Mr Chip Bennett, you are my new lord and master!! I have been battling for a couple of weeks now trying to get the page that displays my individual posts to display correctly. Only today did I notice that the bottom part of the page was not displaying at all from a section ending with:
<div class="col1">
<h2>Related Posts</h2>
I do not know PHP and there was some terribly complex function call to bring up “Related Posts”. I bought my template from TemplateSold so I did not know about YARRP and did not have it active. When I posted the code that seemed to be creating the error:
<?php $results = $wpdb->get_results(yarpp_sql(array('post'),array()));
foreach ( (array) $results as $_post ) :
$_post = get_post($_post->ID); ?>
I found out about this plug in called YARPP that the function call was looking for. When I activated the plugin my page still wasn’t working but I eventually found this page where you suggested the fix above. It worked like a dream, and now my page is displaying correctly. Thank you so much. You are a god amongst men.