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  • Thread Starter Aureola


    Hello again,
    I have been struggling with this on the live server now for a while; until I realized that nothing will work unless I have the languages folder in the wp-content folder (For safety reasons now I have two; one in wp-content, one in the theme folder). Until then none of my translations worked; visiting domain/sp just showed english language, and I could not select Spanish/Castilian in General – Settings, it wasn’t available.
    But now it is. However: Although the spanish site detects the english “sister” site very well; the english site seem to be totally oblivious to the spanish site. When I go to the english site’s pages list, I don’t see any translation icons, and when I go to an english Page, I see this: “You should define at least another blog in a different language in order to have some benefit from this plugin!”
    I found another similar question (but I believe no site worked for them?) here: where you also present a workaround; would this work for me too? If so, where do I paste this piece of code; into functions.php or some of the plugin’s files?

    So close now… I would hate to roll back everything. I so hope you can help me this one last step.

    Thread Starter Aureola



    Problem found, but not completely solved. THe problem was in the MSLS plugin documentation(?); it says the languages folder should be in the template directory, this is also where the functions-php points to, so I don’t really get why it is like this. But as soon as I copied the folder to the wp-content folder, it started to work. However now I can only see both translations in header when on the spanish page, not the english one, but that’s another question..

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Ok. Thanks for trying to help me anyway.

    Hope that someone else has a clue.

    Thread Starter Aureola


    The path is correct: But i can not access the path like that from the browser. But if I go through my webserver’s file manager the path is this: (and

    (wp-ctequestrian is the name of my theme)

    Thread Starter Aureola


    And actually I must have been mistaken; I do NOT have a translation icon for each of the wp pages on the live site. So this must mean that the plugins are actually not working. But as far as I know, the MSLS doesn’t “load” any translations; that’s entirely done by the functions.php file, the load_theme_textdomain function. The MSLS plugin (again, as far as I understand) only adds some extra stuff for the admin panel, the backend, to make the two sites more easy to overview as for what has been translated. It does not load the .mo file which holds all the translations for the theme files.

    Edit: I searched for this issue (that plugins don’t show up on each site) but it seems it’s expected behaviour; you can choose to either Network Activate or activate each plugin on each site).

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Direct URL, what does that mean?
    I’m able to see, edit, change, overwrite any file on the live server, if that helps?

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Well, the difference is the operating system and the database versions ( I run 5.6.12 and the server runs a somewhat earlier version) and I use WAMP and the server uses Apache.

    But regarding the Plugins I do notice a difference! :O
    On my localhost, I can go to each site’s Plugins (and see the same setup of plugins on each) but on the server I can only see plugins if I go to the top site; if I go the site1/site2 Plugins, it says “You do not appear to have any plugins available at this time”
    I have Multisite Language Switcher installed though and it is working (I get translation icons on each page; I get the flags and language descriptions in the header – although with the wrong flag, but I think that’s because the language file isn’t detected.).

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Thank god (Or Andrea in this thread) it works now!

    I didn’t realize you have to have BOTH these lines in wp-config.php:
    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
    define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );

    *smashing my forehead*

    At least hope this helps others.

    Thread Starter Aureola


    I restored both files (wp-config and htaccess) and tried one more time, with just the first adjustment; allow multisite:true.
    I could then log in to the admin panel and once more go to Network Setup, clicked, then there was a message saying that another network site (? I’m not really sure what it called it anymore+) exists, but it still gave me the text lines to change wp-config and htaccess, and this time, the subdomain setting was changed to false, like so:
    define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);

    I also applied the new changes to htaccess, but the same thing happened.. As soon as I click the Login link from the network setup page(which goes to wp-login.php) after the modifications, I get a Database error again.
    “Error establishing a database connection”. The user- and database-definitions in wp-config.php have worked fine until now, so what on earth could be the problem..?

