Forum Replies Created
You mean replacing &hellip with […]? That doesn’t work at all (that was actually my former post to this forum, I realized that for some reason, my WP does not interpret […] correctly. Neither […].
Edit: I see now that it looks like as if I had the […] sign, above, in the code I pasted – this must have been something interpreted by the forum… Indeed it is. When one writes the word &hellip in square brackets they are interpreted as […] by the forum. Gah!
I see that you have changed _e( into __( also, so I’ll try to go back to replacing […] with &hellip again and see if that works.
The links stopped working! And also they have moved from the end of the excerpt to right after the title.I probably should paste my code in here again, maybe I have a typo somewhere:
function excerpt_ellipse($text) { // custom 'read more' link return str_replace('[…]', '<a href="'.get_permalink().'">... ' . _e('READ MORE ','ctequestrian') . '> ? </a>', $text); } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_ellipse');
However it did the job, sending the string to the translator. So I’m happy about that!
Oh now the error sign went away! Thank you so much. What does the ‘. .’ actually do?
Realloc: I am eternally grateful for all your help! I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you so much!
Yes I have read it, but have not been able to figure out whether or not I can use the plugin. But I guess that that’s what you are saying ??
So, my to-do list would now be:1. Internationalize by “re-tagging” every hard coded piece of text into <?php _e()…. (I will check the syntax of course)
2. Translate the texts in the PO Editor – here I will see a list of all the text I “sent” here in step 1, so I just add the translation
3. Save the translations in a .po file in my theme folder
4. Go to Network Admin, Plugins, and here Network Activate the MSLS plugin, and then, by some magic ;), the plugin will detect when to use what language from the .po-file. I will just have to trust that it will work somehow =)
Correct?Or maybe you mean that THIS is where MSLS plugin comes in handy! ??
?See, here’s where I feel lost again. How does WordPress know which translation to use? What will I see in General > Settings?
How can the visitor choose which language to use?You translate just the strings which were hard-coded in your theme
Ahh! No that is not so much. Well, the footer contains some li, p and H1/H2 that I guess need to be “sent off” to the po-file.
But then the multisite activation was all in vain? I guess this translation is made by the po-file “on the fly”, and it doesn’t care about my two sites or where I store the different translations template files..?
( I have read the article but that was an entire day ago, and since then I have been diving into child-theme problems, because I figured it was to unclear to me what to do. But now I just might give it another shot).
I have read about this localization “thingy” but to tell you the truth; it feels like I would bite off more than I can chew. I’m very very new to php coding and have just started learning it. The problem I have, to begin with, with the
and the_e()
is that I don’t see the next step: What happens when I “send them off” with these special characters – do they end up in some kind of container waiting for me to “grab” them and put them in a .po file or something like that..?
And for which elements would I need to do this; for every piece of text I want translated..? That will be awful lot. seems to me it is much easier and quicker to just create a child-theme that uses the same php-files with the exception of those that have english text in them – these I copy and put in the child theme’s directory and translate them to spanish.
I would love to learn the localization stuff but I’m also running out of time cause I promised them to try to be ready by the end of the month, so I need to get this to work real soon.
Thank you once more for your patience, although I’m just a n00b ??Hi Realloc,
I think you might need to see my site so you understand what I mean: at the footer: This is footer.php:
</div><!--end mainContent --> </div><!--end container --> </div> <!--end gridcontainer clearfix --> <div id="bottomContainer"> <div id="footer"> <section class="footer-section"> <h1>About CT Equestrian</h1> <ul> <li><?=date('Y')?> Copyright </li> <li><a href="#"> About us </a></li> <li><a href="#"> Terms of Use </a></li> <li> <a href="#"> Privacy policy </a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="footer-section"> <h1>Attend CT Equestrian</h1> <ul> <li>Address:<br> adress.. <br>2blabla<br> </li> <li>Tel: 41201<br>ca+46 (0)70 6193639</li> <li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a href="">E-mail us</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="footer-section"> <h1>Credits</h1> <ul> <li>Designed & developed by nn</li> <li>nn</li> <li>nn</li> </ul> </section> </div><!--End footer--> </div> <?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html>
You see..? A lot of english language here that need to be in spanish. Or how would MSLS be able to help me with this..?
Another problem is the “Read More” that I have in the sidebar (this is defined in functions.php.I have now created a child theme, where I have placed the translated footer.php, etc.. I’m still open to use MSLS but I need to understand how it works, in my case. Does it make a copy of the template files that I can “fill in” with the translated text?
Big thanks again for helping me out! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP-generated three dots in […] are one character! ??Ok so I got help from a friend instead. He told me to try with the html special character
instead of'[...]'
in the function and now it works! I thought I might as well write this into this thread so that others with this problem might get help too.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Responsive Slideshow] Trouble following the user guide…Hello again,
Never mind, I’ll just go with my old javascript instead; this was just over my head ?? Thanks anyway for your support.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Responsive Slideshow] Trouble following the user guide…Hello again, I’m afraid I failed once more. Instead of the slideshow in the post, I see an error message “You must provide the correct slide type on the [pjc_slideshow slide_type=’your_slide_type’] shortcode”
I have tried both the Name and the Slug between the ‘ ‘ s. What have I done wrong..? Also.. I want to add this to my theme once I have it working; so I tried to follow the guide on the homepage of the plugin, but it is only explained how you do it in the index.php-file – I would like my slideshow to only appear in the header, and only on the front page, which is a static page that uses the template file page.php. Can I just put this in my header.php?<div> <?php if(is_front-page()) echo do_shortcode("[pjc_slideshow slide_type='CTEquestrian slideshow']"); ?> </div>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP-generated three dots in […] are one character! ??I’m creating my own theme. Started from a stripped twenty-twelve, and have not added so much since then, my php-files are few, short and simple. If you need to see them I’ll be happy to show you. The entire site can be viewed at; there you can see the problem in the sidebar, under the News title.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fluid Responsive Slideshow] Trouble following the user guide…Thanks iqbaljayadi, I get it now! ?? This user guide is perfect. And there is absolutely no problem with your english, the first user guide just assumed the user to know a little bit more than I did.