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  • For anyone that lands here after running into this unhelpful error – if you enable debug mode, the actual error message will show up alongside this otherwise meaningless output.

    If you don’t know how to do this, open up your wp-config.php file in the top/root directory for your WP installation, and add the following line anywhere, on it’s own line:


    Remember to remove it after, or if you prefer to leave it for future use, change the code to disable the debug output


    This plugin is great for just custom post types!

    In the code you add to your functions.php that he has in the installation instructions, just change this part:
    'post_type' => array( 'page' ),
    remove ‘page’ and set up the post type slug for the posts you want it active on.

    Then use the display functions to retrieve the new thumbnail type you create inside the loop on the template that is for that post type.
    kdmfi_get_the_featured_image( $image_id, $size, $post_id );


    Thread Starter Avant 5


    Hi, sorry for the super-late response. Work has been crazy.

    The gateway uses nothing special. Nothing for rerouting around firewalls or other issues, just straight, dead-simple REST API connection, in a single-page light plugin, plus the Paypal SDK.

    The code was adapted from this wonderful tutorial by Igor Beni?:

    I was just looking for a quick refresher on gateway structure, and luckily Igor’s tutorial was specific for Paypal. Usually they are for for some reason. This one I didn’t have to adapt to a different payment processor, but I did have to do some fixing because there were a few issues with his code that needed tweaks.

    I still have not figured out what caused the problem with the default Paypal gateway, and it’s driving me insane. I had it working totally as expected on my dev server (AWS), then testing on the production server (GoDaddy) and it doesn’t work. But then a second, brand new install on the exact same AWS EC2 instance failed, so same server configuration on AWS and it works once, but not the other time. It’s one of those goblin in the machine glitches that I don’t know if I’ll ever figure out.

    Thread Starter Avant 5


    In addition to the off-site downloading, the plugin does not clean up well. After deactivating and selecting to delete, and answering ‘yes’ to the “Are you sure you want to delete Jomres and it’s data” the data persists, which includes a directory – that is not in the plugins directory for some reason – containing 8,064 files, as well as a curious 67 database tables.

    For those less familiar with the data structure in WordPress, WordPress itself only uses 12 tables. Woocommerce which is a massive, feature-rich application with tons of options and parameters as well contingencies for a very broad range of products and variants only has 14 tables. Between them 26 total, compared to the 67 tables Jomres creates.

    I have not had the time – yet – to look over the code to see the hows-n-whys of all of these tables, but I suspect that this would end up creating a great deal of overhead over time on a site that’s marginally busy. Where so many site owners are mired in WordPress performance issues, using CDNs and caching plugins to improve performance, a plugin that adds a great deal of overhead would be a concern for a lot of users. I am not even close to a performance expert, so I will have to have a friend look at it and run benchmarks when he gets free, and then if and when he can help, I will share his findings.

    For the sake of comparison, the booking plugin that I did use, albeit with some customizing “hacks”, adds zero tables to the database, adds a single line in the WP Options table for it’s options, and smartly piggybacks all of its data in the Woocommerce tables with the other product(s) information.

    If the plugin author would like to offer an explanation of the tables as a starting point for my further investigation, I’d welcome the inclusion. It will still be a while, I’m very busy, and 8000 code files is a lot to have to read through, even if my job didn’t have first-dibs on my time.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Avant 5. Reason: Added note on performance issue concerns to site owners
    Thread Starter Avant 5


    Since you took the time to research me, I did the same. It looks like you either work for Jomres or you’re getting kickbacks to shill for them. So I find your commentary untrustworthy, like a paid Yelp review, since we’re going down that road.

    You reply to all the negative Jomres reviews with insults and a condescending tone. Clearly you’re involved and biased, as proofed by this snippet from your own website: “and consider it to currently be the most interesting Open Source Software project.” Really? More interesting than all of the open source programming languages, Python, PHP, more interesting than React Native, more interesting than Linux? A WordPress plugin for hotel booking is the most interesting open source software project? I don’t think so.

    And please note THIS Jomres review:

    It’s a 5-star review, and entited “Excellent”. But if users read the commentary, they will see that the plugin completely fell apart, the website broke, and turned into a 6-month customer service nightmare. The user went on to amend his “Excellent” to “What an utter and complete disaster!!!!!!”

    “4 MONTHS later the problem is still not resolved. A lot of buck passing between Jomres and OSDCS!”