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Thanks and I finally have a break-through! ??
    After having read through the smashingmagazine linke once more, I discovered a discrepancy between this load function in functions.php, but not where I had looked before. I have built this theme “on top” of a stripped twenty-twelve. And the tutorial told me to look for the row
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'my_theme_setup');
    and there add the rows I have already written;

    function my_theme_setup(){
        load_theme_textdomain('mytheme', get_template_directory() . '/languages');}

    The problem was that the stripped theme I was using had something else as the second parameter for add_action; my_theme_setup was “migration_setup_something”, and I never changed that. So when I wrote function my_theme_setup() it didn’t match the add_action parameter.
    I changed that second parameter to match the function name, and now it works! I’m not really sure on how MSLS plugin plays part in this whole thing though, but I will try to learn more about how it works. I can’t tell you how happy I am. Thank you so much for your support.

    Thread Starter Aureola


    We must have posted at the same time =)

    Aha, so it’s just the wordpress core files I can change with General -> Settins… this is not what I want. I don’t want a native dashboard either. I just want the visitors of the site to be able to choose between english and spanish site; not the administrative personnel, they only know english and so the back-end should only be in english.

    My files are named es_ES.po and respectively.

    See my post above, I think that’s where the problem is; the plugin looks for the language files in wp-content/languages as I interpret you in this thread:, whereas in functions.php the textdomain is loaded to my theme’s directory′s languages folder. Or maybe your answer in that thread concerns only the core language/the back-end/admin panel..?

    I moved the languages folder back to my theme’s folder, but I’m just back on square 1 again, no spanish language turns up.

    Thread Starter Aureola


    I think I know what’s wrong. Following the tutorial for translating themes, the first step is to add this row to functions.php:

    function my_theme_setup(){
        load_theme_textdomain('mytextdomain', get_template_directory() . '/languages');

    Now, the get_template_directory function points to my theme’s folder; so in functions.php I tell wp that my language files are here: mytheme/languages.

    But the MSLS plugin wants the languages folder to reside in wp-content; correct?

    But how do I change get_template_directory() function to “wp-content” directory?
    Or is it possible to change the path to the languages folder in the plugin’s file..?

    Thread Starter Aureola


    I don’t mean to spam, but this is what I have tried so far:

    1. I read another forum thread and figured the languages folder need to be in the /wp-content folder, not the theme’s folder as they described in a tutorial I followed. So I moved it there. But still no luck.

    2. I went to General ->Settings ->Site Languages, there I have three “languages”, not two, for some reason there is english, spanish/Castellano and “ct” – I figured this was where my translated files were, but no. If I select the spanish/castellano then at least the flag turns correct. But it doesn’t seem to find my languages folder with the translation files.

    3. After having read this thread: I tried to uninstall the plugin, then reinstall and this time I did not Network Activate, but instead activated the plugin in each site.
    But it still does not translate to spanish in the spanish site… I don’t actually know what to do now. Hope you haven’t got tired of me yet. Once I get this running I’ll definitely donate. And maybe if you want I could write a litte more extensive “How-to” for newbies. ??

    Thread Starter Aureola


    Hi again,
    I did as you suggested and finally added this to the header.php:
    if ( function_exists ( ‘the_msls’ ) ) the_msls();

    And it turns up fine in the header. But the flag is not correct. I see this field: “Custom URL for flag-images” – I guess this is where I should add the path to the spanish / english flags; but I can’t get it to work. Since it adds https:// to the beginning, I figure I need to write the absolute URL here? As for now it would be https://localhost/wordpress/sp/wp-content/plugins/multisite-language-switcher/flags/es.png”
    I tried that and nothing changes; still the american flag.

    Edit: Anyway I try to click the spanish flag, but it doesn’t show any translations, everything is still in the original language.

    Thread Starter Aureola


    And it works Esmi! Thanks, you are awesome! ??

    I’m sorry for the confusion with &hellip and […] above.

    So the correct answer to this is that it should be __( instead of _e and that the whole translation string, including the __( should be enclosed within ' . and . '

    By the way, I would love to learn more about these characters and how they are used in other contexts! But I have no idea what to look for or how to search for them, what are they called..?

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