingAre you saving the settings on each tab? Every tab has it own save button.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Payment reminderYou must have a page setup with the Payment shortcode and identify that page in your settings. If not the leading URL is not in the database for the template to pull from.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Unable to save attendee changesThis will occur is something is not correct about the attendee, or the actual attendee data is not correct. As a test, change the last letter of the attendee name and save. If it saves, then change it back and save again. Sometimes is key data does not change the record will not allow an update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] category shortcodes do not workCategory short codes still require a page with the main {EVREGIS} shortcode setup on your site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] CachingYou should not have caching enabled on any of the pages used by Event Registration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Instant Payment Notification – FailureThat looks correct for a particular transaction. What does the IPN history say? Each payment post is unique for that transaction. If you would like to email me directly at [email protected] I can provide your more detailed support in a private discussion so data is not disclosed publically on the forum.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Instant Payment Notification – FailureYou can also view your PayPal Instant Payment Notification history and/or try resending the IPN notifications by logging into your PayPal account, then visit this URL: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_display-ipns-history
You can click on an IPN transaction and review the Notification URL to verify if was looking in the right place, the HTTP response code and the delivery status of the notification.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Instant Payment Notification – FailureIf you have received an email from PayPal with the subject : IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED: PayPal service upgrades, don’t panic ??
PayPal is upgrading the certificate for https://www.paypal.com to SHA-256. This endpoint is also used by merchants using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) product.
Given the types of changes that PayPal has made (or will make) and how our products integrate with it, there’s nothing special that needs to be done on your WordPress site. The Event Registration itself requires no changes.
However, your site may need an updated SSL cert or your server might need updating if it’s not sha-256 compatible. For that, you may need to check this with your host.
The PayPal Sandbox has already been updated to SHA-256. You can test your own site by doing a test registration/payment using the PayPal Sandbox You can quickly test if it will work by making a PayPal Sandbox payment. If you don’t see an error like “No trusted certificate found“ then it should work.
You can also log into the Paypal developer site, Trigger a simulated payment to view payment notifications instantly. Confirm that fields are being parsed correctly and that your handler is working correctly.
To quote PayPal: “Any tests that are currently run against PayPal Sandbox endpoints will require a VeriSign G5 root certificate, so you can test your upgrades by making requests against the Sandbox”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Confirmation EmailDo you have send confirmation emails setup in the settings and also in the event itself. It must be active in both locations to send emails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Ask Shirt Size for Each AttendeeNot easily, I would recommend creating a custom question that says “Please list the name and shirt size for each person you are registering for:”
While not precise it gets the job done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Registration] Submit button does nothing on a registration pagePlease provide a link so that we can see the issue first hand.