    “It has been 4 months and does not work – look at the history of the support tickets!”

    “Also had to give the developers the passwords to access WordPress – I now get this error message when login in:- “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” They are blaming the host!” [note: Add this to this developer offloading the plugin from a remote source, that’s a double security red-flag]

    If you hadn’t called my attention back to Jomres, I never would have noticed this review, but for looking at your “helpful” comments to other people’s reviews. It’s shameful that Jomres has someone shilling and inserting bogus information into posts to try to invalidate legitimate information that’s actually useful to users that are concerned about their website security when looking at plugins.

    Given that this 5-star review is broken, and your 5-star review is actually just a shill promotion, that leaves three legit (maybe) 5-star reviews and three 1-star reviews.

    It’s hard to trust the other positive reviews since we now know that Jomres has you doctoring the review information, the other 5-star reviews could be more of the same.

    Thread Starter Avant 5


    Ok, Donnacha, I’ll address those points, since you’ve decided to call me an “idiot” and then lie about what I’ve done.

    First, I’m a programmer that started programming in 1982 as a hobby. It’s been my job since 1998. I’ve been coding custom WordPress themes and plugins since 2007. So I think that your assessment of me being “inexperienced” is way off base.

    Second, “biggest” does not equate to quality. McDonald’s is the biggest and most popular restaurant in the world. But very few would argue that this makes it the best food. I would however agree, Woocommerce is the McDonald’s of eCommerce solutions.

    Next up, apparently you didn’t finish reading the discussion on Woocommerce. The developer’s “polite” instruction was that I should use another plugin. If he suggested that Woocommerce wasn’t the problem, he was and IS wrong. If you continued to read the discussion, I fixed the issue by writing my own payment gateway for Paypal. So with my “technical ignorance” I was able to fix the problem that persists now in Woocommerce.

    When I left a 1-star review about a plugin that had “more” features in the pro version, that was because the “free” version has no real-world usability. It is merely a demo version that is a feeder to sell the Envato Marketplace version. I have no problem with people selling their plugins and making a living. But the WordPress Repository is not supposed to be a marketplace, it is supposed to be a repo for open source software.

    Wordpress has gotten a bad rep for being insecure because so many WordPress sites get “hacked”. The reality is WordPress is pretty secure in and of itself, it’s flaws in plugins that are the main reason people’s sites get exploited. So yes, when I see a plugin that is backloading from a remote location, it’s a MAJOR red flag for any experienced and security-aware programmer. It’s an important piece of information that people that can’t program and aren’t conscious of the potential issues should be made aware of, and by flagging it with one star people are likely to be aware.

    But you go ahead and try to make it work for you, and feel free to ignore my ‘technically ignorant idiot’ reviews. It’s your wasted time, and I do not care.

    Thread Starter Avant 5



    Thanks for reaching out on my review.

    The issues were actually not related to the Abandoned Cart plugin at all. I hadn’t noticed that Adam’s post was on a plugin support forum, and not the general WordPress or Woocommerce forum(s). That was a mistake on my part. I never used the Abandoned Cart plugin.

    Your advice turned out to be perfect, however. I didn’t have the time on this project, and was too invested in setting up the store (three times), and teaching the client how to use it, to craft a new eCommerce and hotel booking solution from scratch. I did follow your advice to one point, and wrote a new Paypal gateway plugin, and now it’s working perfectly.

    Whatever the problem is, it’s not Godaddy’s hosting, security settings, Paypal’s system, my theme, or other plugins causing conflict. Everything works perfectly with my gateway.

    I never was able to track down where the glitch is in the default Paypal gateway. The default logging tells very little, and I added dozens of new logging points to try to capture information. I got a lot of information, but nothing helpful.

    But the issues were with only WordPress and Woocommerce installed. After the first time coming across the error and unable to hack the glitch, I did a complete fresh install: New Database, new WordPress install – including fresh download of /, fresh install of Woocommerce from within WordPress, using only the default WordPress theme and a single simple product, skipping the Woocommerce setup, and then after *with* the Woocommerce setup (hoping that would fix it).

    This error occurred both on Godaddy shared hosting, and a naked AWS EC2 Amazon Linux instance with Apache 2.4, MySQL 5.6, PHP 7.1. Godaddy uses a similar setup, including PHP7.

    Hi Chetna,

    Thank you so much for your response, but your plugin has nothing to do with my problem. I mistakenly posted here after finding Adam’s post by Googling my issue.

    I never installed your plugin, so my issue is exclusively a WooCommerce problem, and not related to your plugin.

    Adam may try this – I resolved the problem by ditching the WooCommerce Paypal gateway and writing my own with the help of this tutorial by Igor Beni?:

    This completely resolved the problem, and Paypal works perfectly with Woocommerce now.


    After hours of trying to debug this, fixing every warning and notice in PHP, I gave up trying to fix it, and decided to build from scratch.

    Did a complete refresh. Database wiped, brand new install of WordPress, with Woocommerce the only plugin, using the default WordPress theme. I created a single simple product, only title, marked ‘virtual’, set inventory amount to 10.

    Same result, still returning from Paypal without marking as processed, and even after manually clicking to process, the inventory isn’t updating, remains at 10, even with 13 items sold.

    Note: 13 items sold, because first sale of ‘3’ not factored when second sale of ’10’ was put through. 13 sold, still 10/10 remaining, even after processing.

    Still works fine on AWS.

    In case it matters, am using the latest of everything (as of Oct 23, 2017)

    Woocommerce ver 3.2.1
    Wordpress ver 4.8.2
    PHP 7.1.9
    MySQL 5.6.36

    Unlike Adam, not using/testing other gateways, and only using Paypal so no information on whether others are working correctly.

    I’m having the exact same issue on a site I am setting up right now for a client. I just spent a couple of hours trying to figure out what I did wrong, so glad to see it’s a bug, and not just me.

    Plugin Author Avant 5


    Hi revivocreative.

    This wouldn’t really be the forum for issues with one of the javascript apps, and you’d have better luck with a forum dedicated to iCheck or maybe Contact Form 7.

    If the JAM plugin itself is faulty, that would be something for here.

    In the next couple of days, JAM is getting an upgrade with another 1,100+ apps in it. If I had to troubleshoot all of those, I’d never sleep! ??

    Drop a link in here to your site tho. If I get some free time to take a peek, or someone else knows and comes across this, they can take a peek and maybe help you with your issue.


    ~ Mark

    Plugin Author Avant 5


    Ok! Sorry that took so long. My new computer didn’t want to communicate with the WP repository, so I couldn’t get the new version uploaded.

    Quick tutorial on how to make this work.

    To create a pause/(re)start button, add a link anywhere on the page. As always, the element does not need to be inside the #aslyder container, and will work anywhere on the web page.

    <a href="#" class="aslyder-pause">Pause</a>

    That’s all you have to do for the default. If the ‘Pause’ link is clicked, the slideshow is halted, and the text is replaced with “Start”, waiting for a restarting click.

    For styling purposes, the script uses two classes. a-pause and a-start. Use these for image replacement or other styling. If using a-pause remember to also add this class in your default markup.

    <a href="#" class="aslyder-pause a-pause">Pause</a>

    The script accepts two HTML5 data tags for changing the default text, if desired. These are totally optional, and for most will be unneccessary since image replacement will use used to display start/pause buttons to the user instead of text.


    Whatever you set these data types to, will be used rather than “Start” and “Pause” as is the default for the script.

    <a href="#" class="aslyder-pause" data-starttext="Go!" data-pausetext="Please wait!">Please wait!</a>

    Remember to set the default pause text in the HTML markup to match the pausetext data, or it will look a little weird to the user – if using text. They can be different if desired, however, and will not impact the script function.

    And that’s it! Hope you find this update satisfactory for your needs! Thanks for using JAM, and my aSlyder script!

    Plugin Author Avant 5


    Good morning!

    Very good question, and the quick answer is – there is no pauce button feature. But I can see a global use for that. I am a very bad programmer before my first coffee, so I need to get some fuel in, and then I’ll get on it and release an up early today.

    Thanks for the compliment and the request. Luckily you picked the one script in the plugin that’s actually written by me to need a feature added!

    Plugin Author Avant 5


    Hi blitz.

    Thanks for figuring that out. The Plugin makes use of the WordPress AJAX APIs to manage that, so you may have found a bug in WP with Safari.

    Could you post the info about the computer here for everyone’s future reference? Mac/Windows, Safari version, etc?

    Would be good to have here, so when others search and come up with the same issue it shows up.

    I will look into problems with the AJAX and Safari and see if I there’s a fix that I can implement in the plugin. Thanks so much!

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